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This information seminar focuses on supporting advocacy and accountability interventions in Zanzibar. Learn about the concept note, guidelines, common mistakes, and the way forward for successful proposals.
Mradi wa Kusaidia Watendaji Wasio Wa Kitaifa wa Zanzibar Zanzibar Non-State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)(TZ/FED/023-163) INFORMATION SEMINAR Support to Advocacy &Accountability interventions in Zanzibar Session 4 – The concept Note - Ref. ZANSASP/LG Mradi unaofadhiliwa kati ya EU na SMZ Unasimamiwa na: ZANSASP- Call for Proposals 2017
In this last session… • We will look in details at the most important document of the call for proposal: The Guidelines • Reading it very carefully is the secret of a successful application
Content Introduction to the CN • 1. The relevance of the project • Relevance to the situation of the ground • Relevant to the call for proposals • 2. The design of the Action (i.e. design of the project and its effectiveness) • 3. Common mistakes • 4. The way forward
Introduction to the CN • You must use the application form (Part A) but as you can see there is no specific template just just a list of questions and sub questions organised in sections. • In order to assist you, we have devised a CN template. You can use this format to write the text of your proposal (see hand out). The template is not compulsory. • If used, you then need to insert it in your application after the instructions and complete the other sections.
Introduction to the CN • You can also follow the order of the questions in the instructions and respond to all of them in that specific order. • The concept note should provide an executive summary of the full application that will be requested later: It should provide brief yet adequate information on the proposal action • Read the full application template before you start writing the concept note.
Introduction to the CN • Respect layout parameters • Font size cannot be smaller than Arial 10 with 2 cm margins • 5-page limit for the entire concept note (including preliminary table ”summary” but excluding signature page and check list) • Space sections properly and use the same font and font size throughout.
Introduction to the CN template • Safest to maintain section guide questions as provided in the template (see hand out), and provide responses immediately underneath the questions in each heading. • This template reflects the order of the scoring matrix NOT the order of the instruction • The template also addresses all issues in the instructions but ensure you also read the full instructions for the CN
Section of the CN • 1. Instructions • 1.1 Summary of the action (one table to complete) • 1.2 Description of the action (text: 1 page) • 1.3 Relevance of the action (text: 3 pages) • 2. Check list (two tables to complete) • 3. Declaration by the applicant (sign and date) • 4. Assessment grid for the concept note (nothing to do)
Steps to complete the CN • Step 1. Write the section “description of the action” and “relevance” (using the questions asked in the application form or the template distributed by Zansasp) • Step 2: Complete the table “Summary of the action” based on your proposal • Step 3: Look at the Check list as guidelines on what to do no next • Step 4: Prepare envelope, copies and CD rom as instructed (page 17, section 2.2.2) • Step 5: Sign and date “Declaration by the applicant” • Step 6: Fill up the check list and put everything in envelope and close envelope.
1. Relevance of the action • To be scored:30/50 of the overall score of CN • Should be 3 pages max. • Relevance to the priorities and objectives mentioned in the Guidelines of the call for proposal (see top of page 5 for objectives of the call) • THIS QUESTION COUNTS FOR 10 POINTS (10/30 for this section) • DON’T REPEAT THE OBJECTIVES OF ZANSASP OR OF THE CALL FOR PROPOSAL, BUT EXPLAIN IN SIMPLE WORDS HOW YOUR PROJECT IS PART OF THE REALISATION OF THESE OBJECTIVES.
Relevance of the action • Relevance of the problems to needs and constraints of the area (village, community, sheia, district, region, country) in general • THIS QUESTIONS COUNTS FOR 10 POINTS • The response to this question is based on your problem analysis and your stakeholders analysis
Relevance of the Project Don’t forget to: • Mention synergies, complementarity with other projects/ programmes and/ or policies of the EU (if any), of the RGoZ ( if any) of other Development partners (DPs) or NGOs in the country/ area. • Clearly indicate why there would be no duplication. • If there is nothing else happening (if no policies, no other projects), try to explain why the problems you are trying to resolve has yet not been addressed by anyone else.
