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Fengchun MIAO ICT in Education Unit UNESCO Bangkok

Fengchun MIAO ICT in Education Unit UNESCO Bangkok. Partnership and School Networks in Asia. Lessons Learned from UNESCO SchoolNet and other ICT in Education Projects. Education is at a crossroads…. Emerging science and innovation (ICT literacy and 21 st century skills).

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Fengchun MIAO ICT in Education Unit UNESCO Bangkok

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  1. Fengchun MIAO ICT in Education Unit UNESCO Bangkok Partnership and School Networks in Asia Lessons Learned from UNESCO SchoolNet and other ICT in Education Projects

  2. Education is at a crossroads… Emerging science and innovation (ICT literacy and 21st century skills) Tertiary education and life-long learning Pedagogy Exams Content Media Traditional knowledge and skills Education for All (EFA)

  3. ICT in education policymakers are often at a impasse… Workplace needs Vendors’ drive Technologies & solutions Knowledge society & productivity outputs Twisted and distorted ? Content inputs & HR supply Funds & ideas Donors’ temptation Political demands

  4. Looking forwards: Vision of ICT in education • ICT for social equity: ICT-enhanced EFA • ICT-related human resources development in the context of the knowledge economy • ICT empowered critical thinkers • New skills - Information Literates and ICT savvies • ICT innovators - ownership of intellectual property of ICT • Legal and responsible digital citizens ?

  5. ICTs natives: Students in the most favoured countries ICTs immigrants: Educators and teachers in developing countries ICT-alienated groups: Under-served children who are alienated from ICTs, online knowledge and online communities Looking backwards: The Digital divide

  6. Looking around: Digital Divide and Knowledge Divide “There has been much reference to the digital divide, which is a reality. But a still more disturbing factor is that the knowledge divide between the most favoured and the developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, is liable to widen...” - Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO

  7. Essential focus areas for ICT in education programming • Education Policy • Training of Teachers • Teaching and Learning • Non-Formal Education • Monitoring & Measuring Change • Research & Knowledge Sharing • ICT in HE • ICT as a Subject Area

  8. Overall Goal of ICT in Education Programme UNESCO Assist member states in harnessing the potential of ICT towards achieving quality education for all in the Asia-Pacific region

  9. Define ICTs in Education When previewing the potential of ICT for education we often overhype its promise – but underestimate the impact when reviewing its actual performance

  10. Define ICTs in Education ICTin education is not only computer and Internet ... • ICT: all technology which can transmit, store, create, share or exchange information. • ICT include: radio, television, video, DVD, telephone, satellite systems, computer and Internet  ICT as a delivery medium for EFA

  11. Define the potential of ICTs for education ICT for education, is not only for information presentation, Computer and other digital equipment • enable access to sensory information enhance the richness of learning stimuli • visualize extra-sensory information: for disabled groups; for observation and understanding • facilitate high-level knowledge construction • personalize the learning process

  12. Pyramid of information processing for the productive and tailored learning process Wisdom: Deeper experience Knowledge: Facts and effects The information delivery media and organization methodology The purpose and the designed activities of using information Information: Interpreted data Data: Figures, letters, and other signs Bits and bytes: Strings of ones and zeros Information is ubiquitous, its value depends on for what and how human uses it

  13. Define the potential of ICTs for education ICT - Internet and other communication technologies are not only for personal fun, Internet can act: • As a knowledge database: A pathway to real-world experience and encyclopaedia of global knowledge • As a searching engine: A meaningful searching and researching tool of learning information • As an online community: A portal for social construction and collaborative creation  ICT as a pedagogy-enabling tool

  14. ICT-supported educational statistics, assessment, and administration Learning Management System EMIS - A scalable continuum Define the potential of ICTs for education ICT: as a cost-effective management tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of learning management and education administration  As a education management tool

  15. The potentials of ICTs for education: UNESCO’s Recognition As a delivery medium for EFA As a pedagogy-enabling tool Within overall education system for the education priorities As a edu. management tool As a subject for ICT literacy

  16. Onion Model of ICT in education programming ICT in education programming is like to peel an onion, one layer after another while under systematic planning, and sometimes with tears... Infrastructure improvement; hardware, software, and resources procurement & refurnishing National policy & master plans, ICT standards, management mechanism, and monitoring indicators Partnerships and resources mobilization: public & private; upfront and sustainable; formal & non-formal Capacity building: planners & administrators, researching or training institutions, teacher educators & teachers, Education practices: classrooms, families, communities; fix/flexible time & space High-quality life & learning for students

  17. ICT in Education Projects of UNESCO Bangkok • ICT in Education Policy Project (Toolkit-JFIT, World Bank Institute) • ICT-in-Education Indicators (UIS) • ICT in Teacher Training (11 countries) • Next Generation of Teachers Project (Microsoft, Cisco System) • UNESCO SchoolNet (8 ASEAN countries) • ICT in Non-Formal Education (APEAL) • ClearingHouse project (JFIT Regular budget) • Innovative Practices Project(long-term partners?) • Capacity Building Project(modules) (JFIT ADB) • ICT for Literacy Education (RDF  JFIT) • ICT for Higher Education (JFIT)

