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CSR: Collaborative Strategic Reading. What is CSR?. Uses many before, during and after comprehension strategies students learn during reading and APPLY them to content areas Involves students working together to solve problems they have while reading.
What is CSR? • Uses many before, during and after comprehension strategies students learn during reading and APPLY them to content areas • Involves students working together to solve problems they have while reading
Why should I use this strategy?What does the research say? • CSR was effective in improving reading comprehension for most of students with learning disabilities (Klingner & Vaughn, 1996). • Klingner, Vaughn, and Schumm (1998) implemented CSR with fourth graders with a wide range of reading levels. Students in the CSR group significantly outperformed those in the control group on comprehension. • Students in CSR groups spent greater amounts of time engaged in academic-related strategic discussion and assisted one another while using CSR (Klingner & Vaughn, 2000)
Strategies Used During CSR 4 Parts: • Preview – before reading students (1) write what they know about a topic and (2) write what they think they will learn • Click and clunk – during reading they continue reading until they come to a clunk (something they do not understand) and then identify their clunks and work to fix them. Students can also share places in the text that clicked! • Get the GIST – after reading students identify the most important information they learned • Wrap up – after reading students write questions the teacher could ask and then write one important thing they learned
Collaborative Learning Each child in the group has a job: • Leader • Clunk expert • GIST expert • Announcer • Timekeeper • Reporter (if needed) • Encourager (if needed) • Scorekeeper (if needed)
Time Keeper Before Reading Brainstorm: We have 1 minute to write what we know. We have 1 minute to share our best ideas. Predict: We have 1 minute to write what we think we will learn. We have 1 minute to share our best ideas. During Reading Read: We have 10 minutes to read the selection. After Reading Wrap Up: We have 4 minutes for answering questions. We have 2 minutes to write everything we learned. We have 1 minute to share our best ideas.
Clunk Expert Does anyone know what this clunk means? (If someone says yes, ask them to explain.) I will try to help us figure out the clunk. Would everyone please find the clunk? First let’s try card one. (Read card one) Did that help anyone? (If someone says yes, ask them to explain how they figured out the clunk. If no one gets it, move on to the next card. Let’s try card two. (Read card two.) Did that help anyone? (If someone says yes, ask them to explain how they figured out the clunk. If no one gets it, move to the next card.) Let’s try card three. (Read card three.) Did that help anyone? (If someone says yes, ask them to explain how they figured out the clunk. If no one gets it, move to the next card.) Let’s try card four. Did that help anyone? (If someone says yes, ask them to explain how they figured out the clunk.) If you are still having trouble, call the teacher over.
Gist Expert After Clicks and Clunks ask: What is the most important idea we have learned about this topic so far? Everyone write down the two most important words in each paragraph. Timekeeper, set the timer for 3 minutes. (After three minutes), who has a gist to share? (After every member shares, the Gist Expert will pick the 10 most important words overall. Read the gist to the group.) Does everyone agree? Does anyone what to change anything?
Leader • Before Reading • Brainstorm • Today’s topic is_______________. We are going to brainstorm what we already know about the topic. We have one minute for this activity. Timekeeper, start the timer. • Who would like to share their ideas? We need to share 3 ideas. Remember to write down everyone’s ideas on your log. • Predict • We are going to predict what we might learn today. We have one minute for this activity. Timekeeper start the timer. • It’s time to share our best ideas. We need to share 3 ideas. Remember to write down everyone’s ideas on your log. • During Reading • Read • It’s time to read, locate clunks, and get the gist of today’s reading. We have ten minutes to read. Timekeeper start the timer. Who would like to start reading this section? • Click and Clunk • It’s time to figure out the clunks. Look through the section and find at least one clunk. Write it down on your learning log. • Share your clunks. Clunk expert can you help us out? • Get the Gist • It’s time to get the gist. Gist expert can you help us out? • After Reading • Answering questions • Time to ask and answer questions. We each need to write three questions. We have one minute to write three questions. • Everyone choose one question to share. We will all try to answer the question. Remember to write each question and each answer in your log. Who would like to start? • Reviewing • It’s time to review. We will have two minutes to write what we learned. Time keeper start the timer. • Let’s go around the group and share something we learned. Each person needs to share at least one thing. Remember to write each thing in your log. Who wants to start? • Reflection • 1. Write one thing we did really well as a group and one thing we could’ve done better. Who would like to share their ideas?
CSR Learning Log Name___________________________________________ Date____________________ Group _____________________________ Before Reading Topic__________________________________________. Brainstorm 1._________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________ 6._________________________________________________ Predict 1._________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________ 6._________________________________________________ During Reading Clicks (+) and Clunks (-) Gist (10 most important words) After Reading Questioning 1.____________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________ Group questions/answers Review 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ Things my group learned: Reflect 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________
Let’s watch! • Watch the students in action (13 minutes)
Let’s try it! • Use the bags in front of you to try the strategy (10 minutes)
Where do I begin to teach my students how to do CSR? • Model and have students practice each strategy • Assign jobs and groups • Implement and monitor
Tips for Implementation • Teach one group their jobs first, then have those students teach the class. • Teach one group their jobs during guided reading time. Continue until you have met with all groups • Practice whole group several times before students work on their own
Resources • http://www.ncset.org/publications/viewdesc.asp?id=424 • From Clunk to Click