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Energy Expenditure During Rest and Physical Activity

Energy Expenditure During Rest and Physical Activity. Chapter 8. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The minimum energy required to sustain the body’s functions in the waking state. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (cont’d). Is assessed by measurement of under the following standardized conditions

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Energy Expenditure During Rest and Physical Activity

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  1. Energy Expenditure During Rest and Physical Activity Chapter 8

  2. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) • The minimum energy required to sustain the body’s functions in the waking state

  3. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (cont’d) • Is assessed by measurement of under the following standardized conditions • 12 hours postabsorptive • No undue muscular exertion for at least 12 hours prior to measurement • Measured after the person has been lying quietly for 30 to 60 minutes in a dimly lit, temperature-controlled room

  4. Dietary-Induced Thermogenesis (DIT) • Consuming food increases energy metabolism as a result of the following energy-requiring processes • Digestion of nutrients • Absorption of nutrients • Assimilation of nutrients • The magnitude of DIT ranges from 10 to 35% of the ingested food • So…..why do people starve themselves to lose weight?

  5. Thermic Effect of Physical Activity • Profoundly affects total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) • Accounts for ~15 to 30% of TDEE

  6. Effect of Body Mass • Body size plays an important role in exercise energy requirements • Energy expended during weight-bearing exercise increases directly with the body mass transported

  7. Metabolic Equivalent (MET) • One MET represents an adult’s average, seated, resting oxygen consumption or energy expenditure • 1 MET ~ 250 ml/min • 1 MET = 3.5 ml/(kg•min)

  8. Metabolic Equivalent (MET) (cont’d) • The MET provides a convenient way to rate exercise intensity with respect to a resting baseline • 2 MET = 7.0 ml/(kg•min) • 10 MET = 35.0 ml/(kg•min)

  9. Heart Rate to Estimate Energy Expenditure • HR and relate linearly throughout a broad range of aerobic exercise intensities • Thus, HR may provide an estimate of (and energy expenditure) during physical activity • However, factors other than influence HR response to exercise

  10. Energy Expenditure DuringWalking, Running, and Swimming

  11. Factors Affecting Endurance Performance • Aerobic power ( ) • Efficiency of energy use • Muscle fibers, fitness level, body composition, technique, speed • Economy of movement • Relationship between energy input and output • At a given submaximum speed of running, cycling, or swimming, an individual with greater movement economy will consume less oxygen

  12. Who worked the hardest to finish?

  13. Crossover velocity at 4.0 mph

  14. Stride Length, Frequency, and Running Speed • Running speed can increase in 3 ways • Increase stride frequency • Increase stride length • Increase both stride length and frequency

  15. Get with a partner • Children are less economical runners than adults and require 20 to 30% more oxygen per unit of body mass to run at a given speed • Swimming requires about four times more energy to swim a given distance compared to running • Most people assume they expend more total calories if they run a given distance faster. Explain why this is not true. In what way does correcting this misunderstanding contribute to a recommendation for the use of exercise for weight loss? • What circumstances would cause a particular exercise task to be rated “strenuous” in intensity by one person but only “moderate” by another? • How would you react to the coach who says that “you can’t train speed, it’s a genetic gift”?

  16. Energy Cost of Drag • Three components comprise the total drag force that impedes a swimmer’s forward movement • Wave drag • Skin friction drag • Viscous pressure drag

  17. Effects of Buoyancy: Men vs. Women • Women, on average, are more buoyant than men due to their greater fat mass • The increased buoyancy translates to greater swimming economy • The potential hydrodynamic benefit enjoyed by women becomes noteworthy during longer distances, when swimming economy takes on added importance

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