Tutor prof.ssa M.C. Campone
Corsista PROF.SSA BUONO MARIA ROSARIA Liceo Classico “G. Carducci ”anno scolastico 2011-2012
2. the romantic poet on love, poetry and the nature of man
3. introduction Though he became the epitome ofthe young, beautiful, doomed poetof English Romanticism, Keatsstruck everyone who knew him withhis tremendous energy, robust good humour, and zest for living.
4. childhood Born the son of Frances and Thomas Keats from the East End of LondonKeats was educated at Enfield school and encouraged in reading and writing.
At the age of 14, he lost both his parents. He left school shortly after their death and trained as an apothecary. He later embarked on the study of surgery but in 1816, in spite of precarious finances, he gave up the practice of medicine for poetry.
5. First publication In 1814 he began writing
In 1816 he met Leigh Hunt, who published in The Examiner Keats’s poem "O Solitude", and through whom he met Shelley. His first volume of poems was published in March 1817. Sales were meagre and that autumn came the first of the harsh critical attacks in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, labelling Keats and his associates as members of the so-called “Cockney School”. These attacks were repeated upon the publication of Endymion in 1818.
6. The great year
7. Journey to Italy The symptoms of tuberculosis appeared early in 1820, so, in search of a warmer climate he travelled to Italy, with his beloved Fanny and a friend, the young painter Joseph Severn. They arrived in Rome on 15 November 1820.
8. Life in Rome They stayed in rooms on the Piazza Navona near the Spanish Steps, and enjoyed the lively sights and sounds of the people and culture
9. Death and burial
10. His tombstone Keats expressed his wish that on his gravestone no name no date should be written but…
11. Famous quotations Beauty is truth, truth beauty-that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know
12. L’attivitŕ di ricerca con la LIM Un'attivitŕ di ricerca e di costruzione di un percorso, fatta per gruppi collaborativi, puň utilizzare anche i PC di laboratorio o a casa degli studenti.
Tale attivitŕ č articolata in varie fasi.
Si inizia con la presentazione del tema sulla LIM da parte del docente e lo scambio di idee su quello che la classe sa del tema (sulla LIM).
Poi si passa all'organizzazione dei gruppi e al lavoro di documentazione (in laboratorio, in biblioteca, con gli strumenti che si ritengono piů opportuni).
13. La didattica con le LIM Per le lingue straniere si pensi alla possibilitŕ di costruire dizionari per suoni ed immagini, di costruire esercizi e, tramite gli strumenti di collaborazione via web, di comunicare con una classe distante ed avere un vero scambio linguistico.
Si possono creare librerie di immagini e testi da associare, a cui collegare eventualmente l’audio. Lo studio delle lingue piů avanzato puň avvalersi di strumenti quali l’utilizzo di filmati in lingua originale, che possono essere fermati per ricostruire e commentare i dialoghi o per analizzare le situazioni culturali.
14. Ringraziamenti Un grazie alla prof.ssa Campone Maria Carolina tutor del corso, per la disponibilitŕ e pazienza mostrata
Grazie della pazienza!