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PHENIX Time-of-Flight Detector design and PID capability detector performance in year-1 operation

Identified Charged Hadron Spectra in Au + Au Collisions at = 130 GeV in the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC. PHENIX Time-of-Flight Detector design and PID capability detector performance in year-1 operation Hadron PID by TOF Single Particle Spectra Summary. Tatsuya Chujo

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PHENIX Time-of-Flight Detector design and PID capability detector performance in year-1 operation

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  1. Identified Charged Hadron Spectra in Au + Au Collisions at = 130 GeV in the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC • PHENIX Time-of-Flight Detector • design and PID capability • detector performance in year-1 operation • Hadron PID by TOF • Single Particle Spectra • Summary Tatsuya Chujo for the PHENIX Collaboration BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  2. 385cm 200cm 200cm PHENIX Time-of-Flight Detector Mechanical Design • 960 plastic scintillators • PMT readout at both ends of scint. (1920 ch.) Geometry • located at 5 m from the vertex • -0.35 < h< 0.35, Df = 45 deg. PID Capability Performance of TOF in CERN-WA98 sTOF = 85 ps PHENIX-TOF tested at WA98 • Promised performance (@ flight path = 5m) 4s p/K separation at p = 2.4 GeV/c 4s K/p separation at p = 4.0 GeV/c BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  3. TEC/TOF Matching by A. Lebedev sTOF-TEC ~ 2 cm • sTOF-TEC = 2cm Corresponding to the TOF resolution of 120 ps • Consistent with TOF intrinsic timing resolution without slewing correction. Timing resolution will be improved by fine tuning of calibration parameters. sTOF ~ 80 ps BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  4. Dy [cm] Select in 2 s radius Dz [cm] Dz [cm] Dy [cm] Global Track/TOF Association Association window size : dr = 5 cm (~ 2s of in y-z projection plane) *Clear correlation between global tracks and TOF hit positions are seen BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  5. p Hadron PID by TOF p+ PHENIX Preliminary K+ Proton Note: * No slewing correction * Applied track association cut : dr = 5 cm * No acceptance/efficiency/decay corrections K- p- Clear hadron PID achieved BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  6. p Squared Mass Distribution * No decay/acceptance/efficiency corrections PHENIX Preliminary p+ (a.u.) PHENIX Preliminary PID cut K+ more param. tuning is needed w/o PID cut Proton m2 [GeV/c2] PHENIX Preliminary (a.u.) p- K- Negative Positive m2 [GeV/c2] BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  7. Raw Single Particle Spectra (minimum bias) * No decay/acceptance/efficiency corrections applied PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary (a.u.) (a.u.) (a.u.) mt – m0 [GeV/c2] mt – m0 [GeV/c2] mt – m0 [GeV/c2] PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary (a.u.) (a.u.) (a.u.) mt – m0 [GeV/c2] mt – m0 [GeV/c2] mt – m0 [GeV/c2] BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

  8. Summary • Tracking detectors (DC/PC/TEC) and TOF detector had been operated successfully during the first year of physics run. • TOF intrinsic timing resolution ~120 ps have been achieved by TEC/TOF hit position matching without slewing correction. • Fine tuning of TOF timing calibration parameters will be done. • Raw (uncorrected) single particle spectra for p+, p-, K+, K-, p and`p are shown. • Acceptance, decay, efficiencies corrections will be applied soon. • Lots of interesting physics will come next. 1) Single particle spectra for p+, p-, K+, K-, p and`p(<pt>, centrality dependence) 2) Particle ratio K/p, `p/p etc. and their centrality dependence 3) HBT analysis 4) f K+K- physics 5) And more …. BNL/ Tatsuya CHUJO @ Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting in Williamsburg, VA 10/6/2000

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