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Welcome to CEO Netweavers Membership Essentials

CEO Netweavers is a community of current and former CEOs, advisors, and entrepreneurs committed to sharing relationships, knowledge, and skills while promoting Servant Leadership in the Houston business community.

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Welcome to CEO Netweavers Membership Essentials

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  1. Welcome to CEO NetweaversMembership Essentials

  2. Who We Are CEO Netweavers is an engaged and diverse community of current and former CEO’s along with a select group of Trusted Advisors and Entrepreneurs, all of whom are committed to freely sharing relationships, knowledge and skills while cultivating trusted relationships. In 2017 CEO Netweavers’ Houston chapter marked its 10th anniversary. The Houston chapter has grown steadily through the enthusiastic leadership of a few committed members. We are a non-profit organization committed to spreading the concept and practice of Servant Leadership in the Houston business community. CEON Core Values: • Servant Leadership • Netweaving/Pay it Forward • Trusted Relationships

  3. CEO Netweavers Core Values • The pillars of our organization are based on transforming business practices and enriching lives through the three key principles that serve as the core values of CEO Netweavers: • Servant Leadership: “Transforming business and enriching lives through servant leadership” • This leadership philosophy places the emphasis on the needs of others first by promoting the well-being of those around them. The servant leader demonstrates the characteristics of empathy, listening, stewardship and commitment to personal growth towards others. • Netweaving: “Follow-up and follow through” • The term “Netweaving” is the process of serving as the strategic matchmaker and acting as a willing resource provider for others. Netweaving works because: it builds your personal brand as someone people should know; it instills an unintended sense of obligation by the recipient to assist others; and, it improves the attitude of all involved. • Trusted Relationships: “Bridges of Trust” • These relationships are built on mutual respect based upon the authentic and accountable connections of individuals, personal integrity, confidentiality, candor and self-respect.

  4. Practicing Servant Leadership Netweaving is a unique way of building relationships. It is different from networking where the objective is to get information or contacts to further career interests. We believe that the more we give to others the stronger our relationships and our organization becomes. We are interested in others’ needs over our own. We offer to share our skills, experience and relationships freely without any expectation of anything in return. The concept of giving first is at the core of how we practice servant leadership. We are an association of friends, givers giving to givers. We are naturally interested in getting to know each other, our skills, experiences and needs. There is an expectation that all members will adopt our Netweaving practices and standards.

  5. CEO Netweavers – Houston Chapter Executive Director - Pat Hurston In her role as an Executive Director, Pat is responsible for managing the administrative activities of the Houston Chapter including: Monthly Meeting Announcement; Monthly Newsletter; Member Invoices; Distribution of Meeting Material (Dropbox) and coordinating CEON website content. She will be working under the direction of the Board of Directors to continue building value for our members both in Atlanta and Houston SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ( SIGs)

  6. CEO Netweavers – Houston Chapter Operating Committee • Qualifications: • CEON member in good standing • Commitment to and understanding of CEO Netweavers Mission and Core Values • Participation at CEON events and meetings (conferences, sponsored symposiums, and programs) • Commitment: • Board members can expect to spend an estimated 8-10 hours per month preparing for and attending OC meetings, • liaising with committees, corresponding with fellow OC members and other CEON related activities. • Making a Nomination: • You may nominate yourself or another CEON member. • The terms of Operating Committee members and the Chapter officers are as follows: • President – 2 years • President-Elect (Serves first as President-Elect for one year, then as President, then as Past President. 3 year total term) • Treasurer - 2 years • Membership Chair- 2 years • Inflection Point Chair- 2 years • Marketing/Sponsorship Chair - 1 year • Program Chair- 1 year • Mentoring Chair- 1 year • Education/Annual Book Club – 1year • Meetings are monthly based on the mutually agreed upon schedule. As you can see, there are many opportunities for members to get involved, to make an impact, and to engage with other members of the CEO Netweavers community. We hope you will all actively participate in 2019 so that we can continue the expansion of our servant-leadership work.

  7. Committee InvolvementOpportunities • Please take time to call or schedule coffee with Leadership and committee chairpersons to discuss current and future opportunities to assist: • Membership (Lawrence Jacobs) • Monthly Programs (Open) • M&A Forum (Mike Dahlke) • CEO Inflection Point Programs (Open) • Mentorship Programs (Barry Goldware/Bodene Orr) • Book Club (Deanna Young) • Directors Group (Open) • Marketing/Communications (Open) MemberPrograms Houston CEO Netweavers - Finding a way to contribute

  8. Monthly Chapter Meeting • Fourth Thursday of every month from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00a.m. • Boyar Miller Law Firm, 2925 Richmond Avenue, 14th Floor, Houston, TX 77098 • Feature Netweaving opportunities + a featured speaker on topical businesssubjects • Coffee, juice and pastries served MemberPrograms Purpose: Meet and mingle with other CEO Netweavers members and learn from invitedspeakers

  9. Lunch with aPurpose(consideration for 2019) • Once a quarter (watch the Newsletter for dates andlocation) • Small roundtable format • Discussion facilitates questions that provide insights into participatingmembers MemberPrograms Purpose: Opportunities to get to know various CEO Netweavers members in a smallroundtableformat and a more intimatesetting.