  18. Strengthening ICT in Schools and SchoolNet Project in ASEAN Setting UNESCO SchoolNet Project www.unescobkk.org/education/ict  UNESCO SchoolNet

  19. Strengthening ICT in Schools and SchoolNet in ASEAN Setting • 24 pilot schools in eight (8) ASEAN countries categorized in to two development levels: >>CMLV: Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam >>IMTP: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand • Target groups: In-service teachers • Focus areas: Three major subjects >> English, Mathematics, and Science

  20. Objectives • To explore and demonstrate innovative models of ICT use in schools – ICT-based lessons plans. • To encourage better ICT-based teaching and materials development – resources and software. • To improve connectivity and access to online educational resources, and to encourage sharing of resources – national and regional websites.

  21. Main Activities 1. Establishment of Regional SchoolNet - Bridges to Learning: A Pilot Telecollaboration Initiative of the ASEAN SchoolNet Project • Regional training course of website managers, teachers and Schoolnet technical personel (28 March - 1 April 2005) • Regional workshop on the creation of national and regional Schoolnet (4 to 6 April 2005)  • Training Workshop for Facilitating Tele collaboration and Evaluation Activities (12 to 16 December 2005)

  22. Main Activities 2. Training workshops for national coordinators, teachers and SchoolNet managers • ICT-based Lesson and Material-Development Workshop (19-23 July 2004)  • Training on the Use of ICT in Teaching Mathematics, Science, and Languages for Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand (24 Nov-3 Dec 2004) for Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam (4 Nov-13 Nov 2004) • National Follow-up Workshops on Strengthening ICT use in Schools and SchoolNet

  23. Main Activities 3. Development and provision of materials • SchoolNet toolkit: a detailed “recipe book” for all kinds of practitioners • Two editions of resources CD-ROMs of learning materials for English, Mathematics, and Science • Supporting catalogue for teachers

  24. Main Activities 4. Country-level technical assistance • Technical assistance on use of the school network • Help compile existing materials, adapt and/or develop additional lessons • In-depth interview with head-teachers; On-site observation of classrooms and face-to-face analysis with teachers on ICT-based lessons

  25. Main Activities 5. Seeking supports from policy makers • South East Asian ICT Advocacy and Planning Workshop for Policy Makers and National ICT Coordinators (15 December 2003) • Sub-Regional Meeting of National ICT Coordinators on Project Planning and Management (16 to 18 December 2003)

  26. Main Activities 6. Documentation and sharing of the lessons learned • Three editions of Lessons Learned • Sharing Lessons Learned Workshop (26 to 28 June 2006)

  27. Achievements and Resources Available • SchoolNet Toolkit for policy/decision-makers, school managers, practitioners, teachers and principals on the integration of ICT into schools • Resources on Science, Mathematics and Language: Directory, Multimedia resources, & Open Source Software (and ScholNet lesson plans ) • Three editions of Lessons Learned • Case studies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and the Ro Korea • Report on Telecollaboration: "Bridges to Learning" initiative and the "Learning Circles" activities • Evaluation Framework for SchoolNet

  28. Lessons learned from UNESCO SchoolNet • Missing local ownership – Externally driven by the overhype of the un-suitable ICTs • Mis-ownership – No direct target on students • Unnecessary tele-collaboration for traditional teaching and learning activities - Mismatching between pedagogy and content • No sustainability - Lack of institutionalization on content and pedagogy reform

  29. Local ownership • E-Readiness of and appropriate ICTs for least developed countries: • Starting from a hype that ICT can help build a super power, instead of a diagnostic study on education problems currently facing the weak countries and a prescription on what and how ICT can help or heal. • What sort of ICTs for what sort of education? • What sort for education for what sort of life?

  30. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Pakistan (Hit by an earthquake at 10 Oct., 2005) what sort of education for what SORT of life?

  31. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Pakistan … what sort of ICTS for what SORT of education?

  32. Vientiane LAO PDR what sort of education for what SORT of life?

  33. Vientiane, LAO PDR what sort of ICTS for what SORT of education?

  34. What sort of education for what sort of SOCIETY? “the right type of education for the right type of society, the sort of just, peaceful, sustainable, adaptable society without poverty” - Nicholas Burnett, ADG/ED of UNESCO And we have to “take the side of the downtrodden and disadvantaged”

  35. Shall you decide to “take the side of the downtrodden and disadvantaged” ? How? A digital cameral enable project-based learning? An internet café to bridge students?

