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JAXA/RESTEC OGC Activities Status Report

JAXA/RESTEC OGC Activities Status Report. Shinobu Kawahito Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) Osamu Ochiai Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Contents. Overview of OGC related activities Status of JAXA-MAFFIN system Status of JAXA-CEReS system

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JAXA/RESTEC OGC Activities Status Report

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  1. JAXA/RESTEC OGC Activities Status Report Shinobu Kawahito Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) Osamu Ochiai Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  2. Contents • Overview of OGC related activities • Status of JAXA-MAFFIN system • Status of JAXA-CEReS system • Status of JAXA-SFC system CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  3. Overview <Theme and Organization> Land Information Map Provision for Japanese Local Resident Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoring Gateway for Dispersed Servers, & SocialApplication Development : Cooperative Organizations JAXA/RESTEC is developing prototypes of interoperable system to verify the interoperability of dispersed systems, and to study future service of Earth observation satellite data distribution for public users, in Cooperation with external organizations Center for Environmental Remote Sensing(CEReS), Chiba Univ. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (AFFRC/MAFF) JAXA/ RESTEC Keio Univ. (SFC) FFPRI NIAES NIRE (Research Institutions of MAFF) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  4. *** ~ status of JAXA/MAFFIN OGC system~ Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoring system with MAFF - Hotspot Monitoring II - Vegetation Monitoring - Inundation Monitoring CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  5. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoringService Target and Test Site Vegetation Monitoring (final target:drought monitoring) Test site: East area of China Hotspot Monitoring II (final target : forest fire monitoring) Test site : Japan and Siberia MAFFIN APAN line JAXA WMS WMS MODIS AMSR-E Inundation Monitoring (final target:flood monitoring) Test site : Mekong River AIT MODIS, NOAA Purpose : - Early Providing of Satellite Images on Each Theme. (As one of value added data providing trial services of data distributors) - Open service to public. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  6. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoringSystem Structure Prototype System End User @JAXA(Now) > MAFF (After Prototype Development) Inundation Monitoring Client System Vegetation Monitoring Client System internet Hotspot Monitoring Client System WWW Browser OpenGIS I/F internet @MAFF, JAXA > MAFF @Chiba Univ. @JAXA @JAXA Hotspot Server (WMS&WFS) Vegetation Data Server MODIS Inundation Server      (WMS) Land Cover Server (WMS) AMSR-E Inundation Server (WMS) Base Map Server (WMS) ・SAR Mosaic Map ・GLI Global Map ・Hotspot DB ・Vegetation DB ・MODIS DB ・・・ Asia Land Cover Map AMSR-E Image DB CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  7. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoring Recent Progress : Inundation Monitoring • Sample Dataset is created and adopted: • Time Sequential images • - Optical Image : MODIS daily/composite image • - Microwave image : AMSR-E Daily Image • (descending and ascending are pre-merged into 1 image/day for easy view) • Reference images • - Base Map (mosaic of ADEOS-II/GLI) • - Base Map (mosaic of JERS-1/SAR) • - DEM (Global Map) Approach: First, develop prototype system using prototype test data. Next, examine the adequateness and reconsider services (data, GUI, etc) . (to achieve better services with Best Effort ) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  8. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoring Recent Progress : Inundation Monitoring • Use Case: • First, the most recent AMSR-E image is pre-selected to see the current wet area. • Then, user open the thumbnail view window to see the time sequential changes. • User can also change image to base map to see the permanent water body and other circumstances. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  9. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoringInundation Monitoring System can indicate today’s date as a default (Tentative default : test period) Show Thumbnails to get a over view of time sequential changes. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  10. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoringInundation Monitoring Permanent water body can be seen Base Map:SAR Mosaic Map Inundation Image Water body and basic land information can be seen Elevation and flatness can be seen CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005 Base Map:Elevation Map Base Map:GLI 250m Mosaic

