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Learn about the positive impact of the EU regional policy and effective communication strategies to clarify objectives, tools, and target groups. This case study evaluates ESF communication activities in the Czech Republic from 2004 to 2006, providing recommendations for improvement across various assessments and methods.
Creating a communication plan from evaluation results Ondřej Štefek, Naviga 4 Kamila Davidová, Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
EVALUATION COMMUNICATION PLAN key objectives and impact 5. Positive impact of EU regional policy on peoples everyday life and on positive perception 1. Effective communication Gives feedback from target groups Clarifies communication objectives Helps specify communication tools Identifies effective comm. tools 4. Satisfactory absorption capacity 2. Informed, motivated and convinced target groups Analyzes implementation pros & cons Improves execution of action plan 3. High interest on EU funds, high quality applications, fluent project accomplishment Evaluation as a prerequisite for effective communication plan
2004 – 2006 Operational Programme Human Resources Development Single Programming Document for Objective 3 Community Initiative Programme EQUAL € 0.457 billion allocation distributed through 2007 – 2013 Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme Prague - Adaptability € 3.774 billion planned allocation distributed through Case study: Evaluationof ESF communication activities in the CR EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC since 2004 B A S I C F A C T S
Evaluate the execution of Communication Plan (CoP) at all levels of ESF’s implementing structure. Provide measurement of effectiveness of identified information and publicity tools. 1. 2. Analyze the extent of ESF coverage in Czech media. 3. Examine the impact of information and publicitymeasures via public survey. Give recommendations for improvement of information and publicity tools with intention to raise awareness of CoP’s target groups in 2007-2013. Recommendations address mainly to new OP Human Resources and Employment and OP Prague - Adaptability. Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR EVALUATION OBJECTIVES
ESF Evaluation Evaluation of OP Human Resources Development Evaluation of Single Programming Document for Objective 3 Evaluation of Community Initiative Programme EQUAL 2004 – 2006 On-line communication assessment Direct communication assessment Other communication assessment Publication activities assessment Media communication assessment Promotional objects assessment Recommendations for OP Human Resources and Employment Recommendations for OP Prague – Adaptability 2007 - 2013 Recommendations for improvement of information and publicity tools with intention to increase awareness of ESF and its objectives and tools amongst CoP target groups Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR EVALUATION METHOD
Quantitative: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) • representative sample of Czech population (18-65 yrs) • selective sample of expert public (potential applicants, applicants/beneficiaries, consultancies, media) To measure awareness and finding out perception and attitudes Get overallfeedbackfrom target groups (awareness, perception) 1. Qualitative: In-depth Interviews withexpert public • to get insights on ESF comm. activities and basis for FG Focus Groups of confronted expert TG representatives • to uncover both rational and emotional views of target groups on ESF communication & implementation Identify the more and less effective communication tools (insights) 2. Additional: Eye-tracking onexpert public representatives • qualitative method to test concrete outputs like leaflets, publications & web page to identify strengths & weaknesses • to provide objective data which is not filtered by the brain& get data which the tested persons are unaware of. Analyze strengths and weaknesses of implementation and execution (details) 3. Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR EVALUATION SOURCES Besides other inputs MARKET RESEARCH had been used with the following objectives and tools. RESEARCH TOOLS OBJECTIVES Creative approach to market research with intention to maximize its value for Communication Plan
GENERAL PUBLIC: • ESF awareness (AWA): • spontaneous 6 % • aided 36 % • ESF perception: • ESF = assistance for handicapped • not associated with education • low awareness of ESF programmes • strong myth: using ESF is difficult • attitude • “NOT FOR ME” focus on EFFECTIVE AWARENESS - > give content to the ESF brand in order to motivate & achieve real interest non effective AWA (only name) improve COMPLEX IMAGE of ESF -> case studies and success stories will effectively introduce all areas of assistance highlight CONCRETE HELP for applicants (personal approach) -> eliminate myth & increase transparency EXPERT PUBLIC: • ESF awareness: • spontaneous 46 %; aided 90 % • lowest AWA: potential applicants & media • ESF perception: • ESF = assistance for handicapped and unemployed • useful but difficult source of financing • attitude • “IS IT REALLY ALSO FOR ME?” focus on unified interpretation of grant terminology <- use understandable and SIMPLE LANGUAGE pay special attention to POTENTIAL APPLICANTS and JOURNALISTS Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR 1. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH KEY CONLUSIONS INPUTS TO COMMUNICATION PLAN
IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS: • give the basis for focus groups scenario • confirm the assumptions of communication tools effectiveness and overall ESF perception • FOCUS GROUPS: • confrontation: • successful vs. unsuccessful applicants • consultancies vs. IB and MA • unexpected openness and constructivism brought creative atmosphere & useful Recs put more emphasis on direct FEEDBACK METHODS adapt all the communication tools to target group knowledge level and USAGE & ATTITUDE make the most important communication tool from the most relevant information source –> treat ON-LINE COMMUNICATION AS A PRIORITY Key insights: • ESF communication designed for experts – “EU funds newspeak” and unclear information structure and language • the most important & relevant information source is Internet – need to be user friendly and profit from on-line advantages (interaction) • well-timed practical information is crucial for successful absorption • best practices is the most desired and effective form suitable for most of communication tools share BEST PRACTICES through all possible communication tools and channels TIMING of information plays the same importance as its content Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR 2. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH KEY CONLUSIONS INPUTS TO COMMUNICATION PLAN
EYE-TRACKING create CATCHY headlines and attractive layout outsourcing will bring results -> “employ” a professional GRAPHIC DESIGNER consistent design of information materials increase communication effectiveness -> work out basic MANUAL OF VISUAL IDENTITYand keep its guidelines KEY CONLUSIONS focus on development of STRUCTURE AND NAVIGATION to ease the access to relevant info • details matter • layout is fundamental • form and content must fit each other • less can communicate more • easy orientation is a key to interest and motivation to work with information material (printed or on-line) always use the LANGUAGE OF THE TARGET GROUP Case study: Evaluation of ESF communication activities in the CR 3. ADDITIONAL RESEARCH INPUTS TO COMMUNICATION PLAN
Case study: Evaluationof ESF communication activities in the CR 3. ADDITIONAL RESEARCH EYE-TRACKING – tested printed materials and web page
Selected contributions of the evaluation to some parts of CoP Bellow are listed the selected recommendations: COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVES: • strengthen the positive image and consultancy role of Managing Authority – open, transparent and friendly institution • present qualified and experienced staff of Managing Authorities COMMUNICATION TOOLS: • change the role of ESF web portal from a primary on-line information source to an information router to individual web sites of OP co-funded by ESF MANAGEMENT: • improve the HR background of communication activities • reduce the executive role of information officers, strengthen their supervisory and methodological role and hire external communication experts and companies • strengthen the role of the publicity working group (information networks) and make it more active and decision-making body MONITORING AND EVALUATION: • enlarge the role of market research in monitoring and evaluation parts • use qualitative research (mainly focus groups and in-depth interviews) to get clear and practical feedback on communication activities • conduct simple marketing research continually (not only ex-ante or ex-post)
Thank you for your attention. Ondrej Stefek Naviga 4 Prague stefek@naviga4.cz