  36. Who own the tele-collaboration - Youths are internet natives and online space landlords • What are the driving forces underlying the online (learning) activities? • Academic achievement driven: one-way knowledge searching or self-directed leaning • Excellence driven: Project-based collaboration (higher order thinking) • Interest driven: Peer/group-based learning on creative writing, video editing, inter-cultural understanding, other artistic endeavors • Friendship driven: Extended & always-on emotional connection; internalization of social norms

  37. Design and coach the tele-collaboration-Teachers as adult internet hobbyists • In online communities, adults can/should act as: • Initiators and planners: Set learning goals and paths for project based learning, interest groups, and other online collaborations • Senior peers: Peer-coach learning process, foster social skills and illuminate direction • Incentive evaluators: Encourage advancement and recognize achievement based on flexible and diversified benchmarks

  38. Institutionalization- The sustainable local ownership • Education institutions need to keep pace with the rapid changes introduced by the new forms of learning activities: peer/group-based, self-directed, usually project-based online learning and tele-collaboration • National curriculum: Learning content restructure or harmonization • Teacher education institutions: Teacher training curricular reform • Schools: Support innovative practices

  39. Where we are going • International standards • Local social needs • National standards • Individual needs of • students Curriculum Leadership E-readiness Instructors' Capacity Where we are: Current situation The First stage of Next-Gen Project for Institutional Capacity Building Dean’s Forums Curriculum Development Workshops Capacity-Building Workshops for Instructors

  40. UNESCO Bangkok UNESCO Country Offices Implementing Partners Cisco System, Intel, Microsoft, etc. National Commissions for UNESCO Project Management Team Government Driven Initiatives UNESCO Initiated Activities Institution Led Reforms Regional Events Authorized by the MoE Country Project Team -Responsible Sector -Country coordinator - Heads of TEIs - Team members Lead Institutions TEIs TEIs Dean/Head, curriculum developers, and instructors Activities led by TEIs TEIs National initiatives led by Lead Institutions Lead Institutions … … The Scaling-up Strategies of Next-Gen Project for Institutionalization

  41. Resources synergy First Regional Meeting Second Regional Meeting UNESCO Bangkok Experience sharing UNESCO Bangkok Second Curriculum Development Workshop Technical assistance and monitoring First Curriculum Development Workshop UNESCO Bangkok UNESCO Bangkok UNESCO Bangkok Capacity Building Workshops for Instructors (Pre-service teacher educators) on ICT Skills, ICT-pedagogy integration, and Peer Coaching Co-ordinated by UNESCO Bangkok, hosted by Lead Countries and Lead Institutions, in cooperation with other Partners Innovative Practices of pre-service teachers in designing and practicing pedagogically proper ICT-based lessons Facilitated by instructors who have received trainings from UNESCO Bangkok The main project activities of Next-Gen project for institutionalization

  42. Award for individuals: Innovative Practice Project of ICT in Education The Innovative Practices in ICT in Education project was launched in 2007 to identify, document, share and multiply ICT in education innovations through the following activities: • UNESCO ICT in Education Innovation Awards • Training workshops based on the identified innovative practices • Publication and dissemination of • the innovative practices • Case studies of ICT in education • innovations

  43. ICT in Education Innovation Awards Three categories of the Awards: a) teachers and teacher educators b) educational planners and administrators, and c) non-formal educators. Entries for the ICT in Education Innovation Awards (2007-2008) www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/innovative_practices

  44. Workshops based on innovative practices a) teacher and teacher educators >> Fractured Fairy Tale cum ICT (Online creative reading) - Sook-Fong Foo, Singapore >> Student Peer Teaching Strategy - Debbie Tee-Hwa Tan, SMK Seksyen 5, Malaysia b) educational planners and administrators >>One Computer in Multi-grade Classroom- Julito Aligaen, Philippines >> The Instructional and Curricular Excellence in School Leadership for Southeast Asia (ICeXCELS) -SEAMEO INNOTECH c) non-formal educators >> Learning the 3Rs through Discovery, Interaction and Participation for Children of Nomadic Tribes -Muriyankulangara Ananthakrishnan, India

  45. Award for schools: Second Stage of Innovative Practice Project Awards of e-Schools Who are the five-star e-Schools?

  46. Learning to … Learning to do, learning to learn, learning to be, learning to live together.. . Learning to change/transform …

  47. Enlarging the AEC-NETs Scope: Partnership and School Networks in Asia • I. Redefine “boundary” • “Learning beyond boundaries” • ICT in Education Vision of UNESCO: • “A world without boundaries where technologies support education to build inclusive knowledge societies. ” • Geographic and demographic • Cultural and economic • Physical and psychological •  Non-ASEM half ICT-ready schools – half empty glass

  48. Enlarging the AEC-NETs Scope: Partnership and School Networks in Asia II. Magnification to different e-readiness III. Diversification for emerging economies IV. Using multi-lateral and inter-governmental organizations to catalyze bi-lateral cooperation

  49. What and how UNESCO can contribute • As a standard setter • Through capacity-building • As a clearing house • Through international cooperation Mobile phones for literacy education How many percents of newly-literate population are attributed to ICTs?

  50. For more information: ICT in Education ClearingHouse • Website • e-Newsletters • Print publications • CD-ROMs • Online Community

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