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First Workshop ESSP Bioenergy Bioenergy and Earth Sustainability University of São Paulo

Explore nitrogen dynamics in Brazilian sugarcane production, nitrogen fertilizers use, losses, and impact on the environment. Discussion on recycling, denitrification, mineralization, and the nitrogen cycle for sustainable practices.

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First Workshop ESSP Bioenergy Bioenergy and Earth Sustainability University of São Paulo

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  1. First Workshop ESSP Bioenergy Bioenergy and Earth Sustainability University of São Paulo Centro de Energia Nuclear naAgricultura Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” 19-21 July 2008 “NitrogendynamicsandsugarcaneinBrazil” Luiz A Martinelli (CENA/USP) Reynaldo L Victoria (CENA/USP) Janaina Braga do Carmo (UFSCar-Sorocaba) Jean Pierre Ometto (IGBP-INPE)

  2. GLOBAL VIEW - Ethanol

  3. Brazil North Northeast Center-West Southeast South

  4. Nitrogen fertilizers in sugar cane Sugar cane: 80 -100 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 Pasture: 0 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 Soybean: 0 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 (BNF) Corn: 150-200 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 Coffee: 250-300 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 Most as UREA – (CO(NH2)2) Losses of UREA: volatilization and nitrification Volatilization: 1.UREA is transformed in ammonium carbonate 2. Ammonium carbonate under high pH and temperature is transformed in NH3 Nitrification: 1. NH3 is oxidized into NH4+ 2. NH4 is nitrified to NO3- 3. NO3- is leached out of the soil profile or 4. NO3- is denitrified to N2O

  5. ? 15 N2 N-particle NH3 30 volatilization N-harvest Biological fixation 10 15 UREA denitrification 100 kg N/ha.yr N2O + N2 20* (if we close the balance) Cana Reciclagem OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification Mineralization 10 Fonte: Trivelin, Gava, Oliveira (CENA); Vitti (ESALQ), Cantarella (IAC) -15N labeled fertilizer

  6. 15 N2 N-particle NH3 30 volatilization N-harvest Biological fixation 10 15 UREA denitrification 100 kg N/ha.yr N2O + N2 20* (Only one measurement: 2-3 kgN/ha.yr as N2O) Dinailson (2003) Cana Reciclagem OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification Mineralization 10 Fonte: Trivelin, Gava, Oliveira (CENA); Vitti (ESALQ), Cantarella (IAC)

  7. pH= 4.9 4.8 4.4 4.7

  8. The Nitrogen Cycle – N-poor agricultural system N2 N-harvest NH3 Biological fixation N-fert volatilization 0 kg N/ha.yr N2O + N2 denitrification Pastagem Reciclagem OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification Mineralization Fonte: Cerri & Cerri (CENA), Melillo, Neill (WHOI), Bernoux (IRD)

  9. The Nitrogen Cycle – N-poor natural system N2 NH3 deposition biological fixation volatilization Cerrado N2O + N2 denitrification reciclagem OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification mineralization Fonte: Bustamante, Miranda, Klink (UnB)

  10. The Nitrogen Cycle – N-poor natural system N2 NH3 ? deposition biological fixation volatilization ? ? N2O + N2 denitrification ? reciclagem ? ? OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification mineralization ? Soil acidification <pH < Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, K+ > Al+3

  11. If Meq/M>1.0, there will be net climate warming, the greenhouse warming by in creased N2O release to the atmosphere then being larger than the quasi-cooling effect from “saved fossil CO2”.

  12. 15 50* N2 N-particle NH3 30 volatilization N-harvest Biological fixation 80 denitrification 15 UREA 100 kg N/ha.yr N2O + N2 20* (if we close the balance) Cana 20* Reciclagem OM NH4+ NO3- nitrification Mineralization 10 Fonte: Trivelin, Gava, Oliveira (CENA); Vitti (ESALQ), Cantarella (IAC), Urquiaga (Embrapa)

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