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Intersistemi Group. Mission Strategy Solutions. Companies. Intersistemi Italia spa : The Group Leader, it has been working for 30 years in Information Technology Geosystems srl : leader in the Geographic Information systems (GIS) field
Intersistemi Group Mission Strategy Solutions
Companies Intersistemi Italia spa: The Group Leader, ithasbeenworkingfor 30 years in Information Technology Geosystems srl: leader in the Geographic Information systems (GIS) field CSA srl:economic and statisticalresearch inMEDIAtechnologies srl: specialized in innovative technologies on multimedia devices and digitalcommunication. Evolvo srl: production of IT systemsforHealthindustry and telemedicine DDCOM srl: specialized in networking (wireless networks, opticalfiber, wiredconnections),ICT infrastructures (Data Center) and in technologicalequipmentssuchasphotovoltaicsystems, CCTV and anti-intruder systems)
Business Areas ICT Healthcare and Telemedicine Geomatics Applications Systems Project Management Market Research ICT Business Security Products Network and ICT Infrastructures Multimedia SystemsSolutions
The Group Leader Intersistemi hasbeenoperating in Information Technologysince the 80’s and ithascurrently a staff ofover 250 highlyqualifiedspecialists; thankstoyearsofwellestabilishedexperience, itiswidelyrecognizedforits fast technologicalevolution and foritsflexibility. BUSINESS AREAS • Applications • Systems • Products • Project Management REFERENCES Institutions • Ministries (Beni e Attività Culturali, Interno, Giustizia) • ChamberofDeputies • ENAC • Regions (Toscana, Abruzzo, Veneto, Molise) Banks, Industries and Public Utility Services(Banca d’Italia, Intesa San Paolo, Banca Fideuram, Mediocredito Centrale), IBM Italia, Renault Italia, ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni (Aspasiel), Selex-Elsag, SO.GE.I., INSIEL, Accenture , Engineering, Telecom Italia, Aprilia, Poste Italiane, e-Geos, Aim Vicenza, Cotral, Italgas, Snam ReteGas.
Applications Intersistemi supportsitscustomersthroughout the entirelifecycleofanapplicationprovidingsystem design, development and application management servicesforcomplexsolutions, the groupusesseveraltechnologiesthanksto the partnership withleading hardware and software producers SERVICES,PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS Intersistemi Software Factoryoffersvarious service typologies: • Design and developmentofcustom computer solutions. • Maintenanceof information systemsmodules • Portingtodifferenttechnologyplatforms • Websites and web portals design • Downsizingservices • Reverse engineeringservices • Integrationbetween commercial software platforms and customer’s legacysystems In ordertomanage software developmentprocesses, Intersistemi employsdifferentapproachingmethodologies and tools: “Agile” modelsto deal witheventualSupplier-Customerdisputesover Software RequirementsSpecification (SRS) at the beginningof the developmentprocess “Cascade” models in casesof "locked" and approvedrequirements at the beginningof the design and developmentphases
Systems In 2002 Intersistemi has set up anadvanced data center, abletoconnectthrough private or public communicationlines or VPNstocustomer’s IT infrastructure, in ordertoprovide outsourcing services (housing / hosting ofservers and applications) or ASP (Application service Provider). DisasterRecoveryservices can beprovided at customer’s request. SERVICES,PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS Assistanceservices System software installation and set-up, migrationfrom / todifferentoperatingsystems, releases upgrade, IMAC services (InstallMoveAdd or Change) forboth PDL and server, performance monitoring and tuningsystem Outsourcing services • Disasterrecovery • Business continuity • Server virtualization and pdl Data Center services • Server farm • Housing • Hosting TLC services • VOIP trafficexchangeplatforms
