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AMINA. Senyawa yang mengandung gugus NH 2 Strukrur : RNH 2 Jenis : Amina primer (1 o ) Amina sekunder (2 o ) Amina tersier (3 o ). Tata Nama. Amina alifatik sederhana dinamakan dengan gugus alkil yang terikat pada atom N dan diberi akhiran amin .
AMINA Senyawa yang mengandung gugus NH2 Strukrur : RNH2 Jenis : Amina primer (1o) Amina sekunder (2o) Amina tersier (3o)
Tata Nama • Amina alifatik sederhana dinamakan dengan gugus alkil yang terikat pada atom N dan diberi akhiran amin.
Tata Nama : • Jika atom N mengikat 4 gugus hidrokarbon akan bermuatan positif dam dikenal sebagai ion ammonium kuartener
Tata Nama : • Senyawa yang mengandung gugus –NH2 pada cincin benzena dinamakan sebagai derivat anilin.
Tata Nama : • Senyawa siklis dimana satu atom C atau lebih diganti dengan atom nitrogen, diberi nama khusus sebagai heterosiklik amin.
Beberapa Contoh Senyawa Heterosiklis Amin • Alkaloid : senyawa yang mengandung nitrogen yang bersifat basa dari tumbuhan dan hewan. Senyawa ini mempunyai struktur yang rumit dan sifat farmakologis (faali) yang nyata • Nikotin dari tembakau • Porfirin : senyawa heterosiklis yang mengandung 4 cicin pirol yang saling berikatan. Porfirin membentuk kompleks dengan ion logam. Apabila membentuk kompleks dengan Fe membentuk besi-porfirin yang menyebabkan warna darah merah pada darah arteri Hemoglobin
Contoh Senyawa Heterosiklis • Klorofil berwarna hijau adalah kompleks Mg dengan porfirin yang termodifikasi.
Sifat-Sifat Fisik Amina : • Amina 1 dan 2 bersifat polar karena mampu membentuk ikatan hydrogen intermolekuler. • Larut dalam air karena mampu membentuk ikatan hidrogen dengan air. • Ikatan hidrogen
Measures of Basicity • The basicity of amines may be measured by: • 1) Kb • 2) pKb • 3) Ka of conjugate acid • 4) pKa of conjugate acid
+ – •• •• R3N H OH OH R3N H •• •• •• •• Basicity Constant (Kb) and pKb • Kb is the equilibrium constant for the reaction: + + [R3NH+][HO–] Kb = [R3N] and pKb = - log Kb
+ R3N + R3N H H+ •• Ka and pKa of Conjugate Acid • Ka is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of the conjugate acid of the amine: [R3N][H+] Ka = [R3NH+] and pKa = - log Ka
Relationships between acidity and basicity constants Ka Kb = 10-14 pKa + pKb = 14
The beverage reportedly produced using the extract of leaves of Erythroxylon coca: The compound: cocaine, it is an organic base:Merck Index, #2450, 11th ed.: Caution: May be habit forming….
Acid -Base Chemistry(Physical Properties) • m.p. 98 oC • b.p. (very volatile > 90 oC) Solubility: • Water: 1.67 x 10-3g/mL • CHCl3: 1.43 g/mL • Ether: 0.29 g/mL What structural feature makes cocaine a base? What simple compound can you relate it to?
“Regular” Cocaine Conjugate Acidof Cocaine(Physical Properties) • m.p. >195 oC Solubility: • Water: 2.5 g/mL • CHCl3: 0.08 g/mL • Ether: insoluble What accounts for the differences in solubilities of the base and conjugate acid?
Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solution • Amine Conj. Acid pKa • NH3 NH4+ 9.3 • CH3CH2NH2 CH3CH2NH3+ 10.8 CH3CH2NH3+ is a weaker acid than NH4+;therefore, CH3CH2NH2 is a stronger base than NH3.
Effect of Structure on Basicity • 1. Alkylamines are slightly stronger bases than ammonia. • 2. Alkylamines differ very little in basicity.
Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solution • Amine Conj. Acid pKa • NH3 NH4+ 9.3 • CH3CH2NH2 CH3CH2NH3+ 10.8 • (CH3CH2)2NH (CH3CH2)2NH2+ 11.1 • (CH3CH2)3N (CH3CH2)3NH+ 10.8 Notice that the difference separating a primary,secondary, and tertiary amine is only 0.3 pK units.
