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Enhancing Reading Comprehension Through SQV3R Strategy

Learn how SQV3R (Survey, Question, Vocabulary, Read, Respond, Review) can improve reading comprehension in content areas. Discover the steps involved, such as surveying content, questioning, building vocabulary, effective reading techniques, and reviewing material. See how this strategy helps students engage with text, analyze information, and enhance understanding. Developed based on research and proven to be flexible and durable over time.

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Enhancing Reading Comprehension Through SQV3R Strategy

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  1. Survey, Question, Vocabulary, Read, Respond, Review (SQV3R)A Strategy To Improve Reading Comprehensionin theContent Areas

  2. Original SQ3R • The technique and the designation were introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his book Effective Study (1946). • Researcher Jennifer A. Huber refers to SQ3R as a virtually obligatory element in the academic “strategic canon” (Reading Improvement, Summer 2004). • Strategy has persisted because of its flexibility and durability (e.g., Survey, Question, Predict, Read, Respond and Summarize (SQP2RS), Jana Echevarria).

  3. SQV3R 1. SURVEY (Into) • Establish manageable units. • Formulate relevant questions. • Frontload key vocabulary & concepts. • Structure opportunities for peer interaction (appropriate academic register).

  4. SQV3R 1. SURVEY / FRONTLOADING Scaffolding, accessing prior knowledge, realia, anticipatory set, Identify important ideas, KWL (Know, Want to know, Learn). Anticipation Guides (statements whereby students agree, disagree and predict).

  5. SQV3R 2. Question • Ask probing, deep, thought provoking and motivating questions (Prereading - Big Questions using higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy) • Develop questions from survey (Integrate student interests). • Identify similarities and differences (Fractions are…Decimals are…)

  6. SQV3R 2. Question (cont.) Ask Questions such as: “Why did you say that? What might happen next? What makes you think that? You said that because? & ask them to Paraphrase ‘what I just said’”. Accommodate (which is adapting and changing current knowledge). different levels of language to enable students to assimilate or add new info to old schemata.

  7. SQV3R 2. QUESTION (CONT.) Begin with concrete examples, move to abstract and higher level academic language with social discourse. Use Graphic Organizers: Venn diagrams, cause and effect chart, Cornell notes (notes from text on right side, questions formed regarding notes on left side, summarizing information.)

  8. SQV3R: 3. Vocabulary(Academic & Content Area Language) • Review Signal Words (Exp. First, next Scarcella, Use Concept Maps, • Utilize Vocabulary Squares, & Vocabulary Bingo • Display Word Walls, • Implement word Sorts, Crossword Puzzles, Jeopardy and Pyramid Word Games

  9. Deconstructing Language Vs. Constructing Language(Teacher Behavior) Deconstructing Language vs Constructing Meaning (Student Behavior) RESULTS: Students construct their own learning and reflect it in their own discourse and writing. See Example.(VYGOTSKY, PIAGET, HAKUTA)

  10. SQV3R 1. continuedTEXT ANALYSIS Read title, subheadings, questions. Scan illustrations and charts. Bold shaded areas in text (side bar notes). Introductory Paragraphs & Statements Concluding Paragraphs & Statements Boldfaced Words, Pictures & Maps Format of book (ie. glossary, index etc.)

  11. SQV3R 4. Read(Through) • Set Reading Purpose as necessary. • Skim and use text organization and academic language to obtain meaning and assimilate information. • Interpret and reflect • Use Cooperative Grouping including Jigsaw and expert groups.

  12. SQV3R: 4. Read (continued) Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) You read, we discuss and predict, you read, we discuss, etc. Question: What do you expect will happen next? Why? (Reading can be Teacher directed, student paired reading or cooperative group reading).

  13. SQV3R 4. Respond • Process information—Don’t simplify, amplify (Aida Walqui) • Reinforce and clarify key concepts through modeling and guided practice • Revisit vocabulary. • Analyze and summarize.

  14. SQV3R 4. Respond (Continued) • “What were the important ideas? Sequence? Details? Steps? What supports your information? What outcomes were expected? Answers to the big questions?

  15. SQV3R 4. Respond (Continued) • Be sure to include analysis type questions, think and search, inference with author clues and judgment of how the author wrote (level of academic language?), questions which the student/group has to base on information gleaned from the text, and evaluative type questions

  16. SQV3R 5. Review (Beyond) • - Consider text in its entirety • - Recall titles and subheadings • Answer questions. • - Assess lesson effectiveness. • - Re-teach concepts and/or content. • Evaluation/Assessment

  17. Is SQV3R effective for content area literacy? • Hedberg: Yes, if . . . - the teacher employs direct, explicit instruction throughout the lessons (modeling and guided practice). - the students verbalize their prior knowledge, especially in the SURVEY phase (appropriate academic language). - prior knowledge and key vocabulary serve as scaffolds for subsequent learning and language acquisition (Frontloading). - the instructor uses visuals and/or realia as a routine measure to embellish the SQV3R strategy. - cooperative grouping and language cues assist students in negotiating word meanings throughout all phases. • Hedberg observed in her test group an average improvement on chapter-end assessments from 43% to 84%.

  18. Is SQV3R effective for Content area literacy? • Gersten, et. al. Yes, if . . . - visual resources embedded into the strategy serve to reinforce concepts and vocabulary. - peer tutoring is a basic component of the instruction and learning. - native language is used judiciously with struggling students. - students are afforded generous opportunities to speak English in both casual and academic contexts throughout all SQV3R phases. - “rich personalized/operationalizing vocabulary keeps students focused and engaged.

  19. SQ3R - Salient Research • Fielding, Linda G. and Pearson, P. David. (1994). “Synthesis of Research: Reading Comprehension: What Works.” Teaching for Understanding, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 62 – 68. • Gersten, Russell, et al. (1999). “Effective Instruction for Learning Disabled or At-Risk English-Language Learners: An Integrative Synthesis of the Empirical and Professional Knowledge Bases.” Keys to Successful Learning Summit, 05/1999. Retrieved 02/08/2007 from http://www.ncld.org/index.php?option/ . • Hedberg, Kristina. “Using SQ3R Method with Fourth-Grade ESOL Students.” George Mason University Research Database. Retrieved 02/08/2007 from http://gse.gmu.edu/research/tr/articles/SQ3R%20Method/SQ3R.htm/ . • Huber, Jennifer A. (2004). “A Closer Look at SQ3R.” Reading Improvement, Vol. 40, pp. 38 – 44. • O’Malley, J. Michael and Pierce, Lorraine Valdez. (1996). Authentic Assessment for English–Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers. Boston: Addison-Wesley. • Potter, Gordon (CSUB student 2007) Voorhies Teacher, BCSD.

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