Products Intersistemi high techwidelyappreciatedproducts are the resultsofyearsofexperience and skillsdevelopment: eFlow, Workflow and Document Management software platformwhichprovides a validsupportforproceduralprocesses and business organization, iCRM,control system thatprovidestechnicalsupportmanaging system user’s requestsforassistance and intervention HumanResources Management and Accounting Products, studiedforspecificneedsof Public Administrationprocesses Computerizedselections, designedtohandle the competitorsselectionusing the most appropriate technologies and equipment, in relation to the volumes and the timerequiredfor the tests: from the classicalopticalreading system to the "multimedia" roomwithworkstationsequippedwithtouchscreen, foractivitiescloselyrelatedto the selectionsbutalsoforall the preparatorystages (printingfacilities, logistics, etc.) Phebo,platformdevelopedby Evolvo thatease and speed up communicationbetweenpatients and healthcareprofessionalsbysimplifying the exchangeof information, surveillance and healthmonitoring in ordertominimize the movementofpatients Ramani,frameworkrealizedbyGeosystems, itproducesWebGISapplicationsaimed at geographic and alphanumeric data consultation
Project Management Intersistemi isanorganisationstrongly project oriented and couldrely on the expertise ofqualifiedresourceswithprovenlong-terminternationalexperience, nowworkingalongsidewithitsbiggestcustomers. Due tosignificantexperience in project and program management, Intersistemi can noweffectivelysupportitscustomers on the governanceactivitiesofcomplex ICT projects. SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS Program, Portfolio e Demand Management • Centralized management ofone or more portfoliosofprograms and projects • Identification and qualifyingof the demand (need), priority management, definition and • management ofauthorizationprocesses and proactivemonitoringof the progress ofprojects and • programs Bid Management • AnalysisofeconomicsustainabilityofBidwithevaluationofcosts and benefits • Riskanalysis and evaluationofcounter-measures and economicvalueof the risk budget • Definitionofspecificrequirementsofsolution at multiple levelofdetail,wheneverrequired • Draftingoftechnical and economicBid Project Management • Complete projects or specifictasks in eachKnowledge Area of PMBOK (Integration, Scope, Time, • Cost, Quality, HumanResource, Communications, Risk, Procurement) • Temporary Management Resource Management • Operative resources management • Individual and collective training and tutoring in eachof the PMBOK Knowledge Area • Recruitment and staff development
ICT Business Security Previouslyalreadyactive in the information security and data protectionareas, the parent company strengthensitsorganization in 2012 with the acquisitionof a business unitthatcarries out specializedconsulting in the design, implementation and maintenanceofsystems and security solutionsforcomplexstructuresofnetworks. SERVICES,PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS • Data and Application Security & Monitoringplatforms • Security Information & Event Management • Supportforcompliance, by auditing services and specializedsupporttoidentify the • organizational and technological gap in comparisontoone or more referencestandards • (eg, PCI-DSS, Privacy, Workers' Statute, ISO 27001 and others) • Technicalconsulting in engineeringapplications and in qualityimprovementplans • Security Assessmentservices, aimed at verifying the status ofreal security of a system TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS HP Arcsight, Imperva, Ironport, Enterasys, McAfee, Stonesoft, Cisco REFERENCES Banca d’Italia, Inps, Telecom Italia, Terna, Wind mobile, Vodafone, Poste Italiane, Lottomatica, Enel, Enpals, H3g, CartaSi, Unipol, Zucchi, Saba. RISK Data Exposure Valore Dati Interazione tra Sistemi
Geomatics Geosystemsis a leader comapny in the geomaticsspecialisticfield, itisspecialized in software development and in providingrelatedservices and products. The company is ESRI Business Partner, forwhichitresellscustomizedproducts and providesassistance; also has the expertise to design and integrate systemsusingother GIS market and open-sourceproducts. SERVICES • IT consulting • Design and implementationofGeographic Information Systems • Training courses • Production and supplyofcartographical data PRODUCTS • GIS Basic software reseller • RAMANI – cartographicalmappingofheterogeneousdatabases • GESTUTI – Geographic Information Systemsfor Utilities PARTNERS ESRI, Intergraph, OGC, Map.Server REFERECES Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, ANAS, Snam Rete Gas, ENI, Italgas, Regione Molise, Regione Toscana, Regione Veneto, Regione Lombardia, Comune di Firenze, Comune di Scandicci, Cotral, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, SOGEI, Istituto Geografico Militare.
