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POST RELEASE OPTIONS PROJECT. Providers of Intensive Transitional Support Pre and Post Release for Men Leaving the Prison System in Southern Tasmania . Research.

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  1. POST RELEASE OPTIONS PROJECT Providers of Intensive Transitional Support Pre and Post Release for Men Leaving the Prison System in Southern Tasmania

  2. Research The Australian Government Report on Throughcare (2005) concluded “the lynchpin of throughcare delivery is collaboration between government and non-government services – this means limited funds are employed to their best advantage, because service duplication is minimized.”

  3. Referral Eligibility Criteria of Clients Voluntary Medium to high risk of reoffending Male Recidivist or long term inmate Motivated or readiness to embrace change

  4. Our Vision Every client released into the community will have the tools and skills needed to succeed To be instrumental in the development of an effective throughcare model for Tasmania Corrections

  5. Incarceration Loss of employment or opportunities for employment Loss of stable accommodation Stress on relationship Stigma of being an inmate or ex-inmate Loss of social standing and rights as a citizen

  6. Pre-Release Release anxiety Complex needs Pro-criminal associations Juvenile history ‘Going Straight’ seems impossible Learning to Trust

  7. Barriers to Reintegration Stigma/Labeling Institutionalization Loss of family and community support Broken relationships Employment problems

  8. Barriers to Reintegration Low literacy and numeracy rates Perceived lack of opportunities Impulsivity Hopelessness

  9. Methodolgy Intensive Case Management Liaison with other government and non-government agencies (always with client consent) Streamlining of service intervention Non-duplication of information Collaboration Throughcare

  10. Methodogy Identify risk/needs pre-release Address areas of risk pre-release Indentify criminogenic needs Liaise with custodial case officers Liaise with case coordinator

  11. Methodogy Liaise with family or collateral contacts Provide feedback to referral source on release and at various stages post release Recognizing the high risk transition period 0-3 months

  12. PROP Strategies Collaboration and partnerships with GOs and NGOs Sharing information Transition based on Evidence-Based practices Drug and Alcohol counselor

  13. PROP Strategies Individualized Transition Plans Accommodation Career counseling Sourcing a GP to set up a Mental Health Plan with each Client –beginning in Pre-release and continuing in Post Release as long as necessary

  14. COLLABORATION PROP Now Collaborates with 45 Agencies We have established Memorandums of Understanding with 3 Agencies We are in Partnership with 1 Agency

  15. Results PROP Recidivism Rate is 23% compared to a 43% Recidivism Rate for the State Only 9 clients have been returned to prison – of those 9 - 7 have returned for a lesser offence Developing a professional relationship with the necessary agencies provides support, acceptance and understanding necessary for our clients to begin to piece together a sense of self worth The clients are equipped with skills to cope with any problems troubling them

  16. COLLABORATION Example Art Classes – Reclink Literacy and numeracy – Choose Employment Employment Agency – Choose Employment AA Job Capacity Assessment - Centrelink

  17. COLLABORATION GP AoD Counselling – DHHS Housing – PTAP Sports & Recreation – Non-Licensed Sporting Venues

  18. Results When addressing criminogenic needs the what , where, when, why and with whom is explored It helps the clients to clarify their attitudes and beliefs Collaborating with other agencies provides a consistent transition pathway for our clients Having all this in place reduces the fear and anxiety associated with leaving prison and helps to reduce the recidivism rate

  19. Impact on the Community Reduction in crime Safer Community Fewer Victims Better Citizens Returned to the Community Fewer Returns to Prison Reduce Costs to the Community

  20. Goals for the Future Greater collaboration to achieve better outcomes Expansion of Services - Women - North and Northwest of the State Greater community awareness of the issues facing ex-inmates Increased community involvement Continued focus on community involvement Long Term Funding

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