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Development of drought tolerance germplasm for improved cassava productivity in marginal agro-ecology of Nigeria

Grand Challenge # 9: Create a Nutrient Rich Staple Plant . Accelerating the Green Revolution in Nigeria. Overview of PASS Projects in Nigeria, Kano, 26-28 September 2011. Development of drought tolerance germplasm for improved cassava productivity in marginal agro-ecology of Nigeria.

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Development of drought tolerance germplasm for improved cassava productivity in marginal agro-ecology of Nigeria

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grand Challenge # 9: Create a Nutrient Rich Staple Plant Accelerating the Green Revolution in Nigeria. Overview of PASS Projects in Nigeria, Kano, 26-28 September 2011 Development of drought tolerance germplasm for improved cassava productivity in marginal agro-ecology of Nigeria Okogbenin E, Akinbo O, Egesi C, Ewa F, Ekaette E, Adebija C

  2. Outline • Brief Background of NRCRI, Umudike • Highlights of the main achievements • Current collaborators • prospective Collaboration with other PASS/AGRA projects • Key Challenges • Acknowledgement

  3. National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Nigeria • One of the 17 Agricultural Research Institutes in Nigeria • It became known as National Root Crops Research Institute in 1973 • Research Institutes under the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN)

  4. Cassava Map of Nigeria Target agro-ecology Experimental site

  5. Highlights of the main achievements • Evaluation of Latin American germplasm for drought tolerance • Evaluation of NRCRI/IITA germplasm for drought tolerance • Evaluation of protein germplasm introduction from Latin America

  6. Screening of drought tolerance elite materials from Latin America introduced through tissue culture technology • Screening of drought tolerance materials from Latin America using botanical seeds

  7. Yield of over 28 ton per ha for 2009/2010

  8. Tolerant Susceptible Potential

  9. Tolerant Susceptible Potential

  10. Second year yield in pictures Local as check for yield

  11. Local check for diseases

  12. Simple statistics of characters of agronomic and diseases from screening of drought materials Kano, 2011

  13. Potential Dankata (Local Check)

  14. Potential Dankata (Local Check)

  15. Yield results of 2010/2011 (protein field)

  16. Simple statistics of characters of agronomic and diseases from screening of Protein materials Abuja, 2011

  17. Frequency distribution of the mean protein content from the screened Protein materials in Abuja, 2011

  18. yield results of 2010/2011 (seedlings)

  19. Simple statistics of characters of agronomic and diseases from seedling stage of drought materials from Latin America

  20. Selection Index • Based on Fresh root yield, Dry root yield, Dry matter content, Vigor, Architecture, Harvest Index, Cassava mosaic disease, Cassava bacterial blight, cassava anthracnose disease • SI = +(FRY*10)+(DRY*10)+(DMC*8)+(HI*8)-(Arch*7)-(vig*7)-(CMD*8)-(CBB*7)-(CAD*4)

  21. selection index for 2009 – 2011 for Latin America germplasm Local check Potentials

  22. Recommendation for Nationally Co-ordinated Research Project (NCRP) 2012 • AR 9-5 • CW 525-1

  23. Establishment of the selected germplasm with the local (Dankata and Danwaru as a check) • Establishment picture of the current field in Kano

  24. Establishment of the drought tolerant germplasm in Kano

  25. Establishment of the protein/beta carotene/clonal drought trials in Kano

  26. Establishment of the protein/beta carotene/ trials in Abuja

  27. Breeding approach ♀ ♂ (Male parent) (Female parent) Segregating population from the hybridization

  28. Seedling nursery for mapping population • crosses for drought complementary traits

  29. Weather station under construction for accurate data collection onsite Irrigation facilities under construction for field water supply during field establishment onsite

  30. Nominated genotypes for release in 2011 • CR 36 – 5 • NR 03/0155 • NR 03/0211

  31. Oron, Akwa Ibom State Monitoring of Cassava On-farm Trials for release

  32. Odukpani, Cross River State Monitoring of Cassava On-farm Trials for release

  33. Oron, Akwa Ibom State Enugu, Enugu State Monitoring of Cassava On-farm Trials for release

  34. Current & prospective Collaboration with other PASS/AGRA projects • Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources on green revolution programme • Federal Ministry of commerce and Industries • New market driven objective motivated by government policy • Value chain that allow development from production through processing to cassava based products • Opening of market outlet to final end-users

  35. Key challenges • Facilities for screening in dry ecologies • On farm trials is capital intensive • Multiplication of stem cuttings takes time • Distribution of stem cuttings is expensive (bulkiness) • Networking/meetings/discussing with farmers is cost consuming • ADP workers are not fully functional

  36. Acknowledgements • NRCRI, Umudike • IAR, Zaria • AGRA • GCP

  37. Thank you for listening

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