Health care and Telemedicine Evolvocreatestools and technologiesforhealthcareprofessionals and patients; expertise in health care and research, strenghtenedby the collaborationwithUniversities and Science and Technologyinstitutes, is company distinctivefeaturewhichenables Evolvotoachievehumanizationofmedicalcares and costcontainment. SERVICES • development and provisioningofbasic, applicative and advanced software for • the controlprocess • study, implementation, support and developmentof computer and electronic • systems in the fieldofhealth and patient care • newtechnologyresearch and development PRODUCTS • PHEBO Platform, Telemonitoring and Territoriality System • Track & ControlEvolutionPlatform, RFID foridentification, tracking and risk • management • eVo-ConnectPlatform, Videoconferencing, Remote Surveillance, Teleconsulting REFERENCES Università del Campus Biomedico; FBF Provincia Lombardo; Italian Hospital Group; ASUR ZONA 8; ASL Rieti; ASL RME; Roma Medicina ONLUS; Engineering; Wetech; Informat System
Multimedia Solutions inMEDIAtechnologiesworks in the multimedia communications and information management solutionsfield SERVICES,PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS • Consulting for Transport Engineering • Security services and solutions • proximity Marketing services • Editorial support services • Integrated operating room • Infomobility communication services • On-Board communication • Digital Signage • Antifraud payment systems REFERENCES Cotral (Compagnia Trasporti Laziali S.p.A.), Atac Roma, Roma Mobilità, Aereoporto di Firenze, Aereoporto di Bologna, Aereoporto di Cagliari, Iccrea-Banca, Metoda Finance, Provincia di Bolzano, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Network and ICT Infrastructures DDCOM is born to turn to use the now twenty years experience of the founders in networking and infrastructure areas; the company has gained many references and goals in the implementation of networks for International and National customers. DDCOM is responsible for the design and realization of CED, advanced electrical systems, video surveillance systems and intrusion detection, photovoltaic systems and telecommunications networks of access and transport. SERVICES,PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS • TLC installationsolutions • Feasibility studies • Executive projects supported by surveys and field tests • Analysis and adaptation of existing systems • Indoor and outdoor wireless networks (WiFi, HyperLAN, WiMax) • Supply and configurationofactive network equipmentof major suppliers • StructuredCablingSystems • Green Data Center • Opticalfibernetworkswithfusionsplices • VOIP telephony • Firewall and security • OTDR Certifyingforfiberoptics • CertificationofTwistedPair (UTP, FTP, T - FTP, STP) to the F-class • CCTV Systems & IP Security REFERENCES Ministero della Giustizia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Aeroporti internazionali del Cairo in Egitto, Aeroporto dell’Isola di Sal a Capo Verde; Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri nella Repubblica d’Albania.
Market Research • Founded in Florence in 1935 by Livio Livi, aninternationallywellknownstatistician, economist and sociologist, the Business Statistics Center (CSA) joined the Intersistemi Group in 2002; itoperatesmainly in the fieldofstatistical information for public institutions, researchinstitutes and companies; the offer, articulate and flexible, isrelatedtoproducts and servicesforappliedstatisticsinvestigation. SERVICES • DEMOGRAPHIC, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH • reconstruction of the economic and / or socio-demographic reference scenario • permanent monitoring of local and sectorial economies • socio-economic monographies • OPINION AND MARKET INVESTIGATION FOR THE DECISIONS SUPPORT • territorial and sectorial marketing, geostatistics surveys • market and "customer satisfaction” surveys • opinion surveys and polls • “focus group” and other qualitative investigations • quality analisys and indicators of efficiency and effectiveness REFERENCES Unioncamere Toscana, regione Toscana, Promo PA Fondazione, Comune di Firenze, Consiag Spa, Comune di Barberino di Mugello, Comune di Pontassieve, Comune di Fiorenzuola, Provincia di Firenze, Provincia di Lucca, Provincia di Livorno, ISFOL (Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale), Invitalia, Centro Nazionale del Volontariato, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, KME Italy Spa, Parks liberi e uguali, Assoconsult
