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Seventh Grade Life Science. Mrs. Dana Bass dbass@goodpasture.org. Welcome!. Please take a seat. Place your supplies on the floor beside your chair. We will go over rules today. Life is about choices. Choose what is right!. Phillipians 4:4-9
Seventh Grade Life Science Mrs. Dana Bass dbass@goodpasture.org
Welcome! • Please take a seat. • Place your supplies on the floor beside your chair. • We will go over rules today.
Life is about choices.Choose what is right! • Phillipians4:4-9 • “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy … Think about these things and the God of Peace will be with you.”
Teacher Background Twelfthyear of teaching Attended Goodpasture grades 1 – 12 Bachelor of Science degree in teaching from Lipscomb University Married to Billy for 19 years Daughters Elizabeth, grade 7, and Emily, grade 5
Contact • The best way to contact me is through email. • dbass@goodpasture.org • Check my wiki page: https://bassbytes.wikispaces.com for lesson plans, power point lessons, study links and project information. The link is on my teacher page and email. • I am looking forward to a great year!
Supply List • I-pad and protective cover • 11/2 or2 ” inch ringed notebook • Dividers • Notebook paper • Mechanical pencils • 2 hi-liters (will be turned in to me) • Colored pencils (Twistables preferred) • 5 plastic page protectors
Extra Credit: 1st nine weeks • Kleenex • Disinfecting wipes • Paper towels • Hand soap (no instant sanitizer) • Tube of tennis balls • Pencils • The lowest homework grade will be excused for a student bringing any two items.
Course Objectives • The student will demonstrate a knowledge of understanding in the topics of life, physical, and earth sciences. • The student will model the scientific method in experimentations and projects. • Science Lab will study zoology. The student will learn how scientists group organisms based on common characteristics. The student will also participate in dissections.
Curriculum • Scientific method • Animal and plant cells • Cell processes and division • Genetics • The human body systems • Simple machines • Waves and Motion • Rocks • Dissections and projects
Classroom Expectations and Guidelines • Come to class prepared! Bring I-pad, notebook, homework, sharpened pencils with you. Your ability to keep up with these items and keep your I-pad charged is a measure of how responsible you are. • Take your seat quietly. Loud talking or boisterous behavior will not be permitted. • Come to class on time. If you are late, you must have a note. It is your responsibility to see that personal business is completed between classes. • You may not leave class for personal needs or to make a phone call unless it is a rare, emergency occasion.
Please clear excused absences for school-related activities with me personally and remind me of upcoming events. • Remember to be courteous and respectful to your teacher and classmates. Inappropriate or rude remarks will not be permitted. Think before you speak! • You are responsible for keeping our classroom neat and clean. Do not bring food or drinks to class. You may not make any marks on the desks, walls,or other property. • Sharpen pencils before class begins. Applying make-up or combing your hair should be done in the bathroom and not in science class.
Respectfulness toward other’s property is important. The teacher’s desk, podium, chair, pictures, and cabinets are off-limits. Do not write on the boards. • Practice active listening and participation. You are expected to give a thoughtful response to any question asked you. Do not work on other subjects during science class. • Stay in your seat until the bell rings. Do not close your books or your minds before discussions are complete and you are dismissed. • All work must be neat and legible. Please record name, date, and period in the upper right hand corner of all papers. Failure to follow directions will be penalized.
You are responsible for keeping up with your assignments. Absences on the day before a test do not excuse you from the test or projects. • You always have homework. If there is not a specific assignment, study your notes and vocabulary words.
Any violation of the test taking rules will result in an F for that test. At test time, all books must be closed and notes concealed within your notebook. Quietly slide your books under your desk. Keep your paper covered. I do not like to answer any questions after the test begins. Do not make drawings on your test. Take time to check your answers before turning in your test. Many mistakes are careless ones. I count off for improper headings, illegible work, and the use of pens (pencils only). After you turn in your test, sit quietly so you do not disturb others around you. If I cannot read your handwriting, I count the answer as wrong.
Your science notebook is an important part of this class. Your notebook is an example of your ability to follow instructions, to organize your assignments, and to take good notes. It will be graded several times during the year. Bring your notebook to class everyday! • You will keep a calendar that I will provide in your notebook to remind you of due dates for your assignments, projects, and tests. The phrase “I did not know the assignment was due” is not an acceptable answer.
Be sure that you understand these expectations and responsibilities. Ask questions now so that you will not be confused or question my decisions later. My chief concern is what is best for you. • You make choices everyday: choose what is right!
Thank you for being here tonight. dbass@goodpasture.org