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America/Africa. 3.15 – FL 64- Legacy OLMEC Influence the power of the Mayan, Art style duplicated, Olmec Pattern of urban design Idea of planned ceremonial centers Ritual ball games Elite ruling class Stone symbols represent glyphic writing ZAPOTEC Hieroglyphic writing
3.15 – FL 64- Legacy OLMEC Influence the power of the Mayan, Art style duplicated, Olmec Pattern of urban design Idea of planned ceremonial centers Ritual ball games Elite ruling class Stone symbols represent glyphic writing ZAPOTEC Hieroglyphic writing Calendar system 1ST city builders’ separated residential and community areas CHAVIN Art styles and religious images seen later Religious temples used to pay respect by later Peruvians
3.16- located major civilization- MAP activity 3.17- Describe roles of people- Mayan Aztec, Inca ( What did they have in common) -Most people were farmers- -Developed social classes- merchants, artisans. priests, soldiers etc.
3.18 Compare (Common) characteristics Economic - developed trade networks- accumulated wealth through farming Political - rules were worshiped as gods Cultural -religion played a huge part in all cultures
3.19- Significant rulers Pacal the Great- -Mayan ruler –stabilized the society -known for the art and architecture he had produced Montezuma II- -emperor of the Aztecs -weakened the empire by demanding to much tribute and human sacrifice -leader at the time of Spanish invasion Huayna Capac- -Leader of the Incans - Conquered all of Peru and surrounding areas
3.9- Growth of Africa- MAP 3.10- characteristics of Ghana Economic -traded with other African societies by camel caravan- salt and gold Social - Islam religion for some a many tried to animistic beliefs Political- King Ruler = war chief Spread Islam through conquest Large ruling class and army
3.13 Compare (common) East, West and South Africa Economic -trade, mostly salt and gold Political- Conquered and expanded empires Created areas of learning Social -differences cultures due to large trade networks Islam became prominent religion
3.14- external, internal factors led to fall of Ghana, Mali, Songhai Ghana- external-war disrupted trade internal-clung to old religious beliefs caused conflict Mali external-to much growth weakened society-led to invasion internal– ruler not equipped to rule Songhai external-invasion from the Moroccans internal-lacked modern weapons
3.11- Mali Key figures -Sundiata-1st great leader (emperor)- lead to peace and prosperity in the region-has a historical narrative of his life -Mansa Musa- expanded the empire to twice its size- created a city of learning Social- -Converted to Islam -Many types of job specializations Political -Great governments system with administrators of finance, defense and foreign affairs Economic- -wealth built on gold -Salt- gold trade Trade centers
3.12- Songhai • Key figures • Sunni Ali- built vast empire through military conquest with a professional army • Askia Muhammad- drove out Sunni Ali’s son – excellent administrator- provided resources for learning • Social • Muslims • Military society • Political • -large army • -Divide society into provinces • -Administration system • Economic • -tax system • Captures Timbuktu- center of African trade