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RXQ.9.4.1 Process Flow for Typical Customer Billing and Payment. Receives bill Sends receipt acknowledgement. Details forwarded by financial institution?. Forwards account specific payment details to financial institution. Receives receipt acknowledgement.
RXQ.9.4.1 Process Flow for Typical Customer Billing and Payment Receives bill9.3.2.1 Sends receipt acknowledgement Details forwarded by financialinstitution? Forwards accountspecific paymentdetails tofinancialinstitution Receives receiptacknowledgement Sends authorization to pay bill tofinancialinstitution9.3.4.1 Yes Customer No Receivesaccount specificpaymentdetails ReceivesCustomerauthorization topay bill CustomerFinancialInstitution Forwards accountspecific paymentdetails to BillingParty financialinstitution Sends bill payment to Billing Party financial institution Receivesaccount specificpaymentdetails Receives bill payment Billing PartyFinancialInstitution Forwards accountspecific paymentdetails to Billing Party Deposits fundsin Billing Partyfinancial institution account Sends depositinformation toBilling Party Creates andsends bill tothe Customer9.3.2.1 Receives receiptacknowledgement Receives account specificpayment details9.3.4.2 Receivesaccount specificpayment details9.3.4.2 Sends receipt acknowledgement Receives depositinformation fromfinancialinstitution BillingParty
RXQ.9.4.2 Process Flow for the Customer’s Rejection of a Bill Receives bill9.3.2.1 Sends receiptacknowledgement Invalidinformation? Continue withprocessing inaccordance with9.4.1 No Yes Customer Sends BillingParty a notice thatbill is rejected9.3.1.5 Receives receiptacknowledgement CustomerFinancialInstitution Billing PartyFinancialInstitution Creates andsends bill tothe Customer9.3.2.1 Receives receiptacknowledgement Receives noticethat the Customerhas rejectedthe bill9.3.1.5 Sends receiptacknowledgement Investigates thecause of therejection BillingParty
RXQ.9.4.3 Process Flow for the Billing Party’s Rejection of a Payment Receives receiptacknowledgement Receives notice thatBilling Party rejectedaccount specificpayment detail9.3.1.5 Sends receiptacknowledgement Investigates thecause of therejection Customer CustomerFinancialInstitution Billing PartyFinancialInstitution Receives accountspecific paymentdetail9.3.4.2 Sends receiptacknowledgement Invalidinformation? Sends Customer anotice that accountspecific paymentdetail is rejected9.3.1.5 Receives receiptacknowledgement Yes No Billing Party Continue withprocessing inaccordance with9.4.1
RXQ.9.4.4 Process Flow for Bill Cancellation and Rebilling Receives bill9.3.2.1 Receives cancellationnotification9.3.2.4 Sends Receiptacknowledgement Receivesre-calculatedbill9.3.2.4 Sends receiptacknowledgement Continue withprocessing inaccordance with9.4.1 Customer CustomerFinancialInstitution Billing PartyFinancialInstitution Creates and sendsbill to the Customer9.3.2.1 Receives receiptacknowledgement Invalidinformation? Sends notificationof cancellation9.3.2.4 Is rebillingneeded? Re-calculates andsends bill to theCustomer9.3.2.4 Receives receiptacknowledgement Billing Party Yes Yes No No End End