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Parts of the Speech Fourth Grade

Parts of the Speech Fourth Grade. English Class Academia Santa Rosa Prof. Eddie Ortiz Roman, Ph.D Principal. Dr. Lorrie Cuevas. Article. Article: an article is what modifies the noun in the sentence. There are three types of articles: ( The , A, An ) There are two kinds of articles :

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Parts of the Speech Fourth Grade

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  1. Parts of the SpeechFourth Grade English Class Academia Santa Rosa Prof. Eddie Ortiz Roman, Ph.D Principal. Dr. Lorrie Cuevas

  2. Article • Article: an article is what modifies the noun in the sentence. • There are three types of articles: ( The , A, An ) • There are two kinds of articles : • a) Definite article ( The ) • b) Indefinite article: ( A , An ) • Hint: The article is always in the beginning of the sentence. It is never in the middle of the sentence • Definitions of definite article and indefinite article. a) A definite article specifies an specific group. It is something • that you could see, you could prove. • Example : The red apple looks delicious. d.a • So that means the person will be eating only the red apple. • Because e can see and identify the red apple.

  3. b) Indefinite article: An indefinite article doesn’t specifies an a specific group. Because we cant prove who or whom we are talking about. Examples: ex #1 A young boy is wearing white pants and blue shirt. In this case we don’t know which boy we are referring too. ex #2 An interesting book was read by the teacher. In this case we don’t know which book we are referring too.

  4. Nouns - Definition: A word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing, or an idea. -Examples: Mrs. Pruett, Texas, suitcase, and freedom.

  5. Pronouns • A pronoun always substitute the noun in the sentence. • Examples of pronuns are: I , We , He , She, It , They , his, hers, ours, your, your , us Examples a) Tommy is a good boy. We substitute Tommy for “ He ”. He is a good boy b) Mary is eating a sandwich. We substitute Mary for “ she ” She is eating a sandwich. c) Pedro and Jack are playing ball. We substitute the nouns They are playing ball. d) John and I will be seeing a movie. We substitute John and I We will be seeing a movie e) John and Sara will be studying in the library with Mary and Pete. They will be studying in the library with them.

  6. Pronouns - Definition: A word that is used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns. -Examples: I, they, your, our, she, we, them, he, us, him, his, their, them, and its. He is playing with the train. They are playing all together. Is she sleeping in her bed?

  7. Personal Pronoun -Definition: A personal pronoun refers to the one speaking is first person, the one spoken to is second person, or the one being spoken to is third person. -First Person: I, me, my, mine, we, us, ours, our. -Second person: you, yours, your. -Third person: He, him his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs. Look, I am good at reading! You click the icon to open the game. They are playing jump rope.

  8. Adjective -Definition: A word that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun. Transparent ghost Old Man Green Die. Haunted House

  9. Adjectives An adjectives describes the noun in the sentence. Examples: 1) The red car is in the garage. In this sentence red is describing the car. What color is the car? “Red ” • The lovely girl is with her mom. In this case lovely is describing the girl. How was the girl? “ lovely ” • The yellow submarine is mine. How was the submarine? “ yellow ”

  10. Demonstrative Adjectives and Articles -Demonstrative Adjective: -Definition: A demonstrative adjective is an adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. -Example: -Did Jenifer draw this one or that one? -Let’s take these sandwiches and those apples on our picnic. -Articles: -Definition: An Indefinite Article is when they refer to any member of a group. -Examples: -A girl won. -The one day sale is on Saturday.

  11. Verb -Definition: A verb that is used to express action or a state of being. -Example: Texting, jumping, push, doing. Mom helps Jack do his homework. She is exercising. The boys get on the bus.

  12. Linking Verbs • A linking verb joins the noun in the sentence. • Examples of Linking are: • a) Be and be is divided in the kinds: ( am is are ) 1) We use “ am ” as a first person singular. • example I am a teacher. Am is a linking verb 2) We use “ is ” as a second person singular. We use “ is ” with He , She , It He is a teacher. She is a nurse. It is very nice. 3) We use “ are ” as a third person plural. We us are with We They You Example. We are very tired today. You are a very bright student They are very exciting from the ball game.

  13. Linking Verbs • The 10 linking Verbs are: • be • appear • seem • became • smell • sound • grow • look • taste • feel

  14. Helping Verbs -Definition: Helping Verbs help the main verb express action or a state of being. -Examples:can, do, has, might, should, and could. Hey! You should put the toys in the box. Please, can you cut the cake now?

  15. Adverb - Definition: A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or adverb. - Examples: There, up, here, down, tomorrow, weekly, later, and early. (Think –ly too.) The girl is going to ride her bike up the street. It is going to rain tomorrow and weekly from now on.

  16. Preposition -Definition: A word that shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word. (Remember the song!) -Examples: Aboard, below, from, since, about, beneath, throughout, concerning, past, and without. They are aboard the train. This guy is from history.

  17. Conjunction -Definition: A word that joins word or words groups. Decide whether to stay or go. Coordinating Conjunctions: -Examples: And, but, or nor, for yet so. -Examples: You are supposed to walk on the street or the sidewalk. Correlative Conjunctions: -Examples: Both…and, Not only…but also, Whether…or. -Example: Both Jim and Roberto were standing outside.

  18. Interjection -Definition: A word that expresses emotion. -Definition: An interjection has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. -Examples: Crap! Wow! Yuck! Yippee! Uh-oh! Well! YUCK! This is nasty! WEEE! I’m Swinging! OWW! This Hurts.

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