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RXQ.3.4.1 Dual Billing Process Flow. Customer pays Supplier for energy charges ( Customer pays Distribution Company for distribution charges ( Customer receives bill for energy charges ( Customer receives bill for distribution charges ( Customer.
RXQ.3.4.1 Dual Billing Process Flow Customer pays Supplier for energy charges ( Customer pays Distribution Company for distribution charges ( Customer receives bill for energy charges ( Customer receives bill for distribution charges ( Customer Supplier prepares and renders bill for energy ( Supplier Supplier receives and processes Customer payment ( Distribution Company receives and processes Customer payment ( Distribution Company prepares and renders bill for distribution charges ( Distribution Company sends usage data to Supplier ( Distribution Company Distribution Company reads meter(s) (
RXQ.3.4.1 Dual Billing Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer receives restated Distribution Company charges ( Customer receives restated Supplier charges ( Customer Supplier calculates restated charges and sends corrected bill to Customer ( Supplier receives cancellation notice and cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( Supplier Supplier receives restated usage ( Distribution Company sends restated usage to Supplier ( Distribution Company sends cancellation notice to Supplier ( Distribution Company Distribution Company determines that initial usage was incorrect ( Distribution Company cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( Distribution Company calculates restated charges and sends corrected bill to Customer ( Distribution Company determines restated usage (
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Customer Billing Party receives usage data ( Billing Party calculates its charges ( Process Non-Billing Party transactions ( File properly formatted (, & Yes Account is billable ( & Billing Party Yes 2 1 Billing Party receives Non- Billing Party charges ( No No Sends rejection notification ( & Send rejection notification ( & Distribution Company sends usage ( Rejection notice received ( & Rejection received ( & Non-Billing Party calculates its charges and sends them to Billing Party ( Non-Billing Party Non-Billing Party receives usage data ( Hold transaction(s) for next bill ( Time to fix & re-submit ( Time to fix & re-submit ( Yes No No Yes
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Customer Receives bill ( & Customer Billing Party performs cancel and rebill (unless other action specified in Billing Services Agreement) ( Billing Party prepares & renders bill with all available charges ( & ) Delay caused by Billing Party ( & Yes No Transactions held from prior periods ( Billing Party Hold transaction for next bill ( Hold for next bill as specified in Billing Services Agreement ( Yes 2 1 Yes Non-Billing Party charges in time for bill ( No Send rejection notification ( No Non-Billing Party resubmits for next bill ( Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Billing Party receives restated usage data and cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( & Billing Party calculates corrected charges ( File properly formatted (, & Yes Billing Party No 4 3 1 2 Billing Party receives Non-Billing Party charges ( Send rejection notification ( & Distribution Company determines initial usage was incorrect; sends cancel usage notice and restated usage ( & Receive rejection ( & Non-Billing Party calculates corrected charges and sends them to Billing Party ( Non-Billing Party receives restated usage data and cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( & Non-Billing Party Time to fix & re-submit ( Hold transaction(s) for next bill ( No Yes -
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Billing Party receives restated usage data and cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( & Billing Party calculates corrected charges ( File properly formatted (, & Yes Billing Party No 4 3 1 2 Billing Party receives Non-Billing Party charges ( Send rejection notification ( & Distribution Company determines initial usage was incorrect; sends cancel usage notice and restated usage ( & Receive rejection ( & Non-Billing Party calculates corrected charges and sends them to Billing Party ( Non-Billing Party receives restated usage data and cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage ( & Non-Billing Party Time to fix & re-submit ( Hold transaction(s) for next bill ( No Yes -
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Customer Receives bill ( & Billing Party prepares & renders bill with all available cancellations and charges ( Billing Party performs cancel and rebill (unless other action specified in the Billing Services Agreement) ( Delay caused by Billing Party ( & Yes Process Non-Billing Party transactions ( No Yes Hold for next bill as specified in the Billing Services Agreement ( Able to process Non-Billing Party transactions ( & Non-Billing Party charges in time for bill ( & Yes Yes No Billing Party 1 2 4 3 Hold transaction for next bill ( No No Send rejection notification ( & Send rejection notification ( Time to fix & re-submit ( Yes Rejection notification received ( & Non-Billing Party receives rejection notification and resubmits for next bill ( Non-Billing Party No -
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Non-Billing Party Bill Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Billing Party cancels Non-Billing Party charges in its system ( Customer in receipt of original charges ( Yes File properly formatted (, & No Yes Yes No further action File properly formatted ( No Billing Party No Billing Party receives Non-Billing Party corrected charges ( 1 2 3 Send rejection notification ( & Send rejection notification ( Billing Party receives cancel charges notice ( Receive rejection ( & Fix and resubmit ( Receive rejection ( Non-Billing Party determines original charges were incorrect; sends cancel charges notice to Billing Party and cancels charges in its billing system ( Non-Billing Party calculates corrected charges and sends them to Billing Party ( Non-Billing Party Hold transaction(s) for next bill ( Time to fix & re-submit ( No Yes - 4