  10. MemberPrograms Annual Book Club Fall Event • Annual special event brings together many passionate readers providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole.  • Gain insights into trends from the summary of selected books presented by the Chief Netweaver, Mr. Bob Littell, deepen your knowledge, and forge life-long collaborations with colleagues and fellow Netweavers. Bob Littell Chief Netweaver

  11. OperatingCommittee • The role of the Operating Committee is to ensure the vision and mission of the organization is being fulfilled. Thisincludes: • Quality Monthly SpeakerProgram • Effective Membership Identification and On-BoardingProcess • High Impact OutreachPrograms • High Impact MembershipPrograms MemberPrograms If you are interested in serving on the Operating Committee, please contact The President or one of our Committee Chairs, for additional information andguidance.

  12. MemberPrograms • Director’s Group • The mission of this group is to: • Inspire, educate, and promote CEO Netweaver members as potential candidates for Board positions within public, private and non-profit organizations. • Identify potential Board opportunities and promote members as a talented and available resource pool for Board positions by networking within CEO Netweavers and other centers of influence.

  13. OutreachPrograms • CEO Inflection Point(IP) – pilot conducted in 2018 • An inflection point is an event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation. An inflection point can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, isexpected. • CEO-IP Panels offer a structured, interactive environment in which business leaders receive an open exchange of strategic advice on a variety oftopics • Any CEO Netweavers member is able to refer a business to our CEO-Inflection Point program for consideration (we prefer companies with customers andrevenue) • Contact Leadershipand he/she will discuss the following with thecompany: • Purpose and mechanics of IP panels (3-4 meetings at 4-5 week intervals with 4-5 highly experienced individuals • Ensure the company’s CEO is willing to openly and frankly discuss their business issues and selectively follow the panel’sadvice Houston CEO Netweavers - Finding a way to contribute

  14. Jones Graduate School of Business MentorshipProgram CEO Netweaver members volunteer as mentors to second year EMBAstudents. OutreachPrograms • This matches each EMBA student with a CEO/Trusted Advisor/Entrepreneurial or Non-Profit Executive who acts as a trusted advisor to that student • As a mentor, you will be carefully matched to your student and will meet periodically throughout the schoolyear • In the mentorship role, you will be asked to provide your career and business perspectives on topics selected by thestudent Houston CEO Netweavers - Finding a way to contribute

  15. OutreachPrograms • M&A Forum • The M&A Forum Goal is to increase the number of efficient, effective small/mid-cap M&A transactions by:  • Providing advice to members and guests who are engaged in the process of buying or selling business enterprises. • Building trusted relationships that facilitate matching of business buyers and sellers. • Creating Buyer awareness of resources available to find, analyze, structure, finance and transition business ownership and operations. Houston CEO Netweavers - Finding a way to contribute

  16. Sponsorship Opportunities

  17. NameBadges • MonthlyNewsletter/Announcements • Monthly Chapter Meetings andAnnouncements OtherInformation

  18. LinkedIn CEO NetweaversGroup • MembershipPortal/Website OtherInformation

  19. CEO Netweavers Membership Agreement • Member Expectations • To uphold the mission and spirit of the CEO Netweaverorganization. • Be a servant leader who freely share skills, knowledge and relationships with fellow Netweavers, and other community and business leaders without expectation of areturn. • Build relationships and bridges of trust with other members of theorganization. • Support the values inherent in Netweaving and ServantLeadership. • To actively participate in the endeavors of theorganization. • Attend regular Netweavers meetings andReceptions/Events. • Read and answer email from fellow Netweavers and help when youcan. • Keep all contact informationup-to-date. • Commit to attendance at a New Member Orientation session (newmembers). • This is a volunteer organization and runs by everyone pitching in. Volunteer for some task or role. Your volunteerism isexpected. • To Netweave. • Knowledge and trust of your fellow Netweaver is the strength of the group. We encourage you to meet with fellow membersregularly. • Follow CEO Netweavers FAQ’s and Netweaving document (located on thewebsite) • Do not solicit members or add members to any mailing list without priorpermission. • To support theorganization. • Membership Dues are payable upon acceptance into the organization. Thereafter, applicable annual dues are payable eachJanuary. • Keep contact information up todate. • Practice the highest level of integrity and confidentiality with regard to the organization’s tools and resources, including the website and all membershiplists. • Recommend potential Netweaver Partner and Netweaver members forMembership. • Assist in building the brand of theorganization. • Adhere to requirements of CEO Netweavers Code ofConduct. • Familiarize yourself and comply with all meetingguidelines. • I have read the above and agree to do my best to live up to these expectations and the spirit of CEO Netweavers. • Name: • Signature: Date: • Return signed Agreement to: CEO Netweavers – at houstonchapterinfo@ceonetweavers.org

  20. Questions?

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