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Tartu Hansa Rotary Club: Building Strong Community Bonds Through Service

Explore the impactful journey of Tartu Hansa Rotary Club from its establishment in 2003 to its vibrant present, focusing on charity projects, youth exchanges, international relationships, and plans for the future. Witness the club's dedication to serving the community through various initiatives and fostering lifelong connections with members and organizations. Be a part of the inspiring legacy of service and camaraderie that defines the essence of Tartu Hansa Rotary Club.

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Tartu Hansa Rotary Club: Building Strong Community Bonds Through Service

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  1. Tartu Hansa Rotary Club establishing • 2003-2004 – Initial meeting, establishing the club • June, 29, 2004 – Awarding the membership of Rotary International • February 19, 2005 - Charter-party in the Concert Hall Vanemuine • Founding club – Tartu Rotary Club • 26charter members • Club today has 17 Charter-members • First president – Ellen Tohvri

  2. First joint activities as group – Hansa rotary 2003 - 2004

  3. Today 33 members

  4. Members • There have been another 14club members; • Out of these 14: • - 2 left already on their first half year • - 9 left 2005-2007 (added 5) • - 3 left 2008-2012 (added 14) • 2 members are back im Club • average age of members is 48 years.

  5. Youth Growth Fund established 30.08.2005 • All together 47 pupils have got fellowships (106 000 EEK and 4500 eurot) 2011. a. stipendiaat Andres Rõõm Rahvusvaheline orienteerumislaager Tsehhis Vidnavas

  6. Jürgen Dengo (2012), Hans Kristjan Muhel (2009)

  7. Charity projects -1 • Tartu Rotary club project “Sinilill” – home for kids with special needs Computer class for blind students 15.01.2007

  8. Charity projects-2 * Riita Shares Rotary" donation for Kroonuaia school 15.04. 2009, 2010 and special donation from club memebers * 2008 -Tartu Christian home for youngsters – equipment for common room *2011 Erastvere full- service lease – facilities for recreation from Sweden

  9. Youth and GSE exchange through the years We have welcomed 2 exchange students within the youth exchange framework, and 2 local students have been on exchange. 23 young people have been abroad within the framework of Rotary camps . • Summerexchange, 1 (LAV,2008) • GSE – 2012 South-Korea (Triin Jagomägi), 2010- Alaska, 2008-New-Zealand, Sirje Kallasvee group leader in Alaska.

  10. Youth exchange – summer camps and groups of young specialists New- Zealand GSE group Rotary summer 23-27.07.2007

  11. Exchange students Gustavo from Brazil 2009-2010 with his rotary-mum Külli Paasik Christopher Burnett from USA 2011-2012 was hosted by Triin Jagomägi, Tea Taliaru and Ülle Koppel

  12. Rotary international conference • 22-23.09.2007 in Tartu

  13. Tartu Hansa Rotary Club on meetings with politicians 2009. Aprill in Brussels and 2011. Sep. in Strasbourg Europarlamendi saadiku ja Eesti naisliidu esinaise Siiri Oviiri kutsel

  14. Visits to enterprises and government

  15. Common work! 2008


  17. Skiing with other rotary clubs …

  18. Relationships with other clubs

  19. We have a lot of fun togehter

  20. Painting campaign Colle Verde Toscana 2006 ja Dezensano del Gardas 2008 Italy, Lloret de Mar Spain 2007

  21. Most successful auction 27000 EEK 2006. a

  22. International relationships Zandzegge Rotary club, Bilthoven 16-19 september 2011 13. september 2010 Hollandi naisklubi esindaja Dioni Paardekooper ja Eesti aukonsuli Hollandis Nick van de Griendt


  24. Plans for the Rotary Year 2012/2013 • Two charity concerts for Youth Growth Fund - December, 7, 2012 - February, 14, 2013 • Organize PETS in Tartu March,1-2, 2013 • 3-5 new members • Sponsored new club -Tallinn City Rotary Club • soliciting donations for fontainein Tartu Centre for Creative Industries

  25. Charity Concerts Dec, 9, 2012 and Febr, 14, 2013

  26. 2012/2013 Season opening party in Ice Age Centre August, 17, 2012 http://www.jaaaeg.ee

  27. Season opening party in Ice Age Centre August 2012/2013

  28. Two new members, August,17,2012

  29. Fellow of Youth Growth Found Laura Danilas

  30. Tartu Hansa Rotary Club 2012-2013

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