RXQ.3.4.2 Consolidated Billing - Bill Ready Process Flow Non-Billing Party Bill Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Customer receives bill ( & 1 Billing Party prepares & renders bill with all available cancellations and charges ( & Billing Party performs cancel and rebill (unless other action specified in the Billing Services Agreement) ( Delay caused by Billing Party ( & Yes Process Non-Billing Party transactions ( & No Yes Able to process Non-Billing Party transactions ( & Non-Billing Party charges in time for bill (, & Yes No Billing Party Hold for next bill as specified in the Billing Services Agreement ( Yes No 3 2 4 No Hold transaction for next bill ( Send rejection notification ( Send rejection notification ( & Rejection notification received ( & Time to fix & re-submit ( Yes Non-Billing Party receives rejection notification and resubmits for next bill ( Non-Billing Party No -
RXQ.3.4.3 Consolidated Billing - Rate Ready Process Flow Customer receives Consolidated Bill ( Customer Billing Party calculates Billing Party charges ( Billing Party prepares and renders Consolidated Bill ( Billing Party receives information and inputs Rate Code(s) and prices in its billing system ( & Billing Party calculates Non-Billing Party charges using appropriate Rate Code(s) ( Billing Party receives usage data ( Billing Party Billing Party sends notice of Non-Billing Party’s usage and charges ( Distribution Company sends usage data ( Non-Billing Party receives billing data ( Non-Billing Party provides information to establish Rate Code(s) and prices ( & Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.3 Consolidated Billing - Rate Ready Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer receives Consolidated Bill ( Customer Billing Party cancels original Billing Party usage and charges and updates its billing system ( Billing Party calculates Billing Party charges using restated usage ( Billing Party prepares and renders Consolidated Bill ( Billing Party calculates Non-Billing Party charges using restated usage and appropriate Rate Code(s) ( Billing Party cancels original Non-Billing Party usage and charges ( Billing Party receives cancelled and restated usage data ( & Billing Party Billing Party sends notice of cancelled usage and charges to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party sends notice(s) of restated usage and charges to the Non-Billing Party ( Distribution Company determines that initial usage was incorrect; sends cancel usage notice and restated usage ( Non-Billing Party receives notice of cancelled usage and charges and updates its billing system ( Non-Billing Party receives notice(s) of restated usage and charges ( Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.4 Single Retail Supplier Billing Process Flow Customer Yes Supplier analyses usage data and invoice ( Supplier processes usage data ( Supplier receives usage data ( & Yes Supplier accepts invoice ( & Supplier accepts usage data ( & No No Supplier Supplier receives invoice from Distribution Company ( Supplier sends rejection notice to Registration Agent ( Supplier sends rejection notice to Distribution Company ( 1 Registration Agent receives rejection notice and forwards to Distribution Company ( Registration Agent forwards usage data to Supplier ( & Registration Agent receives usage data ( Registration Agent Distribution Company receives rejection notice ( Distribution Company sends invoice to Supplier ( Distribution Company receives rejection notice ( Distribution Company sends usage data to Registration Agent ( Distribution Company recalculates charges ( & Distribution Company evaluates reason for rejection notice ( Distribution Company Distribution Company calculates its charges ( Yes Distribution Company works with Supplier to address rejection ( No
RXQ.3.4.4 Single Retail Supplier Billing Process Flow Customer receives bill (including energy and distribution charges) ( Customer Supplier calculates charges (including Distribution Company related charges) and sends Customer bill ( Supplier 1 Registration Agent Distribution Company
RXQ.3.4.4 Single Retail Supplier Billing Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer Supplier cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage data ( Supplier analyzes restated usage data and invoices ( Supplier receives cancellation notice and restated usage data, if applicable ( Supplier processes cancellation notice and restated usage data, if applicable ( Yes Supplier Supplier receives cancelled and corrected invoices ( No Supplier sends rejection notice(s) to Registration Agent ( 1 2 Registration Agent receives cancellation notice and restated usage data, if applicable ( & Registration Agent receives rejection notice(s) and forwards to Distribution Company ( Registration Agent sends cancellation notice and restated usage data to Supplier, if applicable ( & Supplier accepts cancellation notice and restated usage data ( & Registration Agent Distribution Company sends cancelled and corrected invoices to Supplier ( Distribution Company receives rejection notice(s) ( Distribution Company works with Supplier to address rejection ( Distribution Company determines initial usage was incorrect; sends cancellation notice and restated usage data to Registration Agent, if applicable ( & Yes Distribution Company cancels charges in its billing system for incorrect usage data ( Distribution Company recalculates its charges ( Distribution Company recalculates its charges ( & Distribution Company No
RXQ.3.4.4 Single Retail Supplier Billing Process Flow Meter Usage Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer receives corrected bill (including energy and distribution charges) ( Customer Supplier calculates restated charges (including Distribution Company related charges) ( Supplier accepts cancelled and corrected invoices ( & Supplier sends bill to Customer including cancelled charges and restated charges ( Yes 1 Supplier Supplier sends rejection notice(s) to Distribution Company ( No Registration Agent Distribution Company receives rejection notice(s) ( Distribution Company Distribution Company evaluates reason(s) for rejection notice(s) ( 2
