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Spring 2012 Non-Writing Training. April 5, 2012 Presented by: Stephanie E. Haskins. Testing Timeline. BEFORE TESTING. Student Data Upload. Group Name: Consider how you want score reports to be organized. Group Code: Will NOT appear on printed reports. Ethnicity: Hispanic
Spring 2012 Non-Writing Training April 5, 2012 Presented by: Stephanie E. Haskins
Student Data Upload • Group Name:Consider how you want score reports to be organized. • Group Code: Will NOT appear on printed reports. • Ethnicity: Hispanic • Race: 32 categories (vs. 5) • ELL Information: Test tier, composite score, literacy score, SOA-LEP, AYP-D • SOA Transfer: Enrolled after 20th day – Sept 15th (or 20th hour for EOC – Feb 4th) • AYP: If a student began school ANY day AFTER the first day AND was NOT in our division last year, can be coded as AYP. May disregard reference to “September 30”. • A: within division • B: outside division/ within Virginia • C: outside Virginia • Term grad: Generates two pre-ID labels and qualifies for 2nd attempt • Project Graduation: High school only • RP-Code: Genesis • Retest: High school only – if retaking test • Recovery: Reading or Math only; Check if student has received 10+hours of remediation • D-Code: High school only – if pursuing modified standard diploma (needs literacy/ numeracy requirements)
History Tests EOC History tests based on the 2008 SOL becameavailable in Fall 2010. Studentswhocomplete and pass a Fall 2010 (or later) history class that has an associatedHistory SOL test willtake the NEW tests. Studentswhopassed a history class prior to Fall 2010 that has an associated EOC History SOL test willtake the EOC tests based on the 2001 standards.
Math Tests EOC Math tests based on the 2009 SOL becameavailable in Fall 2011. Studentswhocomplete and pass a Fall 2011 or Spring 2012 math class that has an associated Math SOL test willtake the NEW tests. Studentswhopassed a math class prior to Fall 2011 that has an associated EOC Math SOL test willtake the EOC tests based on the 2001 standards.
Testing Participation and Accommodations Refer to Appendix C in TIMS manual for more information on accommodations.
Read-Aloud/Audio on EOC Reading Under certain circumstances an LEP student or a student with a disability may receive the read-aloud or the audio accommodation on the EOC Reading test even though the student has not been determined as eligible based on criteria for read-aloud tests
Resources • School Test Coordinator Handbook • Student Data Upload File Requirements • Test Implementation Manual • Examiner’s Manual • Pearson Access User’s Guide for the Virginia Assessment Program • Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments Guidelines for Administering the Read-Aloud Accommodation
What’s in manuals? • TIMS Manual • Index – use to help locate information • Appendix H – TestNav Tools Table • Shows tool name, icon, brief description of function • Separate tables listing tools available for different grade levels.
Training • Have examiners highlight “say” in manual for exact words. The same manual is used for ALL testing. (Note: Directions for administering the Math VMAST tests are included within the Mathematics Examiner’s Manuals) • Provide exact wording if student questions arise. • Emphasize: • Test security. Announce to students that they should not discuss the test. Examiners/ proctors may not discuss any of the test questions with anyone. • Accuracy of form and prompt numbers, if paper/pencil is being used. • Remove any exposure to cell phones, other electronics, or any materials that may compromise test security • Monitoring!!!
Preparing Materials NEW Math Formula Sheets
Practice . . . • TestNav tools cannot be used to indicate answers. • The pointer must be used to: • Select a multiple choice answer • Place cursor in a box to type an answer • Plot points on a line, graph, or graphic • Select one or more answers • Click and drag answers from one location to another • If the student informs the examiner that the Review Screen is showing a question as Unanswered that he/she feels was answered, examiner should tell student to go back to the item and make sure the pointer was used to indicate the answer. • TestNav Help will be available for Spring 2012 online tests (explains functionality of various tools).
Preparing for testing . . . • Determine an appropriateonline test schedule, considering the: • Number of studentsparticipating in online testing • Number of online test sessions offeredeachday • Number of availablelabs/ computers • Number of personnel to serve as examiners/proctors
Setting Up Test Sessions Proctor Caching
More on test sessions . . . • Create test sessions • Examine the type of formthatisbeingassigned; The The first number on an online audio formis a 9 (ex. H9039). • ExpeditedRetake test sessions maybecreated in advance; however, theyshould not bestarteduntil the day of testing. It isrecommendedthat the day and time be as accurate as possible. • Proctor Authorization Tickets and StudentAuthorization Tickets – These tickets shouldbeprinted no more than4 daysprior to the test windowstart date and must bestored in a secure location untilneeded.
