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A 24 year old woman is referred to a health clinic as a result of contact from tracing a case of gonorrhoea. She recently had unprotected sex with her male partner but showed no symptoms. A pelvic examination recovers a greenish discharge containing protozoa with characteristic “jerky” motility. The woman tested negative for gonorrhoea. HISTORY
INFORMATION & QUESTIONS. • Medical history. Is she on any medications? • Is she pregnant? • Does she have any abdominal pain? • Has her partner been examined? Has she had any other STDs before?
MORE QUESTIONS CONT. • What’s her profession? Are there any known allergies in her history? • Has she had any invasive surgeries ( abortion)? • Has she been traveling?
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. • Giardiasis-caused by a diplomonad protozoa of the intestinal tract. • Cryptosporidiosis-caused by a parasite & acquired through contaminated drinking water or food, or exposure to fecal/matter. • Bacterial Vaginosis-decline in lactobacilli. • 1. Gardnerelle Vaginalis • 2. Mycoplasma Hominis.
DIFFERENTIAL D. CONT. • Reaction to disruption of normal microbiota by broad-spectrum antibodies. • Candida Albicans (Yeast) –caused by erythromycin. • Trichomonas Vaginalis-parasite that infects (Trichomonas) the reproductive sysytem. It is a sexualy transmitted diseases called Trichomoniasis.
LIST OF THE MOST PROBABLES. 1.Trichimoniasis- an oval trophozite with 5 flagella. Does not have a cyst. 2.Giardiasis- Has a cyst. Symptoms include abdominal pain, flatus, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, ineffective nutrients absorption, low fever, foul smelly stool( rotten eggs) like hydrogen sulfide. 3.Crytosporidiasis- banana shaped – diagnosis is made from the oocysts in the feces.
LIST CONT. 4.Yeast infection- caused by various species of candida. Vaginal discharge is curd like and slight. 5.Allergy- caused by erythromycin which kills the lactobacteria. 6.Bacteria Vaginasis- caused by gram positive bacteria which produces a whitish discharge.
MOST LIKELY ETIOLOGICAL AGENT. • Trichomonas vaginalis.
TESTS. • In men diagnosis is made from urethra specimen. • In women a pelvic exam is performed &vaginal samples collected. Then the parasite is viewed under a microscope (wet mount). • A culture.
TESTS CONT. • Wet mount of the vaginal discharge. • Stain viewed under fluorescent microscope. • Polymerase chain reaction testing (PCR).
A trophozoitevaginalis from culture. Flagella and single nucleus are visible. DIAGRAM 1.
Two trophozoites of Trichomonas Vaginalis. DIAGRAM 2.
Trophozoites in a vaginal smear. ( Papanicolaou stain, oil immersion). DIAGRAM 3.
SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION. • Kingdom-Protista. • Phylum-Metamonada. • Class-Parabasalia. • Order-Trichomonadida. • Genus-Trichomonas. • Species-T. vaginalis.
The patient has an infection called Trichimoniasis vaginalis. One of the most common infections in the United States, especially in HIV patients. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE PATIENT & HOW COMMON IS THE INFECTION?
POSSIBLE CAUSES. • Contraction through unprotected sex with multiple partners. • Contact with contaminated towels.
MEN Asymptomatic- most of the time. Urethra discharge if present. Burning sensation. WOMEN Vagina discharge-green & smelly. Lower abdominal pain. Genital inflammation, itching/redness. Tissue erosion. Painful intercourse. SYMPTOMS PRODUCED IN MEN AND WOMEN.
MALE May cause urethritis if left untreated. FEMALE May cause cystitis/ urethritis if left untreated. SYMPTOMS CONT.
TREATMENT. • Metronidazole 2 grams. Has a 90% rate since it is given at once. It is also effective in treating male partners. • Tinidazole.
PREVENTION • Abstinence. • Use protection when having intercourse. • Limit sexual partners (recommendation-to one). • Immediate treatment if infected & the partner also.
WORKS CITED • en.wikipeda.org/wiki/trichomonas-vaginalis. • www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol7no6/solvillo.htm. • www.wdxcyber.com/drvagoo3.htm.