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Moses from East Africa teaching to America

Moses from East Africa teaching to America . WHAT DOES THE BOOK OF MORMON TEACH?. Churchofchristbradley.org.

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Moses from East Africa teaching to America

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  1. Moses from East Africateaching to America

  2. WHAT DOES THE BOOK OF MORMON TEACH? Churchofchristbradley.org

  3. An ancient prophet who lived ≈ 1650 yrs ago, (AD 384), named Mormon was commanded to make an abridgement of hundreds of records concerning the histories of an ancient people spanning ≈ 2600 years (2200 BC-421 AD), that would come forth at a specified time according to God’s divine plan, to serve as a witness to mankind of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost and to provide a fullness of the Gospel, restoring many covenants.

  4. 3 Migrations to the New World 1st Migration- Ether 1:7-14 Family of Jared who came from the Tower of Babel and confounding of languages. Ether 1:29-32 Genesis 11:1-9 Coincides with Ether’s account

  5. 2nd Migration- 1st Nephi 1:1-3 (600 BC) The prophet Lehi & his family came from Jerusalem just before its destruction. They were also of Joseph’s seed, one of Israel’s sons.

  6. 3rd Migration- Mosiah 11:78 A third known migration to the America’s ; including King Zedekiah’s young surviving son, Mulek. Helaman3:56-57 Omni 1:24-50

  7. Teachings of the Book of Mormon God doesn’t change 3rd Nephi Moroni 8:19 Mormon 4:68-69, & 82 Necessity of the Book of Mormon & it’s name 2ndNephi 12: 59-73 Book of Mormon 1:1 3rd Nephi 2:96

  8. The Lord’s promises & covenants 1st Nephi 1:169-170 2nd Nephi 12:42-44 & 56-74 Fall from God’s presence 2nd Nephi 1:95-115 Alma 9: 38-40 Alma 19:82-87

  9. The plan of redemption Alma 19:97 Mosiah1:96-107; 116 2nd Nephi 6:10-16 & 45-47 The plainness of his Gospel plan 2nd Nephi 13:4-32 Moroni 8: 1-35 (re: no infant baptism)

  10. Our Savior Jesus Christ & Prophecies concerning His birth and death Ether 1:73-82 Mosiah 1:94-130 1st Nephi 3:4-13 & 53-87 Helaman5:55-62 & 75-83 Mosiah1:97-102

  11. The appearance & ministry of Jesus Christ to His other sheep in the Land of Promise after His death & resurrection 3rd Nephi Chapters 4-13 3rd Nephi 7: 16-26 John 10:16

  12. Calling of ministry; authority & responsibility Alma 9: 63-73 3rd Nephi 5:17-28; 44-46 Moroni 8:112 Moroni Chapters 2, 3, & 6 What should be the name of His church? 3rd Nephi 12:16-22

  13. Teaching of grace & good works through Christ Moroni 10:29-30 2nd Nephi 11:44 The house of Israel is to be restored to the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ 1st Nephi 4:17-23 & 7:22-25 3rd Nephi 9: 67-73, 85 Mormon 2:39-43

  14. When the latter day work will begin 3rd Nephi 9:86-93 1st Nephi 3:19 The gifts of God should continue Mormon 4:75-92 Mormon 10:7-20 3rd Nephi 13:58-60

  15. Polygamy condemned Jacob 2:35-57 Prophecy about the record of Mormon Mormon 4:17-22 Moroni 10:29-30

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