The day of testing . . . Apply Test Nav Configuration BEFORE starting the test. Start the test session the day of the scheduled session. Use the Examiner’s/ Proctor’s Test Booklet/ Test Ticket TransmittalForm/ Affidavit to distribute and collect test tickets and materials to examiners. ProvideExaminers extra copies of the formula sheets and the Periodic Table of the Elements, where applicable. Ensurethat all examiners/ proctors have allowable test manipulatives. (Refer to instructions in TIM and Examiner Manual for clearing calculatormemory.)
The day of testing . . . The student should click the radio button to exit the test, or submit the test. The student then confirms his/her choice by clicking the green Final Submit button. The examiner is not permitted to physically assist the student with this process unless specified in the student’s IEP or 504 plan. Examiners must not prompt students to go back to any specific question. Examiners may tell the student to “read the screen carefully”. Examiners may answer students’ questions referring to mechanics of testing. Students should NOT be encouraged to skip items within the test because of the risk they will fail to return to answer skipped questions.
The day of testing . . . View the status of each test session through Session Detailsscreen (Ready, Active, Exited, Resumed, Resumed-Upload, Submitted, Processing, Completed, Marked Complete). Add, move, and removestudentsfrom test sessions, as needed. Studentswho are absent on the day of testing must beremoved/movedfrom the session beforeitcanbestopped. Stop all online test sessions at the end of the day. All students must show a Completedstatus on the Session Detailsscreen. Anystudentswith a Not Started, Exited, or Resumestatus must beremoved/ moved to a make-up or irregularity session beforestopping the test session.
Section Locks • Tests with section locks include: • Grade 3 Reading • Grade 4 Mathematics • Grade 5 Mathematics • Grade 6 Mathematics • Grade 7 Mathematics • EOC Chemistry
ONLINE Chemistry Test in SPRING 2012 Seal Code MUST collect paper copy of “old” Periodic Table prior to giving the Seal Code to the student.
Breaks during testing Refer to Memo #975 regarding EOC Math. A supervised break is permissible for any student that requires a break during testing. Test security must be maintained at all times during the break. If the student is testing online, the student should either be Exited from the online test or the computer monitor turned off prior to break to maintain test security.
Multiple Test Sessions If the test is to be administered in sections over more than one school day, care must be taken to ensure that students are exposed to only those test items in the section that they are currently attempting. A test booklet may be sealed to prevent a student from being exposed to previously completed items and items not yet accessed. (i.e. stapling booklet)
The day of testing . . . Moving a student: If students are moved to an alternatetesting site to completetheir tests, theirStudentAuthorization tickets must becollectedby the Examiner or Proctor prior to the move and redistributedonlyafter the students are settled in the new location. While in transit, students must not beallowed to discuss the test withanyone or have access to educationalmaterials. Their online test must beExitedprior to beingmoved to the new location. Before the studentcan log in (using the same information on the test ticket) to completetheir test, the student’s test must beResumed in Test Session Management.
What’s for Spring 2012? VDOE will be monitoring dates and times proctor tests were accessed as well as read-aloud sessions left “Started” overnight Read-aloud sessions should be stopped immediately upon completion of the test session and should NEVER be left “Started” at the end of the testing day If the read-aloud session involves a grade 3 reading test that will be administered over two days, move the students to a new session and stop the original session; Print new test tickets
Stopping Test Sessions All sessions should be “stopped” at end of the day.
Testing Irregularities Report anyirregularitieswithin 24 hours. MOST Common Irregularities: #1 - Studentunable to complete test #2 - Accommodation not provided or inappropriate accommodation provided #3 - Test inappropriatelymarkedcomplete #4 - Inappropriatemanipulative
Marking Tests Complete • Mark test complete guidelines: Everystudentidentified for Falltesting must beaccounted for via an online test or a paper document, includingstudentswhowere not testedbecausethey: • Were exempt due to LEP • Were absent during the entiretestingwindow • Refused or were disruptive • Cheated • Wereinvolved in a medical emergency • Failed the course but passed the test and are retaking the course • Took a substitute test for verifiedcredit • Move thesestudents to a new session and the DDOT will mark these tests completeat the conclusion of testing.
Testing Accommodations Testing Accommodations: Add Test-Specific data in PearsonAccess to indicatewhat accommodations wereprovided to the studentunder the Test Detailsscreen of PearsonAccess. (Temporary Accommodations maybehandledthrough the upload or underStudent Registration.)
After testing . . . Be sure that the RETEST flagisselected on the Test Assignmentscreen for everystudentwhoisretaking the test for verifiedcredit. Gather all materialsat the conclusion of testing, using the return checklist. Be sure to mark any changes to student data in RED on the uploadspreadsheet.