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This report from the International Summit on ICT in Education explores leadership perspectives in integrating technology for knowledge building and learning. It highlights the shift towards a community-based model of leadership, emphasizing the complexities in roles of leaders and the importance of professional development. Goals include promoting learning-centered leadership practices, developing tools for leadership support, and encouraging interactions across levels and roles. The actions recommended involve sharing research, conducting cross-national studies, and creating templates for sharing leadership models. The report also focuses on enhancing the visibility of educational leadership practices and promoting intentional learning and inquiry at all education levels.
Leadership perspective International Summit on ICT in EducationEDU-SUMMIT 2009 Report from the Working groups on ICT and the leadership perspective Cathy Noiris, Nancy Law, Anne McDougal and Jo Tondeur
Knowledge claims • Basic starting point is leadership for IT use to bring about a knowledge building approach to learning, and to acknowledge the disruptive, subversive impact of this change • Heroism model not sustainable and cannot scale – need community model of leadership • Roles of leaders complex, Change and leadership models including top level education reform has not brought about significant change, Models are plenty but findings to guide practitioners are not too much • Top-down, bottom-up & support from the outside (expertise & counseling) necessary – but need not be from the same person • Leadership functions: set direction, develop expertise, create support structures • Leaders have significant role in technology uptake • Advice are expert opinion rather than research based • Curriculum leadership not undertaken by teachers • Professional development for leaders is critically important
Goals/objectives • From role-based toward community based model of leadership (everyone needs to take responsibility for leadership functions) • Identify/develop/promote learning-centered leadership practices • Use and development of tools to support new interactions for leadership development • Provide mechanism for “waterways” increase interactions & exchange across levels & roles • Removal of change constraints for teachers • Leaders to understand need for differences in practice • Articulation between teacher education and leader education • Quality research on leadership models on IT • Modification of traditional values held by parents, employers, , policy makers, society, etc.
Actions • Provide mechanisms (e.g. clearing house) for sharing policy & leadership research in other countries • Research • Cross-national studies of narratives of community models of leadership (SITES M4?) (Build and share narratives of new models of leadership ) • Narrative studies could be built upon projects of pedagogical innovation (e.g. lesson study, knowledge building) • collaborative with teachers & students, policy makers • Report for transferability, include implications for practice • Communicate to general audiences • Include indicators for uptake of research by practitioners, schools, policy, etc as quality of research in addition to quality (as reflected by indices) and quantity of research publications • Develop templates for sharing models of leadership in conjunction with the design research on studies of narratives • ICT-related standards for different roles developed by ISTE could be used in the design studies • Leaders model and share intentional learning from practice and promote/support inquiry learning for all levels of education • Ways of increasing publicity & accessibility of Handbook – elevator speeches for different audiences, Develop press release on Educsummit based on elevator speeches, online chapters & make license available to libraries • This group (Edusummit) create a wiki on leadership and each member contribute an entry based on their chapter/work following the handbook