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Protestant Reformation Test Review

Explore the Protestant Reformation and the key figures involved, including Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, Johann Tetzel, Johann Gutenberg, John Calvin, Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon, Queen Elizabeth I, and Ignatius of Loyola. Learn about the 95 Theses, the Church of England, the Counter Reformation, and the Jesuits.

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Protestant Reformation Test Review

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  1. Protestant ReformationTest Review

  2. Martin Luther-•Posted 95 Theses •Wanted to REFORM the Catholic Church, NOT create a new religion •Catholic Church was corrupt

  3. Pope Leo X-•Excommunicated Martin Luther for heresy

  4. Johann Tetzel-•Friar who sold indulgences to raise money for reconstruction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

  5. Johann Gutenberg-•Inventor of the printing press•The printing press made the Reformation possible by spreading ideas quickly

  6. John Calvin-•Founder of Calvinism•Believed in predestination—your salvation is predetermined when you are born

  7. Henry VIII-•Created the Church of England•Wanted to divorce his wife and gain a male heir•Act of Supremacy – Ended the pope’s power in England and made himself the head of the English Church

  8. Catherine of Aragon-•Henry divorced Catherine because she did not give him a son (male heir)

  9. Queen Elizabeth I- •Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn•Protestant•Created the Anglican Churchof England

  10. Ignatius of Loyola- •Founder of the Jesuits (aka Society of Jesus)

  11. 2. Renaissance—Humanism—led people to question Church—put greater faith in human reason

  12. • People begin to question tradition and authority – especially the Catholic Church

  13. •King’s desired more power

  14. •Printing press spread ideas quickly

  15. Martin Luther—Indulgences—95 Theses—excommunicated—created Lutheranism—other Protestant religions emerge—ex. Anglican and Calvinism 95 Theses

  16. 4. Counter Reformation— Catholic Churches attempt at stopping the spread of Protestant religions.

  17. Name the 3 main decisions made at the Council of Trent.1. Church’s interpretation of Bible is the only correct one2. Indulgences are valid but can not be sold3. The Bible and the church are equally important

  18. What was the purpose of the Jesuits? •Organization which attempted to better the image of the Catholic Church by doing good works and leading moral lives

  19. What were the 3 main results of the Protestant Reformation?1. Ended religious unity in Europe forever! New religions emerge.2. Decrease power of Catholic Church

  20. 2. Decreased pope’s power and increased king’s power

  21. 3. Religious wars between Catholics and Protestants—ex. Spanish Armada

  22. Go to: castlelearning.com ID: ler-1st 3 letters of your first name and up to 6 letters of your last name Password: type in the password that you created (I can clear it if you have forgotten) *

  23. The Renaissance(1350-1650)

  24. 2. Key features:◊Rediscovery of classical Greek and Roman culture

  25. ◊Renewed interest in secular (non-religious — concerned with here and now) and worldly matters

  26. ◊Increased emphasis on the uniqueness and worth of the individual

  27. Printing Press increases literacy rates

  28. 9. Humanism—study of Greek and Roman culture led to a new philosophy which focused on humans and the world around them

  29. Humanists were concerned with secular and worldly matters

  30. 10. Italy was the center of trade on the Med. Sea

  31. Italy already had a rich history of Greek and Roman culture.

  32. Italian city-states had wealthy patrons whom financially supported the arts or a specific artist

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