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Learn about different learning styles and multiple intelligences to enhance your learning capabilities. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners each have unique characteristics and preferences. Discover ways to adapt your study methods for optimal retention and understanding.
All of us have a preferred learning style or modality. Does that mean we should stick to only using our favorite learning style?
The answer is a resounding NO! Students retain: • 10% of what they read. • 20% of what they hear. • 30% of what they see. • 50% of what they see and hear. • 70% of what they say. • 90% of what they say and do.
Multi-sensory approaches work well because of the way our brains are organized. When we learn, information takes one path into our brains when we use our eyes, another when we use our ears, and yet another when we use our hands. By using more than one sense, we bombard our brains with the new information in multiple ways. As a result, we learn better!!
The Three Main Learning Styles Visual learners Auditory Learners Kinesthetic, Body, or Tactile Learners
Common Characteristics of Visual Learners Can make movies in their minds of information they are reading See details Prefer face-to-face meetings Easily understand information presented in charts, pictures, or diagrams Pay close attention to body language Have a keen awareness of aesthetics Can easily recall printed information Good with visual symbols May forget names but remember faces Are distracted by untidiness or movement Comfortable with books and graphics
Auditory Learners tend to: • Learn best by hearing • Have strong oral communication skills • Be talkers • Accurately remember details from lectures and conversations • Hear tones, rhythms, and notes of music • Forget faces but remember names and what was talked about • Sound out words • Memorize easily • Prefer verbal directions • Prefer the telephone • Become distracted by sounds or noises
Kinesthetic or tactile learners often: Are well coordinated Learn best by using their hands Learn best by doing Are able to disassemble and reassemble things Were labeled as hyperactive Ignore directions and figure it out as they go along Jump right in and try activities Prefer action stories and may not be keen readers Write words down to see if they feel right Gesture and use expressive movements
Keep the study environment clutter free. Highlight and write as you study. Use different colors to select and organize. Always write down what you need to remember. Make recall cues as visual as possible with capital letters, colors, and illustrations. Make class notes visual with drawings, spacing, symbols, and so forth. Use charts and pictures to study. Recall information by visualizing text pages, notes, or study cards. When solving problems, draw or illustrate the problem and solution. Suggestions for Visual Learners
Have a quiet place to study. Recite aloud as you study. Attend all class lectures. Tape record lectures in addition to taking notes, and play them in your car. Talk yourself through the steps of a problem. Study in groups or with friends. Talk to yourself; describe diagrams or practice answering test questions out loud. Recite study cards into a tape recorder, and play it back. Recall information during exams by hearing yourself recite in your head. Suggestions for Auditory Learners
Use as many of your senses as possible when you study. Move around when you study; put study cards on the floor, and recite them as you move around the room. Study small frequent chunks. Use a timer to set study periods. Start with short times and work up. Take a break when the timer sounds. Study with another kinesthetic person. When solving problems, move around and manipulate items to represent parts of the problem. When taking tests, try to feel how you stored information by remembering what you physically did as you studied. Suggestions for Kinesthetic Learners
The Nine Multiple Intelligences • Musical/Rhythmic • Verbal/Linguistic • Logical/Mathematical • Visual/Spatial • Body/Kinesthetic/Tactile • Intrapersonal • Interpersonal • Naturalist • Existential
Verbal-Linguistic- The ability to use words and language Logical-Mathematical- The capacity for inductive and deductive thinking and reasoning, as well as the use of numbers and the recognition of abstract patterns Visual-Spatial- The ability to visualize objects and spatial dimensions and create internal images and pictures
Body-Kinesthetic- The wisdom of the body and the ability to control physical motion Musical-Rhythmic- The ability to recognize tonal patterns and sounds, as well as a sensitivity to rhythms and beats
Interpersonal- The capacity for person-to-person communications and relationships Intrapersonal- The spiritual, inner states of being, self-reflection, and awareness
Naturalist Intelligence excellent at recognizing and classifying both the animal and plant kingdoms, as well as showing understanding of natural phenomena Existential Intelligence the ability to be sensitive to, or have the capacity for, conceptualizing or tackling deeper or larger questions
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Musical Intelligence • Conductor - composer - band member - choir director • Critic - dancer - disc jockey - figure skater • Instrumentalist - instrumental instructor • Music critic - musical performer - music teacher • Music therapist - professional performer • Recording technician - rock group - singer - song writer • Sound engineer - teacher - violinist
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Intelligence • Lawyer - legal assistant - comedian - editor - historian • Interpreter - journalist - lawyer - librarian • Manager - novelist - orator - philosopher • Playwright - poet - politician - proof reader • Psychotherapist - public speaker • Public relations person - reporter - sales people • Secretary - social scientist - story teller • Supervisor - talk show host - teacher
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Visual/Spatial Intelligence • Photographer - graphic designer • Advertiser - architect - artist - builder - carpenter • Cartographer - chess player - coach - commercial artist • Computer specialist - craftsperson - decorator - dentist • Draftsperson/drafting engineer - engineer • Fashion designer - film editor/director • Furniture restorer - geographer - geometrician • Industrial design - interior designer - inventor • Landscape architect/designer - makeup artist • Mechanic - navigator - outdoors guide - painter • Pilot - sailor - sculptor - seamstress • Set designer - sign painter - surgeon - surveyor
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Body/Kinesthetic/Tactile • Acrobat - dancer - aerobic teacher - coach • Physical education teacher - athlete - ballet dancer • Actor - actress - drama coach • Jockey - rodeo rider - equestrian • Assembler - building trade person • Carpenter - choreographer - clown • Massage therapist - gymnast - pianist • Commercial artist - construction worker - craftsperson • Inventor - juggler - magician - manual laborer • Mechanic - mime - physical therapist • Sculptor - stunt people - surgeon - trainer - architect
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Intrapersonal Intelligence • Entrepreneur - consultant - counselor - creative writer • Guru - leadership trainer - philosopher - psychiatrist • Psychologist - psychotherapist - researcher - sage • Self employed people - spiritual counselor - therapist • Writer
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal Intelligence • Teacher - therapist - travel agent/counselor • Business person - chess player • Child care worker - clergyman - coach • Community organizer - consumer service advocate • Counselor - homemaker - manager - mediator - nurse • Politician - probation officer - psychologist • Psychotherapist - public relation promoter - receptionist • Recreation assistant - religious leader - salesperson - waiter/waitress • Secretary - social leader - social director - social worker
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Naturalist Intelligence • Biologist - botanist - chef - environmentalist • Landscape artist - navigator - park ranger - sailor • Veterinarian - weather tracking specialist • Zoo keeper - animal handler - anthropologist - astronomer
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