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Stay informed about Year 5 curriculum, contact details, safety protocols, and homework expectations in this comprehensive guide. Learn about PE schedules, online safety, attendance, and weekly homework tasks. Ensure your child's success by staying connected with the school.
Welcome to Year 5 Teachers – Mrs Dudgeon & Ms Faulder Teaching Assistant – Ms Elderfield
How to get in touch We have an open door policy at Brookburn and are always happy to meet with you to discuss any queries or concerns that you may have. This is key to our partnership in supporting your child. • Should you ever wish to speak to your class teacher, the following can be done: • Catch teachers on the door at the end of the school day • Pass a message on through the staff member on your child’s door in the morning – this will be passed on and your child’s teacher will get back to you • Phoning the school office to arrange a meeting • Emailing parentinbox@brookburn.manchester.sch.uk • Parents evening: Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th October • Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th March
How to get in touch We would always ask that, wherever you have a problem or a concern, that we as class teachers are your first port of call. We are the staff who work with and know your children better than anyone else and we hope that we would always be able to listen and respond to concerns to remedy any issue. If you feel that you need to take your concern further though, you should speak to your child’s year or phase leader (depending on their year group). The phase leader for our year group is: Miss Taylor Our SENDCo and Deputy Headteachers are always available to offer support however discussions at class teacher / phase lead level would always be encouraged before seeking SLT involvement.
What do Year 5 learn? NB Timetables are flexible and subject to change
PE • PE is on Monday and Tuesday • PE bags and kit should be labelled • PE bags should come into school on Monday and stay in school all week, should another opportunity for PE arise KIT • Navy/Black trousers and shorts • White t-shirt • Navy or black jumper • Trainers
Staying Safe on line • We take this issue very seriously at Brookburn Primary. Internet and social media safety is taught to all year groups at the beginning of the school year. We have school-wide safety features, but if anything gets past the filters, students are taught to switch off the screen and report to a member of staff immediately. • Our digital code – Zip it, Block it, Flag it. • We value your support in keeping children safe online by urging you to supervise your child’s on line presence at home and to regularly check your privacy settings on social media sites.- for more info see the IT section of our website under the curriculum tab.
Attendance and Punctuality • School doors open from 8.50am and close promptly at 9am. • Once door is locked all children must enter school via the main entrance to be recorded as late. • Doors open to dismiss children at 3.30pm and are locked at 3.40pm. Any children not collected will be sent to the office where their parents will be contacted. • Persistently late/poor attendance- a record is kept in the class register, parents are contacted. Learning sessions not attended significantly impact on children’s learning and are recorded as unauthorised absence in the register. Please be aware that the Local Authority monitor unauthorised absences and, where appropriate, will issue penalty notices or consider prosecution in the magistrates court. • If your child is experiencing any problems that may be affecting their attendance or punctuality, then please contact their class teacher or the office.
Weekly homework expectations • TT Rockstars • Sumdog • Spellings from Spelling Shed • 10 minute+ daily reading • 10 minute CGP English workout • 10 minute CGP Maths workout This year, we have introduced CGP homework weekly workout books which will take the place of maths and English sheets. More information will be sent during the week of 9/9/19. All log in details will be on the inside cover of the CGP booklets. In an effort to save paper, differentiated spellings will be added to spelling shed to be practised at home and these will be tested the following week.
Y3/4 Word List accident(ally) actual(ly) address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe build busy/business calendar caught centre century certain circle complete consider continue decide describe imagine increase important interest island knowledge learn length library material medicine mention minute natural naughty notice occasion(ally) often opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps popular different difficult disappear early earth eight/eighth enough exercise experience experiment extreme famous favourite February forward(s) fruit grammar group guard guide heard heart height history position possess(ion) possible potatoes pressure probably promise purpose quarter question recent regular reign remember sentence separate special straight strange strength suppose surprise therefore though/although thought through various weight woman/women Children will be tested on these spellings during the first couple of weeks and a highlighted sheet will be sent home with any words they need to practise.
Y5/6 Word List category cemetery committee communicate community Competition conscience* conscious* controversy convenience correspond criticise (critic + ise) curiosity definite desperate determined develop dictionary disastrous embarrass environment equip (–ped, –ment) especially exaggerate excellent existence explanation familiar foreign forty frequently government marvellous mischievous muscle necessary neighbour nuisance occupy occur opportunity parliament accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached available average awkward bargain bruise temperature thorough twelfth variety vegetable vehicle yacht restaurant rhyme rhythm sacrifice secretary shoulder signature sincere(ly) soldier stomach sufficient suggest symbol system guarantee harass hindrance identity immediate(ly) individual interfere interrupt language leisure lightning
Topics Our topics for the year will be – • Fight or flight (WWII) • Making Waves (Anglo Saxons and Vikings) • Go with the flow (Rivers) NB. This term, we will be making air raid shelters, please could you send in a full-size, washed tin can (no sharp edges), newspaper and a shoe box lid. We will provide the rest! Also, please save a small plastic bottle for a WWII plane making homework later in the term. Thank you!
Science • Properties and changes of materials • Forces • All living things • Earth and space
Computing • Internet and E-Safety / We are artists • We are architects • We are cryptographers • We are Game Developers • We are bloggers Homework will occasionally be posted via the blog. The Year 5 blogs contain links to useful maths and literacy websites. http://5a2019.brookburnprimary.net/ http://5b2019.brookburnprimary.net/
Trips • Stockport Air Raid Shelters – WWII Monday 16th December • Longdendale – Investigating Rivers • Chorlton High School – Transition links • School Visitors – Nurse, Bike Right Dates TBC
Year 5 Extras • Brookies / Play Leaders • Eco Buddies • Reading Buddies with year 1/2 • Chorlton High Links
Reminders • Book bags – brought daily • PE bags – bring in on Monday and stay in school • Labelling – please label clothes with children’s full name • Lost property – encourage children to be responsible for their possessions • Jewellery – watches and stud earrings only (must be removed for PE)