iCRM • ICRM, control and governanceintegrated system, introduceshighly innovative elementsboth in the management oftechnicalsupportfor the users and in the management of information systems. FEATURES • supportrequests management • integrationwith CTI Systems • tracking • management ofknowledge base information • reports and statistics • SLA Manager • asset Management • System componentswerecarried out using the Microsoft VisualStudio.NET suite, whichis the current standard for the creationofsimilarproducts on Microsoft architectures. REFERENCES Ministero della Giustizia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, ENAC, ARPA LAZIO Agenzia Generale dei Segretari Comunali, Azienda ULSS13 MIRANO-DOLO-NOALE Ospedale FatebeneFratelli - Provincia Lombardo Veneto
eFlow The eFlow suite is a platformofproductsentirelybuiltby Intersistemi, itconsistsof the followingmodules:eFlowFramework (Basicfunctions and management accounting)eFlow PA Protocol (Electronic protocolFunctions)eFlow Mail (Functionsfor the e-mail integration)eFlow BPM System (Workflow System)eFlow DCM (Document Management System) FEATURES The BPMcomponentofeFlowallows the modeling and management of Business Processesasprovidedby the “Plan Do CheckAct” methodologicalmodel. The DMCmoduleis the flexible and reliable system formanaging the assetsof company’s documents;, allowstomakealwaysavailable and quicklyaccessible the documentswhetherpaper or electronic. REFERENCES Al Rajhi Banking Corporation Saudi Arabia Kingdom, Al Rajhi Banking Corporation Malaysia, ARSIAL, Autorità portuale di Livorno, Autorità portuale di Venezia, Auselda, BankSimpanan National (Malaysia), Comune di Firenze, Comune di Roma, Comune di Umbertide, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, ENPAM, Leaseplan, Rasbank, Scuola superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Società Bancaria Ticinese, Unipol Banca, Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza,
Ramani • Ramani ("Map" in Swahili), frameworkmadebyGeosystemsfor the production ofWebGISapplicationstoconsultgeographic and alphanumeric data. • Ramaniisbased on open-sourcetechnology, is database and client’s platformindependent; compatiblewithall major browsers, accepts and integrates data from multiple sourceswithout the needtoconvert or toadapt data, providesfinallytorealizewith a single software multiple Web or Intranet applicationsdistributablewithoutlicensingrequirements. FEATURES • giving the chance to view all the informations of an institution or a public administration through variously composed maps; • using proprietary data combined with other data made available on the Web by other PA, organizations, associations and companies; • reading and comparing data in an integrated manner from various sources • producing specialized vertical applications APPLICATION FIELDS • Geology and Environment, Cultural Heritage, LandRegistry, Geomarketing, CivilDefence, TechnologicalNetworks, TransportationInfrastructure, Geographical Information Systemsof the central and localgovernment, Cultural Tourism, Urban planning. Ramani
GestUti • GestUtihelpsorganisations in designing, modeling and managing the RegisterofInfrastructure, integrates and combines the knowledgeof the infrastructuredocumentationtypicalof the municipalitieswith the planning experienceownedby the Utilities operators. FEATURES • optimizingcostsbyhighlighting and enhancing the infrastructuresuitableforfiber • passage • reducinginconvenience and disruptionscausedby the implementation and the • maintenanceof the networks • makingefficientidentificationofnewrunsof the cables • managingan “infrastructure market" designedto reduce the environmental impact and • the overallcostof the system • helpingin administrativeproceduresfor the municipalities APPLICATION FIELDS • Aqueducts, Gas, Sewer, DistrictHeating, UrbanCleaning, Public Lighting, Road Signs, Public Parks, CivilInstallations, Demotic, TLC OpticFiber.