Effect of Structure on Basicity • 1. Alkylamines are slightly stronger bases than ammonia. • 2. Alkylamines differ very little in basicity. • 3. Arylamines are much weaker bases than ammonia.
Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solution • Amine Conj. Acid pKa • NH3 NH4+ 9.3 • CH3CH2NH2 CH3CH2NH3+ 10.8 • (CH3CH2)2NH (CH3CH2)2NH2+ 11.1 • (CH3CH2)3N (CH3CH2)3NH+ 10.8 • C6H5NH2 C6H5NH3+ 4.6
•• •• H OH NH2 •• – •• OH NH3 •• •• Decreased basicity of arylamines • Aniline (reactant) is stabilized by conjugation of nitrogen lone pair with ring p system. • This stabilization is lost on protonation. + + +
Decreased basicity of arylamines • Increasing delocalization makes diphenylamine a weaker base than aniline, and triphenylamine a weaker base than diphenylamine. C6H5NH2 (C6H5)2NH (C6H5)3N 3.8 x 10-10 6 x 10-14 ~10-19 Kb
Effect of Substituents on Basicity of Arylamines • 1. Alkyl groups on the ring increase basicity, but only slightly (less than 1 pK unit). • 2. Electron withdrawing groups, especially ortho and/or para to amine group, decrease basicity and can have a large effect.
X NH2 X NH3+ Basicity of Arylamines • X pKb pKa • H 9.4 4.6 • CH3 8.7 5.3 • CF3 11.5 2.5 • O2N 13.0 1.0
– •• •• O O •• •• •• + + •• N NH2 N NH2 O O •• •• •• •• – – •• •• p-Nitroaniline • Lone pair on amine nitrogen is conjugated with p-nitro group—more delocalized than in aniline itself. Delocalization lost on protonation. +
Effect is Cumulative • Aniline is 3800 times more basic thanp-nitroaniline. • Aniline is ~1,000,000,000 times more basic than 2,4-dinitroaniline.
•• N N •• H Heterocyclic Amines is more basic than piperidine pyridine Kb = 1.6 x 10-3 Kb = 1.4 x 10-9 (an alkylamine) (resembles anarylamine inbasicity)
R R O NH C C R' R' Synthesis of Amines via Reductive Amination In reductive amination, an aldehyde or ketoneis subjected to catalytic hydrogenation in thepresence of ammonia or an amine. • The aldehyde or ketone equilibrates with theimine faster than hydrogenation occurs. fast + + NH3 H2O
R R O NH C C R' R' R R' NH2 C H Synthesis of Amines via Reductive Amination The imine undergoes hydrogenation fasterthan the aldehyde or ketone. An amine is the product. fast + + NH3 H2O H2, Ni
H O NH2 NH Example: Ammonia gives a primary amine. H2, Ni + NH3 ethanol (80%) via:
O + CH3(CH2)5CH H2N CH3(CH2)5CH2NH Example: Primary amines give secondary amines H2, Ni ethanol (65%)
O + CH3(CH2)5CH H2N CH3(CH2)5CH2NH CH3(CH2)5CH N Example: Primary amines give secondary amines H2, Ni ethanol (65%) via:
O CH3CH2CH2CH N H N CH2CH2CH2CH3 Example: Secondary amines give tertiary amines + H2, Ni, ethanol (93%)
Reductive Amination Is Versatile • Ammonia, primary amines, and secondary amines yield primary, secondary, and tertiary amines, respectively
Mechanism of Reductive Amination • Imine is intermediate
Hofmann and Curtius Rearrangements • Carboxylic acid derivatives can be converted into primary amines with loss of one carbon atom by both the Hofmann rearrangement and the Curtius rearrangement
Hofmann Rearrangement • RCONH2 reacts with Br2 and base • Gives high yields of arylamines and alkylamines
Curtius Rearrangement • Heating an acyl azide prepared from substitution an acid chloride • Migration of R from C=O to the neighboring nitrogen with simultaneous loss of a leaving group
Amine Oxides Undergo a Cope Elimination Reaction
COPE EXAMPLE Mild conditions
Reactions of Amines • Alkylation and acylation have already been presented
Arylamines Are Not Useful for Friedel-Crafts Reactions • The amino group forms a Lewis acid–base complex with the AlCl3 catalyst, preventing further reaction • Therefore we use the corresponding amide
Diazonium Salts: The Sandmeyer Reaction • Primary arylamines react with HNO2, yielding stable arenediazonium salts NaNO2 + HCl HONO