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Enhancing Library Catalog Access and Processing Workflows with IDS Search

Discover how Purchase College Library adapted to increased interlibrary loan requests after implementing IDS Search, an open-source catalog interface, including adjustments made, challenges faced, and future considerations.

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Enhancing Library Catalog Access and Processing Workflows with IDS Search

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  1. Re-tailoring Interlibrary Loan Workflows After Being Outfitted with IDS Search Carrie Marten Resource Sharing Librarian Purchase College Library-SUNY carrie.marten@purchase.edu 2012 SUNYLA Conference

  2. What Happened In February of 2011, Purchase College Library started using IDS Search, a new open source catalog interface created by members of the IDS Project (idsproject.org). During the same month, the main library page was updated and allowed easier access to the catalog. Patrons immediately started using the new catalog and submitting interlibrary loan requests using the embedded ‘Request It’ button. As a result, we had to figure out how to cope with an unanticipated increase in requests.

  3. What Changed • Access to the catalog became much easier from the library website. • The look, layout and navigation of the catalog. • IDS search pulls results from OCLC, rather than our local catalog, thus more search results. • A ‘Request It’ button appears with each item we do not own, linking patrons directly to our ILLiad system.

  4. Initial Challenges • New interface allows for easier requesting. • Patron requests increased immediately. • Patrons did not necessarily know what they were requesting (low holdings, ebooks, dissertations, LPs, audio books, articles . . . ). • With IDS Search, requests go into ILLiad with an OCLC record number already there, but those requests may only have 2-3 holdings attached to them.

  5. The Website was Updated in February 2011, Allowing Easier Access to the Catalog

  6. Our Previous Catalog Interface(No ‘Request It’ Button, Just Results)

  7. Our New Catalog Interface(The ‘Request It’ Button is Embedded)

  8. From 2010 to 2011Borrowing Requests Increased By 66%

  9. Borrowing Requests By Month for 2010, 2011 and 2012

  10. Adjustments Made to Processing • Rethinking how we approached new requests, we had to ask several questions: • Given that an item’s details are not always easy for new users to discover, does the patron know what they are asking for? Not necessarily, some deciphering needed • What format is being requested? Book, DVD, dissertation, article? The patron might not realize they have requested a strange format • How many holdings are attached to this OCLC WorldCat record? 2 or 3? Or more? • Is it ok for us to select another record if the holdings are low? Not always • Will the patron take another edition? Often, yes • Will the patron take another format? Sometimes • Considering the time sensitivity of interlibrary loan, what can we assume about a patron and move forward with processing the request? What do we need clarify with the patron before processing? Most of the time, yes, we can proceed • Given these questions, we had to allow for more time to process new requests.

  11. Physical Processing of Requests • Most of the increases in requests were books, requiring more time for physical processing. • Thankfully, we did not need to change how we processed items. • The arrival of a part-time interlibrary loan assistant in June was a timely addition, although not a direct reaction to the bump from IDS search.

  12. Current Challenges • The number of interlibrary loan requests continues to increase. • The same concerns and issues that appeared with the adoption of IDS search remain. This is not necessarily a bad thing. • In Spring 2012, we have seen a marked increase in the number of requests for items we own that are checked out. • More and more patrons are using the catalog to discover materials for their research. • We need to assume more challenges may come along that we cannot predict.

  13. Questions • Knowing how the IDS search results display, do we need to change the way we show patrons how to use the catalog? • We have had to rethink our ILL service model and give extra attention to more unusual requests. Do we need to adjust our service model further? • With the adoption of IDS Search, have we adjusted our library services in general? Should we? • Would we go back if we could have anticipated the increase in requests? No • Would we have done anything differently if we had known what was going to happen? Probably. However, it may have delayed the roll out of IDS search. • Has your library adopted, or considering adopting, IDS Search? What have been your challenges and/or concerns?

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