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Learn about the transformation of two HOV lanes into three express lanes, improved traffic flow, and transit benefits. Follow the journey to enhance commuter experience. Stay updated with the latest developments.
Project Overview • Project includes: • Expansion and conversion of two High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to three Express Lanes • Addition of third reversible lane from Edsall Road to just south of Eads Street near the Pentagon • Addition of a fourth regular southbound lane on 395 between Duke Street and Edsall Road • Improvements in traffic flow at the Eads Street Interchange and carpool access at the Pentagon • Installation and modification of sound walls • Rehabilitation of bridges over 395 • Extends 8 miles between Turkeycock Run and 14th Street Bridge • Portions of project in Arlington County, City of Alexandria, and Fairfax County • Some project elements will be located in Washington, DC and on Pentagon Reservation • Project will generate revenue for transit projects, like improved bus services
Project Scope • Reconfiguration and reconstruction of two existing HOV Lanes to three HOT lanes, including traffic control, pavement modifications, structures, signage, pavement markings and lighting • Modifications and operational improvements to the Eads Street interchange and the northern terminus transition area • No modifications to most interchanges • New or modified sound walls at approved locations along the corridor Typical Project Cross Sections
Pentagon parking and Eads Street interchange improvements Reconstruction and reconfiguration of a portion of the South Parking Area to enhance circulation for transit buses and carpools Map of Eads Street Interchange and Pentagon Multimodal Improvements
Transit Benefits • The project includes a long-term investment in transit for the corridor, through a yearly payment of $15 million (to be escalated annually) that will be paid by Transurban to the Commonwealth. This annual transit payment will support transit and multimodal initiatives benefitting the corridor.
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Initial Signing Development Rules of the Road are same as the 95 Express Lanes. Signing concept consistent with 395 Express Lanes extension of 95 Express Lanes. Initial signing layout similar to typical 95 Express lanes signing. Held numerous meetings with VDOT and FHWA project representatives during signing development processto gain signing approval. Goal - Provide signing for efficient and safe movement of vehicular traffic while balancing sign density and size requirements with the urban environment.
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Signing Area Focus Army Navy Drive and Eads Street Army Navy Drive Eads Street
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Coordination with Arlington County • Met with Arlington County representatives 3 times since September 2017 to discuss Arlington Co. concerns, requests and comments about signing. • Changes made due to Arlington Co. reviews and further design development: • Reduced number of sign structures, reduced sizes of Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), and overall reduction of sign panel area • Use overhead cantilever structure to improve visibility and limit impacts to trees along Army Navy Drive • Create a new vertical rules of the road sign instead of using two signs • Revised locations to adjust for future development plans • Sign structures to be black powder coated • Sign panels to have a black backing • DMS to have post mounted cabinets to avoid an additional concrete pad in the ground
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Comparison: Initial Design vs. Revised Design
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Initial Design vs. Revised Design Initial Design Revised Design
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Layout of Proposed Signing
395 Express Lanes Signing Design • Revised Signing along Eads Street - Looking North to Army Navy Drive
Minimizing Impacts to the Community • 3rd lane constructed withinexisting HOV footprint Nointerchange construction except at Eads Street Will not require taking of any homes or businesses • Eligible communities can • elect for new sound walls • No lane closures during peak hours
Keeping the Public Informed For more information please visit www.395expresslanes.com or find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/395expresslanes Questions or concerns should be directed to: Brent McKenzie, 95 Express Lanes/Transurban, bmckenzie@Transurban.com, 571-326-5609 Geoffrey Vetter, Lane/AECOM , Geoffrey.Vetter@aecom.com, 815-245-7800 Please contact us if you would like additional information or would like to be invited to briefings we host in your community.