RXQ.3.4.5 Consolidated Billing – Payment Processing Assumption of Receivables Process Flow No further action required by Billing Party or Non-Billing Party Customer disputes Non-Billing Party charges ( & Customer receives bill ( No Customer Yes Yes Billing Party receives notification of Customer dispute ( & Billing Party withholds remittance of disputed charges to the Non-Billing Party ( Funds remitted to Non-Billing Party ( No Billing Party Billing Party sends remittance notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party remits funds to the Non-Billing Party’s financial institution ( & Billing Party renders bill ( 4 2 3 1 Conversion to Dual Billing allowed for delinquent accounts by BSA ( Yes No No further action Non-Billing Party restates Customer accounts receivable ( Non-Billing Party receives remittance notification ( Non-Billing Party receives remitted funds ( & Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.5 Consolidated Billing – Payment Processing Assumption of Receivables Process Flow Customer Billing Party reduces next remittance by the amount of any disputed charges ( Billing Party sends a remittance reversal notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party sends notice of account(s) converted to either Dual Billing or regulated service to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party 1 4 5 6 2 3 No No further action No Billing Party notifies Non-Billing Party of delinquencies ( Notify Non-Billing Party of delinquencies ( Delinquent accounts exist ( Yes Yes Yes Non-Billing Party receives remittance reversal notification ( Non-Billing Party receives notification of delinquencies ( Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.5 Consolidated Billing – Payment Processing Assumption of Receivables Process Flow Customer(s) receive notification of account(s) converted to either Dual Billing or regulated service ( Customer Billing Party sends notification of account(s) converted to either Dual Billing or regulated service to Customer(s) ( Yes Billing Party 6 5 Notify Customer(s) of account(s) converted to either Dual Billing or regulated service ( No further action No Non-Billing Party receives notice of account(s) converted to either Dual Billing or regulated service ( Non-Billing Party
RXQ.3.4.5 Consolidated Billing – Payment Processing Assumption of Receivables Process Flow Bill Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer receives corrected bill ( Customer Billing Party produces and sends corrected bill to Customer ( Billing Party Billing Party adjusts (by the net effect of the corrected bill) and sends next routine remittance notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party remits funds, as appropriate, to the Non-Billing Party’s financial institution ( & Billing Party cancels and/or rebills charges ( Non-Billing Party restates Customer accounts receivable ( Non-Billing Party receives remittance notification including adjustment ( Non-Billing Party receives remitted funds ( & Non-Billing Party
RXQ. 3.4.6 Consolidated Billing Payment Processing-Pay As You Get Paid Process Flow Customer makes payment ( Customer Billing Party maintains account balances for the Non-Billing Party ( Yes Billing Party receives payment ( Payment subsequently adjusted ( No further action required No Billing Party sends remittance notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Payment posted in accordance with payment posting order ( & Billing Party remits funds to the Non-Billing Party’s financial institution ( Yes Billing Party Billing Party sends remittance adjustment notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party modifies next remittance by the amount of any adjusted payments ( Non-Billing Party Non-Billing Party’s receives remitted funds ( Non-Billing Party receives notification ( Non-Billing Party receives remittance notification (
RXQ.3.4.6 Consolidated Billing- Payment Processing Pay As You Get Paid Process Flow Bill Cancellation and Rebilling Process Customer receives corrected bill ( Customer Billing Party issues and sends corrected bill to Customer ( Billing Party Billing Party adjusts (by the net effect of the corrected bill) and sends next routine remittance notification to the Non-Billing Party ( Billing Party remits funds, as appropriate, to the Non-Billing Party’s financial institution ( & Billing Party cancels and/or rebills charges ( Non-Billing Party restates Customer accounts receivable ( Non-Billing Party receives remittance notification including adjustment ( Non-Billing Party receives remitted funds ( & Non-Billing Party
RXQ. 3.4.7 Single Retail Supplier Billing – Payment Processing Remittance from Supplier Process Flow (includes payment(s) for cancelled and/or rebilled charges) Supplier sends remittance notification to the Distribution Company ( Supplier performs financial reconciliation and initiates process to pay Distribution Company invoice ( Supplier remits funds to the Distribution Company’s financial institution ( Supplier initiates payment process prior to due date ( & Yes Supplier Supplier receives interest/late fee notification, if applicable ( Supplier initiates payment process for invoice and any interest/late fee charges ( & Yes No No Supplier contacts Distribution Company to inquire about any disputed interest/late fee charges ( Distribution Company calculates interest charges/late fees and updates billing system, if applicable ( Distribution Company receives remittance notification ( Distribution Company works with Supplier to address inquiry ( Distribution Company Distribution Company sends interest/late fee notification to Supplier, if applicable ( Distribution Company performs financial reconciliation and resolves any discrepancies ( Distribution Company’s financial institution receives payment (