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Mapping 19 th C. U.S. News to Course Curricula. History & Culture Through Media: 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Enjoy a captivating look into America’s past with newspaper content
History & Culture Through Media:19th Century U.S. Newspapers Enjoy a captivating look into America’s past with newspaper content • Provides access to approximately 1.8 million pages of primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, featuring full-text content and images • Provides a wealth of information on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and the antebellum era among other topics. • Includes scholarly essays on topics within 19th-century American history, written by prominent American historians. Offers content from the following publications : The New York Herald (New York) Bee (Ohio) Lynchburg Virginian (Virginia) Mountaineer (South Carolina) Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Hawaii) Milwaukee Sentinel (Wisconsin) Rocky Mountain News (Colorado) Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago) Yenowine Illustrated News (Wisconsin)
History & Culture Through Media:19th Century U.S. Newspapers • Approx. 500 U.S. newspapers, published between 1800 and 1900. • Total number of pages is over 1.7M. • Newspapers from throughout the United States, including many published in what were, at the time, only territories. • Papers were sourced from many institutions and historical societies throughout the U.S. • Built on the highly-regarded Times Digital Archive platform. • Most titles unique to this collection – minimal duplication with other online resources. • Selected for value to researches and students. • Represents a broad geographic spectrum and comprehensive chronological coverage.
History & Culture Through Media:19th Century U.S. Newspapers Daniel Copeland, Editor-in-ChiefElon University • Elizabeth Burt, University of Hartford: scholar of the progressive era and women's studies. • John Coward, University of Tulsa: has written extensively on Native Americans and the West. • Patricia L. Dooley, Wichita State University: conducts research in the era of the Early Republic. • Debbie Reddin van Tuyll, Augusta State University: scholar with extensive experience in the papers of the Civil War-Reconstruction era. • Each has written at least one documentary history on the press of the century, giving them an insight into the significant papers from party newspapers at the beginning of the century to mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century's end, and newspapers representing every aspect of society and region of the nation.
History & Culture Through Media19th Century U.S. Newspapers Mapping NCNP to African American Studies • EXAMPLE COURSE: African-American History to 1863An examination of the history of African Americans from 1619 to 1863. Issues to be discussed include the African origins of African Americans, the slave trade, slavery, the construction of black culture and institutions, free blacks, resistance, the abolitionist movement, and emancipation. The Slave Trade (Business) Cleveland Daily Herald (Cleveland, OH) Thursday, November 10, 1836; Issue 139; col C The Sacramento Fugitive Slave Case (News) Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco, CA) Monday, January 25, 1858; Issue 91; col A
History & Culture Through Media19th Century U.S. Newspapers Mapping NCNP to History Curriculum • EXAMPLE COURSE: Civil War and ReconstructionThe causes of the American Civil War; the social, economic, political and military forces that shaped the conflict, attempts to restructure race relations, Southern and American societies after the war. Who Have Fought the Battles of the Union! (News) Newark Advocate (Newark, OH) Friday, March 08, 1861; Issue 32; col B Article | Page | About This Publication | PDF 1 page portrait (421 words). Our Flag Victorious! Its First Baptism in Battle (News) Daily Morning News (Savannah, GA) Monday, April 15, 1861; Issue 89; col B Article | Page | About This Publication | PDF 1 page portrait (2501 words).
The Battle of Gettysburg Scene of the Second Day’s Battle, Thursday, July 2—The Repulse of the Rebels (News) The New York Herald (New York, NY) Monday, July 06, 1863; pg. 5; col B Article | Page | About This Publication | PDF 1 page portrait (104 words).
History & Culture Through Media19th Century U.S. Newspapers Mapping NCNP to Women’s Studies Curriculum • EXAMPLE COURSE: Gender and WorkFocus on men's and women's work in North American societies, historically and contemporarily, in order to understand the dynamisms of gender (in)equality in and outside of the home. Topics explored include: housework; the relationship(s) between gender, organizations and bureaucracy; emotional labour; occupational segregation and stratification; sexual harassment; and work-family policy. Housekeeping Methods Much Annoyance Caused by Poor Management (News) Atchison Daily Champion (Atchison, KS) Wednesday, May 25, 1892; pg. 3; Issue 124; col C. To Succeed at Housekeeping (News) Atchison Daily Champion (Atchison, KS) Wednesday, June 05, 1889; pg. 7; Issue 61; col C.
History & Culture Through Media19th Century U.S. Newspapers Mapping NCNP to Sociology Curriculum • EXAMPLE COURSE: Crime and Punishment/CriminologyWe cover the Durkheimian tradition (how punishment systems clarify social norms and enhance solidarity); the Marxian and Foucaultian schools (how elites use criminal law to control the less powerful); and cultural approaches (how punishment reflects historical change in values and sensibilities). Cruel Punishment (News) Atchison Daily Champion (Atchison, KS) Saturday, March 08, 1890; pg. 2; Issue 291; col C. Crime and Punishment (Editorial) Atchison Daily Champion (Atchison, KS) Wednesday, May 29, 1889; pg. 3; Issue 56; col C.