  11. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  12. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoring Current Achievement • Achievement • Prototype system for each theme has created adopting test dataset. • MAFFIN prepared hardware/software environment to be transferred whole WMS system (client system/server system). • Prototype transferring is partly under taken. • Items to be considered further • Refining image contents/image creation algorithms after evaluation - Evaluation will be implemented near future. • - Ongoing activity remains for Vegetation Monitoring System and Inundation Monitoring System CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  13. Agriculture & Forestry related disaster monitoringMile Stone 2004 2005 OGC Prototype System Development Hot spot monitoring (Main data : MODIS) Vegetation monitoring ( Main data : NOAA) Inundation monitoring ( Main data : AMSR-E) Prototype System Transfer Operational Services (Carried out mainly by MAFFIN) * Future Plan is under discussion e.g.) - MAFFIN oriented activity of prototype enhancement Upgrading system/service contents Increase co-working WMS by inviting other agencies - New topic CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  14. *** ~ status of JAXA/CEReS OGC system~ Land Information Map Provision system for Local Resident With Chiba Univ. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  15. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentOutline Target User : Public User (Japanese Local Residents) Target Area : Japan (Test Site : Chiba Prefecture) Objective : Allow public people to use various land information data resources of - Satellite image, Governmental Map, General Vector - in the regional scale. to see - local environment and its changes, - potential land vulnerability against flood. Data :- Satellite Images (Landsat) …… JAXA - Land Condition Maps (1/50,000 scale) …… Chiba Univ. (Geomorphological Land Classification Map, etc) Approach: Freeware Based WMS Development CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  16. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentSystem Overview Main Data Resource : Satellite Images Main Data Resource : Land Condition Maps OGC I/F Internet • <Data on CEReS Server> • - Past Flood Map • Land Condition Maps • (Paper Scanned Map) • (Geomophological Land Map, • Soil Map, Land Surface Map etc) • - GIS Data Pack • - Satellite Color Image • < Data on JAXA Server > • Satellite Color Image(3 period) • Land Use Map created • by satellite data(3 period) • -Geomophological Land Classified Map • (Polygon) • -Geomophological Land Classified Map • (Paper Scanned Map) • - GIS Data Pack @CEReS @JAXA Linux OS, MU MapServer v4.0 +Multi Lingual Patch Linux OS, MU MapServer v4.0 +Multi Lingual Patch CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  17. Land Information Map Provision for Local Resident User I/F Reference Map - view the location - indicate the location ・Legend ・explain about special terms ・Map Layer ・Geomophological Land Map Layer Area selection: ・BBOX of 1/50,000 maps ・Satellite Image Layer CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  18. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentKey Points to build the system • Language • Labels (place name, etc) put onto the image are shown in Japanese. • Data type • To allow overlay, important geomophological land classes (Low Lands) are vectorized. • Area selection • To allow smooth area selection, 1/50,000 area selection menu is added. • (Land classes and legends of geomophological land map differs according to the 1/50,000 map area. ) • - Color allocation • Color allocation was taken care to differentiate each resource data (general GIS, geomophological land classified map, land use map, etc), CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  19. Land Information Map Provision for Japanese Local ResidentUse Case Public people may; • To see local environment and its changes; • View the satellite image (color image/land use map). • Compare the past image to figure out the changed area. • Zoom in the changed area, then overlay the general GIS data (boundary, road, railroad, place name, etc) to get the place name and guess where and why the changes occurred. • To see potential land vulnerability against flood; • - View the satellite image (color image/land use map). • Overlay geomophological land classification map (polygon data) , • to see location of urban/residential area and • potentially vulnerable area to know land condition (potential vulnerability). • - Refer to the legends and terms-explanation to help understanding of the meaning of maps. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  20. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentOverlaying Low Lands onto Satellite image Low Lands> Blue Polygon - Valley Plain, Delta Plain, Marshland, etc (potentially vulnerable area) Purple Polygon - Natural Bank, etc :Upland and Terraces :Low Lands • By overlaying Satellite image • and land-class-data; • User view the location of • - City Area/Housing Area • And • Low Land • To see the potential • vulnerable residential area. :Artificial Area * Distortion of polygon data are under edition. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  21. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentViewing local environment and its changes By overlaying GIS data onto Land Use Map; User identifies actual place name and circumstances of interested area. Turned to Housing Area, Along with JR train line. Land Use Map in 1987 Turned to Housing Area, Along with Keisei-Chihara train line. Water body Paddy Forest Grassland/Cropland Bare soil Urban/Industrial area Housing area CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005 Land Use Map in 2001