ESCI INVIA Audio Phebo PHEBO, an “e-Health Care” frameworkthatsupportmodelsofprocessautomationwithparticularemphasis on servicesof remote monitoring; PHEBOfacilitates the activitiesofdaily living, simplifies the relationship and communicationbetweenpatients and healthcareprofessionalsbyfacilitating the exchangeof information, surveillance and healthmonitoring in ordertominimize the movementofpatients. FEATURES eVoCore, management of the two-way flow of data, synchronizationof the functions and activitiestobeperformed, schedulingofevents, management ofinterfaces and devices eVoDroid, residentapplication on Smartphone / Tablet, whichmanages the activitiesofpatients. The APP allows the Smartphonetobecomean "IntelligentMonitoring Station" indicating the actionstobetakenby the patient (eg, detection byelectro-medicaldevice, treatment, diet, questionnaires, audio, video, photo) eVoMed, web portaldedicatedtohealth care accessiblefromany workstation with a web browser and connectedto the network. eVoMedallows the doctortomanage the “monitoring” and “configuration” cardsofpatients, and the alarms eVoGate, gateway forintegrationwiththird-partysystems. ThankstoevoGateyou can transfer the monitoring data producedby PHEBO directlyinto the patient’s clinical file folder (adoptionof standard SOAP - REST) REFERENCES Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù di Roma; Policlinico Campus Bio – Medico di Roma; ASL Nr.7 di Lanusei (CA); Associazione InVitaLaVita (CA)
Tace • TACE (Track&ControlEvolution), applicationplatformimplementedby a suite of software servicesfor the useof RFID in healthcare. • The platformmanages: • traceabilityofinstrumentation • controlofinstrumentationmaintenance • retrievalofmedicalrecords, Reports, etc..the associationbetweenpatient and itstherapy, avoiding the possibilityofincorrectdosing TACE can help on risk management : • ensuring the uniqueidentificationof the object / subject and itsattributes • providing a panelfor the"physical" traceabilityof the object / subjectthatisbeingmonitored • managing the relationshipbetweenentitiesbeingtracked • FEATURES • RFID Inventary (IR), collectsallthe objects / subjectsto monitor • TrackingObjects and Patients (TOP) , locatesand trackseachentitypreviouslyinventoried • PatientActivityMonitoring (PAM), associatesto a patientallentitiesrelatedtohim • EquipmentMaintenance (EM), allowstocheck, plan and record the technicalmaintenanceof the entities
Advanced Crossmedia Platform • ACP Cross-Medial expert system whosecentralengine, called “Web Regia”, enables the usertomanage the acquisition, correlation, customization and delivery ofanytypeofcontentthrough the appropriate technologicalenvironment. FEATURES • CommunicationsystemsforBankBranches (Multimedia Information Points) • “ProdottoTracciato”, totrack the entireprocessofhandlingof the products • “ComunicaOfferta” forpromotionalcommunicationtocustomers in salesstructures • “PubblicitàTerritoriale” for the advertising contentof the shopping center • “RFiDFidelity” for "customerloyalty" serviceswithan electronic card system based on RFID proximity • “ComunicaPubblico” forpersonalized and georeferencedcommunication at airports, terminal and stations • “ComunicaOn-Board” for the on-boardcommunication on airplanes, cars, ships, buses, trams, trains • “ComunicaMobilità” fortraffic information in realtime • “Prodotto TIS” for the remote controloftrafficlights • “Soluzione SOI”, IntegratedOperationsCentre, itintegrates the differentarchitectures • of the operatingroomsthrough the realizationof a media direction dashboard REFERENCES Cotral (Compagnia Trasporti Laziali S.p.A.), Atac Roma, Roma Mobilità, Aeroporto di Firenze, Aeroporto di Bologna, Aeroporto di Cagliari, Iccrea-Banca, Metoda Finance, Provincia di Bolzano, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Locations Intersistemi Italia spa: Roma, via dei Galla e Sidama 23 – tel +39 0689924900 Padova, viale dell'industria 23 – tel +39 0499814852 Geosystems srl: Firenze, via Atto Vannucci 7 – tel +39 0554627255 CSA srl: Firenze, via Atto Vannucci 7 – tel +39 0554627255 inMEDIA technologies srl: Roma, Via del forte tiburtino 120 – tel +39 0683600431 Evolvo srl: Roma, via dei Galla e Sidama 23 – tel +39 0689924900 DDCOM srl: Roma, Via del forte tiburtino 120 – tel +39 0683600431