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Putting Eve-NG in place on Google Cloud

It takes a lot of RAM and CPU power to virtualize the kind of routers that can operate these cutting-edge DC technologies. Additionally, there is no need for these routers to consume energy constantly.

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Putting Eve-NG in place on Google Cloud

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  1. Putting Eve-NG in place on Google Cloud Since nested virtualization is either not supported or is a very difficult procedure, neither the Eve-NG implementations nor Azure actually worked. Why was Eve-NG deployed in the cloud? It takes a lot of RAM and CPU power to virtualize the kind of routers that can operate these cutting-edge DC technologies. Additionally, there is no need for these routers to consume energy constantly. To access the console, first, create a free Google Compute Engine account. You should see something somewhat similar after activating it. From an Ubuntu base image, we must develop a custom image that supports virtualization, from which we may build the system and install eve-ng on google cloud as needed. You should see a custom graphic with the status = "READY" once the command has finished running. You are now prepared to construct a Google Compute VM instance after the process is finished. As needed, create the instance. Give it as much RAM and CPU as you'd like, then click "Change" under Boot Disk to finish.

  2. In order to accommodate all the photographs to send to Eve-NG for virtualization, chose a bigger HD. Now specify the custom image you made with vmx enabled. So that you can use eve ng server web panel, and permit HTTP traffic. Get a static public IP so you can start and stop your instance while maintaining the same static public IP. Continue by following the remaining instructions to grant root access to your system over SSH from any location in the world. Decide on a root password. Allow Root Login. Decide to yes for Password Authentication. Save, then exit. Relaunch the sshd service. Continue with the remaining instructions to finish installing Eve-NG on top of Ubuntu. Revisit the grub. Change the interface's name to eth0 on boot by editing the following file. If you restart the computer, eth0 should be present. Update and improve. Reboot after executing the install command. Dynamips Store Website: https://dynamips.store/

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