  22. Land Information Map Provision for Local ResidentAchievement • Evaluation • System evaluation will be implemented in near future by Chiba Univ. • Expected Achievement • This would be a good test case to proof • - usefulness of WMS to realize local scale web service with easy operation. • - efficiency of providing satellite image and other map resources together for public users. • - application building such as disaster prevention/monitoring field would be feasible and be more expandable in cooperation with external agencies. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  23. Land Condition Map Provision for Japanese Local ResidentWhat we learned on Freeware (MU MapServer) • MU MapServer uses existing free libraries; • PROJ.4 - Coordinate / Projection Converting Library • GDAL - Geospatial Data Library • OGR - Vector library • On-the-Fly projection (PROJ.4) • In JAXA/CEReS system, • resource data: 3 different projections • Tokyo Datum-UTM, JGD2000-UTM, JGD2000-Geographic lat/lon, • output projection : JGD2000- lat/lon • *Tokyo Datum : Former Japanese Datum • JGD2000 (Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000) : New Japanese Datum CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  24. Land Condition Map Provision for Japanese Local ResidentWhat we learned on Freeware (MU MapServer) In JAXA/CEReS System, Resources: ERDAS/Imagine, Tiff, shapefile, etc converted into the single output format automatically (Png). • Support for various data format (GDAL, OGR) What's New in MapServer 4.4.* WCS support (server only). Support for a time dimension in WMS. Support for internationalization(i18n) encodings in map labels. (Tested with Chinese, Japanese and Thai. ) … Free and Open Source Software has enough function to build a simple test-site. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  25. *** ~ status of JAXA/Keio-SFC OGC system~ Gateway System Development for Dispersed Servers, & Social Application Development With Keio Univ. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  26. Gateway System Development for Public usersOutline • Objective • To encourage satellite data usage in social and economical field more widely through the interoperable systems. • Working Area • Develop gateway system to combine dispersed interoperable servers. • Apply data set of JAXA and Keio to main WMS. • Connect with dispersed servers. • Develop “data search and view system” (2D, 3D view) • Develop Application system onto the gateway system e.g. • educational application using “data search and view system” I/F CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  27. System Structure GeoBrowser e.g.) Disaster Monitoring Media Browser etc For Asia, Japan Newly Developed Public people, Expert Internet Public User Internet Multi Lingual Directory Service Proxy Expert Upgrading Search & View System Application Services Keio SFC campus, Digital Earth Server NASA/GSFC: GCMD Portal Site(Japanese/English) Search System Internet Other System (News Site、 Sensor Service etc) Application Service Research Institute (AIT etc) Open API User Admin Data Provision Infrastructure Data Search Engine (Catalogue Service) Contains external data servers information Simulation Engine (GRID) In-situ Data Maps & Images Display Engine ISCGM Global Map II 3D GIS Process 2D GIS Process JAXA: Earth Viewer (3D) Local Government (Gifu Prefecture etc) Basic GeoSpatial Data DEM Vector Data Satellite Base Map Gazetteer Statistical data Standardized Metadata (JMP) Image Archive Service file server Regional Data Image Archive (e.g. JPEG image) WMS Creation of standardized metadata Standard Interface (WMS、WCS、GML) WMS I WCS WMS Other Online Resources GML WFS WCS WMS WMS WMS WMS FTP Other System e.g. Result of Simulation MapServer (Open Source) JAXA: Satellite Images Private Sectors Portal Geography Network Japan GIS Server (Disaster Information, etc) Other Open WMS Servers NGO, etc CEReS WMS: Asian Land Cover、Land Condition Map MAFFIN WMS: Hotspot, Vegetation Monitoring, GML Wrapper GIS Server (Disaster Information, etc) WCS Server Building JAXA : Original Satellite data (Coverage Data, e.g. HDF) JAXA: Image data (e.g. GeoTIFF) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005 Dispersed Interoperable Servers

  28. Gateway System Development for Public usersWCS: Coverage Sub Type and Encoding I • Coverage Type : WCS1.0.0 targets GRID Coverage only. (most of satellite data would be included in GRID coverage) Sub Type of “Coverage” (OGC abstract specification topic6) • Coverage Encoding (Data format) in WCS 1.0.0 - Supporting at least 1 of following encoding is required. - Servers may serve other encoding as well. a.GEOTIFF b.HDF-EOS c.DTED d.NITF e.GML CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  29. Gateway System Development for Public users WCS : Server Building I To enhance server ability, Fundamental WCS/GetCoverage function has built in. Keio-SFC Digital Asia Server (OGC Client) Standard Interface (WMS、WCS、GML) WCS WMS Output Data: Selected Band Image (GeoTIFF format) WCS/WMS Server (MU MapServer) JAXA : Original Satellite data (Coverage Data, e.g. HDF) JAXA: Image data (e.g. GeoTIFF) Original Data: MODIS Lebel1Bmap (JAXA HDF format) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  30. Gateway System Development for Public usersFormer I/F of Search & View System II Category Selection Area Selection Theme Selection 2D Image 3D Image (View Image on the surface of sphere) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  31. Gateway System Development for Public usersNew Search & View System Building II • Necessity of upgrading • Problem of former system; • - Target data shown in search menus is prefixed. • Searching ability has limited. • (e.g. Area search, Date search, Free text search, etc) • … more flexible search function is needed. • - Overlay function has not equipped. • (e.g. overlay of satellite image and vector map) • Creation of Standardized Metadata First, we create JMP2.0 compliant standardized metadata. • (JMP2.0; Japan Metadata Profile 2.0; ISO19115 compliant) CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  32. Gateway System Development for Public usersFlow of New Search & View System II View the selected result Metadata Finder List of the Search Result Search Menus View Window Popup the “Metadata Finder” CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005 Result Selecting Field

  33. View Window CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  34. Metadata Finder CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  35. Metadata Finder CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  36. Metadata Finder CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  37. Metadata Finder CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  38. Gateway System Development for Public usersResult of Searching “Sumatra” II View Window After Tsunami Before Tsunami Landsat CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  39. Gateway System Development for Public usersAchievement • Achievement • Various type of search ability has been added in the search & view system. • Seamless viewing ability after searching/finding the target image. • Able to overlay multiple resources on demand. • Items to be considered • - Mechanism to find external service entities, and to get/create metadata of external service would need to be considered. • Others • Collecting all data resources by each individual agencies is less efficient. • Cooperation with existing framework (e.g. EO Portal) will be effective way to increase and enrich service data. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

  40. *** Thanks for your attention. CEOS/WGISS-19 @Cordba Mar10,2005

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