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AIM for you as a trainer : Apply NATO BI SCD 40-1 and Gender Perspective into training situations

Learn how to integrate NATO Directive 40-1 and Gender Perspective into training, support units, and advise commanders following UNSCR 1325.

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AIM for you as a trainer : Apply NATO BI SCD 40-1 and Gender Perspective into training situations

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  1. NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 (8 Aug 2012)Framework & StructureMaj Caroline BurgerSME Gender/NATO

  2. www.mil.se/swedint AIM for you as a trainer: Apply NATO BI SCD 40-1 and Gender Perspective into training situations NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  3. www.mil.se/swedint AIM for your TA: 1. Understand background of the BI-SC Dir 40-1 2. Knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of acting as an GENAD, GFA, GFP 3. Be able to use the directive as a mandate 4. Be able to advise commanders of the content in the Bi-SC Dir 40-1 5. Be able to support units in accordance with the content in Bi-SC Dir 40-1 6. Review of the Gender Perspective implementation in NATO operations NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS


  5. www.mil.se/swedint Chicago Summit Declaration 2012 “Widespread sexual and gender-based violence in conflict situations, the lack of effective institutional arrangements to protect women, and the continued under-representation of women in peace processes, remain serious impediments to building sustainable peace.  We remain committed to the full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and related Resolutions which are aimed at protecting and promoting women’s rights, role, and participation in preventing and ending conflict”  NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  6. www.mil.se/swedint NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 (8 Aug 2012) Ensure implementation UNSCR 1325 and integration of gender perspective into the NATO Command Structure NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  7. www.mil.se/swedint NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 (8 Aug 2012) NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  8. www.mil.se/swedint NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 (8 Aug 2012) NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS


  10. www.mil.se/swedint GENAD/GFA/GFPstructure Political-Strategic Level Commander OHQ Military-Strategic Level GENAD/GFP Commander FHQ Operational Level GENAD/GFP LCC Land ACC Air MCC Mar GENAD/GFA GENAD/GFA GENAD/GFA Units Units Units Tactical Level GFA/GFP GFA/GFP GFA/GFP NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  11. www.mil.se/swedint GENAD work with gender as operational tool to increase operational effect. NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  12. Personnel Operation Planning Training CIMIC Intelligence Logistics Communications & Information Systems Finance Staff Structure (generic) COMMANDER DEPUTY COMMANDER Advisors, SAG LEGAD, PIO, GENAD, POLAD CHIEF OF STAFF J/G1 J/G2 J/G3 J/G4 J/G5 J/G6 J/G7 J/G9 J/G8

  13. www.mil.se/swedint Gender in operational planning proces Gender should be a integrated part in all staff procedures In order to develop ”the right” operational concept, capabilities and requirements Gender Phase 1 Situation Awareness Phase 2 OP Appreciation and Assessment of Options Phase 3 OP Orientation Phase 4a OP CONOPS Development Phase 4b OPLAN Development Phase 5 Execution Phase 6 Transition Operational Planning Process Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive Interim V 1.0 NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  14. www.mil.se/swedint “To have a gender perspective is to be able to detect if and when men and women, boys and girls are being affected differently by an operation due to their gender.” NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  15. Operational Requirements www.mil.se/swedint Effect • OPS requirements • Liaison/Communication • Collecting Human Intelligence • Situation Awareness • Information (perception) • Allocation of Forces- Safe and Secure Environment • Prioritize reconstruction NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  16. www.mil.se/swedint NATO/EAPC Action Plan for the Implementation of the NATO/EAPC Policy on Women, Peace and Security NORDIC CENTRE FOR GENDER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS

  17. NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 • Directive: Framework • guidance • Structures GENAD/GFA/GFP •  Branches • GENAD/GFA in Support and Advice: • Commander/Branches • Operational planning process • Commander Responsibility Framework & Structure Framework & Structure

  18. NATO Bi-Strategic Command Directive 40-1 (8 Aug 2012)Framework & Structure?Questions?

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