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Dive into the complex debate surrounding the proposed new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights. Evaluate the potential risks and benefits through expert advice and research. Make recommendations to government authorities regarding the project.
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion The Lucas Heights Reactor Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies Press Release 8/9/97
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion • * STOP PRESS... • The Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Contract for a New Reactor at Lucas Heights (Tabled 23 May 2001) seems to vindicate those who opposed the reactor : • "the Committee finds that no conclusive or compelling case has been established to support the proposed new reactor and that the proposed new reactor should not proceed." • Check out the Report at http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/lucasheights_ctte/report/contents.htm TASK This is an extremely controversial situation which Commonwealth, State and Local Government authorities must consider. To do this, they must have good advice from a variety of people who are experts in this area. Expert Committees and Think-Tanks consisting of Nuclear Scientists, Historians, Environmental Scientists and Economists will be set up. You will take on the role of one of these experts. The Big Question What recommendations should the committee make to the Minister regarding the use of Nuclear Energy to generate electricity and the construction of a Nuclear Energy Reactor in suburban Sydney?
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion • But First ……… Something for Everyone • Use the internet sites below to get to grips with the basic Scientific phenomena: • Nuclear Structure; Radioactivity; Alpha Decay; Beta Decay; Gamma Decay; Half-Life; Reactions; Fusion; Fission. • ABC's of Nuclear Science http://www.lbl.gov/abc/Basic.html • Students’ Guide to Nuclear Science http://www.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/outline.html • Nuclear Reactions - Nuclear Decay • Animated Nuclear Chemistry Lessons • Animated Glossary of Nuclear Science Termshttp://ie.lbl.gov/education/glossary/glossaryf.htm • AND NOW …Use this quiz to test your understanding • of nuclear Energy and Radiation:http://library.thinkquest.org/17940/gather/cgi-bin/test.html?tqskip1=1
Introduction | Task | Process | Resources| Assessment| Conclusion Process Part 1You will work in cooperative Expert Research Groups of four to explore what nuclear power is, the history of nuclear power, and the potential environmental and economic impact that a nuclear power station could have on suburban Sydney. Part 2You will then join a Think-Tank and contribute your newly found knowledge, from your perspective, to the group in order that you can then collaboratively create a presentation to the Minister of your findings and recommendations. You MUST read through the WWW files linked to your role. Be prepared to focus what you’ve learned into a clear point-by-point analysis.You can use Inspiration or other Mind Mapping (or Graphic Organiser )Tool to help you create a Concept Map of the major Scientific Concepts and other issues involved (You can download a 30 day Trial version of Inspiration from http://www.inspiration.com)
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources | Assessment| Conclusion Resources • PART 1 - Expert GroupsYour task is to become familiar, as an Expert Group with the issues surrounding the use of Nuclear Power and Nuclear Power Plants from one of four perspectives. Each Expert Group will collaborate to investigate the issues involved from their perspective and prepare a brief INFORMATIVE REPORT, so first you must decide who will do what. • Your presentation must answer the following questions: • What is Nuclear Energy? • How does Nuclear Energy generate electricity? • What are the Safety and Waste Disposal Issues generated by Radiation and Nuclear Energy • Click on the link to go straight to your relevant resources: • Nuclear Scientists • Historians • Environmental Scientists • Economists
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion Resources • Expert Group 1: Nuclear Scientists • Your job is to explore Nuclear Power and prepare a brief INFORMATIVE REPORT complete with illustrations. • You must answer the following questions in your report: • What happens in a Nuclear Reaction? • What fuels are used in Nuclear Power Plants? • How do Nuclear fuels differ from one another? • How does a Reactor work to create electrical power? • What are the waste products of a Nuclear Reactor? • Nuclear Science Interactive Tourhttp://www.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/guide.html • How a Nuclear Power Plant Workshttp://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/fission_power/fission_power.html • How Nuclear Radiation Workshttp://www.howstuffworks.com/nuclear.htm • How Does a Nuclear Reactor Work? • Basic Nuclear Fission http://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/fission/fission.html • Nuclear Reaction Applethttp://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/java/Reaction.html?tqskip1=1
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion Resources • Expert Group 2: Historians • Your job is to explore the History of Nuclear Power and the way it has been used by humans and prepare a Timeline of important people and events in Nuclear History with a special focus on Australia. • Some important events that should be included are : • Who and How Nuclear Energy was first detected • The first uses of Nuclear Energy • The Atomic Weapons program including Australia’s involvement • The development of Nuclear Reactors in Australia • Major incidents involving Nuclear Power plants around the world Timeline of the History of Nuclear Energy http://web.em.doe.gov/timeline/ Outline History of Nuclear Energy Timeline of Nuclear Technology 1947-1998 The First Man-made Nuclear Reactor Australian Issues - Nuclear Power production and waste The Manhattan Project British nuclear tests at Maralinga The Bombing of the Monte Bello Islands
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion Resources • Expert Group 3:Environmental Scientists • Your responsibility will be to investigate the environmental impact a nuclear power plant could have on Sydney and its surrounding area. • Answer the following questions in your analysis: • How safe is Nuclear Energy? • How are the Waste Products of Nuclear reactions dealt with in Australia and around the world? • What is a meltdown? • What has been the incidence of nuclear accidents around the World • What have been some of the major incidents involving Nuclear Power Plants and its effects on people and the environment? • Significant Nuclear Power Plant Events • http://www.nucleartourist.com/events/events.htm • "Meltdown at Three Mile Island" - PBS online • CHERNOBYL Assessment of Radiological and Health Impacts • Australia and radiation • http://www.radioactivewaste.gov.au/australia_and_radiation/australia_and_radiation.htm • http://www.anawa.org.au/nsw/lucas_heights.html • Maralinga: The Fall Out Continues • Media Articles: • Rethinking Nuclear Power • We Can't Afford to Bury Our Heads in the Sand Over Nuclear Waste Disposal • Radio National's Ockham's Razor 25/7/99Dumping of Nuclear Waste in Australia
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion Resources • Expert Group4: Economists • Your job will be to determine the economic advantages of Nuclear Power in comparison to other fuel sources. Also, you will have to analyse from an economic standpoint why Sydney is the preferred place to locate a new Nuclear Reactor. Use simple charts and graphs to convey your information. • Some questions to answer: • How does the amount of energy obtained from Nuclear Power compare to other sources? • How available/cost effective are the different forms of nuclear fuels compared to other forms of fuels used in the production of power? • What are the costs involved in building a new Nuclear Power Plant? • What and how many new jobs will be created? • Nuclear Cost • The Economics Of Nuclear Power • Managing Australia's Radioactive Waste • Lucas Heights reactor replacement: "A decision to benefit Australians and their environment“ • Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940 • Media Articles: • Rethinking Nuclear Power • We Can't Afford to Bury Our Heads in the Sand Over Nuclear Waste Disposal
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment| Conclusion PART 2: Think-TanksYou will now join a Think-Tank each made up of a Nuclear Scientist, an Historian, an Environmental Scientist and an Economist and you will each present your newly found knowledge, from your Expert perspective (ie. your INFORMATIVE REPORT - assessed separately by your teacher). You and your group are to discuss the concepts and issues involved and prepare a 10-15 minuteunbiased presentation for the Local Government authorities based upon your research. These recommendations must address The Big Question. These group presentationswillbe assessed by your teacher and will go towards your final mark for this Unit. The Big Question What recommendations should the committee make to the Minister regarding the use of Nuclear Energy to generate electricity and the construction of a Nuclear Energy Reactor in suburban Sydney?
Introduction | Task | Process| Resources| Assessment | Conclusion Assessment The total points possible for this Web Quest are 100 points (see separate sheet). The individual Informative Report prepared as a result of the Expert Groups collaboration and the Think-Tank Presentation are each worth 40 points. INDIVIDUAL (40 points max.) GROUP (40 points max.)
Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Assessment | Conclusion • Conclusion • There are as many proponents as there are opponents of nuclear power. After you have researched this topic and listened to the presentations of your group members and other class members, you have probably formulated an opinion as to the value of nuclear power and its uses. Whether you are in favour or opposition, it is your choice as a citizen in a democratic society. But regardless of your viewpoint, you should always attempt to be informed about the issues so an educated decision can be made when necessary. • Extension: Write a well thought out letter to • The Sutherland Shire • Suite 4 (1st Floor), 2-4 Merton Street, • Sutherland NSW • PO Box 589 Sutherland NSW 1499 • office@ssec.org.au