Relevance of the action • Relevance of the problems to needs and constraints of the target groups and final beneficiaries in particular • THIS QUESTIONS COUNTS FOR 5 POINTS • The response to this question is based on your problem analysis and your stakeholders analysis • This is where you have to define qualitatively and quantitatively the various target groups • It can be presented as a table (see next)
Relevance of the action • Added value: Include here a discussion on how you deal with the added value of the call for proposal (as mentioned page 5 of the guidelines) • Gender mainstreaming • Social inclusion • Multi-stakeholder dialogue • THIS QUESTIONS COUNTS FOR 5 POINTS • The response to this question is based on your objective analysis and your stakeholders analysis and the definition of your activities.
2. Design of the Action (project) Design of the action – score: 20/50 - 1 page max • In this section you have to examines: • The overall design of the project (i.e. is it logic?, does it make sense? What would happen to the situation without project? • The feasibility of the action (is it realistic) • In this section you will discuss: • Overall Objective (what will the project contribute to?) • Specific Objective (what will the project achieve?) • Results (Specific outcomes that activities will provide) • Activities • Budget • Partnership/involvement of other stakeholders
Design of the action • Overall design of the action: here you have to look at the internal logic of the project that is the Relation between Overall objectives, specific objectives, result and activities • Does it really respond to the need/ problem identified? • Look at how and why you chose your partners? • Why this project (activities) and not something else to solve the problem? • What would happen to the problem/situation without project? • THIS QUESTIONS COUNTS FOR 10 POINTS • The response to this question is based on your problem and objective analysis and your stakeholders analysis (specially partnership), risk analysis and the definition of your activities.
Design of the action • The feasibility of the action: here you have to look at the feasibility and effectiveness of the project that is the Relation between what you want to do and: • The resource you and your partners have ( staff, skills, money) • The time you have for the project and what happens if there are delays/ problems and how it will impact on other activities • Look at long term impact of project ( what happens when it stops) – see next slide for details • THIS QUESTIONS COUNTS FOR 10 POINTS • The response to this question is based on your problem and objective analysis and your stakeholders analysis (specially partnership), risk analysis and the definition of your activities.
Sustainability: long term impact of the project • Important to consider both financial and non-financial sustainability. • Financial sustainability: how to make sure the project activities carry on without the monies from the grant • Non-financial sustainability means sustainability of outputs, outcomes or impacts. (e.g. handover to communities, maintenance post-project of equipment, exit strategies, training of trainers, new policy, new relations with stakeholders established, etc.)
3. Common Mistakes • Technical Application too long • Information provided without taking into account the scores available per section • Too much background information provided on history/geography of project area and not enough detailed information on the project • Applicants assume knowledge of assessors and don’t explicitly provide information on project/organisation - if it’s not in black and white on paper it cannot be scored!
Common Mistakes • No linkage is made to the objectives of the Call for Applications and of ZANSASP • “Generic” projects are submitted that are not tailored to the requirements of the Call for Applications • Template is not used (incl. Check list) • Declaration by Application not signed • Project un-realistic (timing, capacity and skills in the organisation)
Common Mistakes • Proposal submitted after the deadline (even 5 minutes count!) • Envelope not in the right format • No electronic version of proposal Look at handouts distributed during the session with the template – It contains a list of common mistakes made by applicants for each section of the template.. And it also provide guidance on how to answer some of the questions!
4. Way forward & recommendations • Applicants can ask questions by email and answers are posted on the web and available for all at the office • Take time to read carefully all the documents and hand outs • Use the check list • Don’t wait for the last minute to do your proposal • Don’t re-invent the wheel.. Focus on your experience and your strengths and what you know best!
4. Way forward & recommendations • What about the budget? • Only needed for the applicants that will be shortlisted to submit a full application BUT you need to provide a global amount now for the whole project that includes: • Your 5% contribution of the budget • A realistic cost estimates of the activities you are planning • Dedicated training on budget and the template for budget will be organised after the 1st stage of the proposal.
4. If you have any questions • Send your questions to: grants@zansasp.co.tz • Response to your question will be posted online (www.zansasp.co.tz) for everyone else to benefit from the same information • No other way of requesting clarifications • Deadline for questions: 24 April 2017 • Deadline for response: 4 May 2017
Ahsante sana For more information and questions: grants@zansasp.co.tz www.zansasp.co.tz All the best – Kila la heri Mradi unaofadhiliwa kati ya EU na SMZ Unasimamiwa na: