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Respiration is controlled by nervous and chemical regulation .

Respiration is controlled by nervous and chemical regulation. المحاضرة الثانية عشرة. I- Nervous Regulation :. A-Momentary regulation as during swallowing or speech, there is momentary stoppage of respiration. B-Continuous regulation : Through some reflex. Hering – Breuer reflex

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Respiration is controlled by nervous and chemical regulation .

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  1. Respiration is controlled by nervous and chemical regulation. المحاضرة الثانية عشرة I- Nervous Regulation : A-Momentary regulation as during swallowing or speech, there is momentary stoppage of respiration B-Continuous regulation : Through some reflex • Hering – Breuer reflex • Reflexes from baroreceptors • Reflex from right atrium (Harrison’s reflex)

  2. II)- Chemical Regulation : Through changes in CO2 tension, O2 tension, and hydrogen ion concentration of blood (pH) 1-Effect of CO2 • CO2 is natural stimulus for respiration • Increase in CO2 tension will stimulate respiration reflex 2-Effect of O2 Decrease in O2 tension will stimulate respiration and vice versa. 3-Effect of pH of Blood • Decrease in pH (acidosis) will stimulate respiration, while increased pH (Alkalosis) will inhibit respiration

  3. Some Respiratory Defects : • Dyspnea : Means difficulty of respiration. • Apnea : Means stoppage of respiration. • Hypoxia : Means decrease in O2 supply to the tissues. • Cyanosis : Means appearance of bluish colour of skin and mucous membrane due to effective oxygenation. • Asphyxia : If external respiration ceases. • Anoxia : Means complete deprivation of oxygen.

  4. OTHER FUNCTIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM A) Pulmonary Embolization B) Lung Defense Mechanisms C) Metabolic & Endocrine Functions of the Lungs و آخر دعواهم أن الحمد لله رب العالمين

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