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Class 19 Lectio XIX. Halloween Document Latin Abbreviations Cappelli, p. 1-18. Document no. 14. die…………..5th dec. N. fem. sing., abl. expressing time octava…………1st and 2nd dec. Adj. fem sing., abl. w/ die 1760…..........Cardinal numeral, masc. sing., abl. w/ [anno]
Class 19 Lectio XIX Halloween Document Latin Abbreviations Cappelli, p. 1-18
die…………..5th dec. N. fem. sing., abl. expressing time octava…………1st and 2nd dec. Adj. fem sing., abl. w/ die 1760…..........Cardinal numeral, masc. sing., abl. w/ [anno] Martii…2nd dec. N. masc. sing., gen. showing possession ex…………………………….Prep. w/ abl., showing origin Josepho…………………2nd dec. N. masc sing., abl. w/ ex Bächle……………………………………….……….ibid et……………………………………………….conjunction Margaritha………………1st dec. N. fem. sing., abl. w/ ex
Neffin……………………………………………………ibidNeffin……………………………………………………ibid progentitum……….Perf. Pass. Part., nom. neuter sing. w/ fuit fuit…………V. Linking, 3rd sing. perf. indic.; w/progenitum forms the perf. pass. monstrum……2nd dec. N. neuter sing., nom. subject of fuit habens...……Pres. Act. Part., neuter sing., nom. w/ monstrum unum…Cardinal numeral, neuter sing., acc. modifying corpus corpus…………3rd dec. N. neuter sing., acc., D.O. of habens
sexus………………4th dec. N. masc. sing., gen. w/ corpus foeminae………………1st dec. N. fem. sing., gen. w/ sexus et………………………………………………………..ibid duo…………….Cardinal numeral, neuter pl., acc. w/ capita capita………3rd dec. N. neuter pl. of caput, D.O. of habens ordinariae…………1st and 2nd dec. adj., fem. sing., gen w/ magnitudinis magnitudinis……………………3rd dec. N. fem. sing., gen.
et…………………………………………………………..ibidet…………………………………………………………..ibid tres………………..Cardinal numeral, masc. pl., acc. w/ pedes pedes………………3rd dec. N. masc. pl., acc. D.O. of habens quorum………..Relative pronoun, masc. pl., gen. has pedes as anticedent tertius...Ordinal numberal, masc. sing., nom. subject of habens decem……………..Ordinal numeral, masc. pl., acc. w/ digitos digitos…………..2nd dec. N. masc. pl., acc. D.O. of habens habens…….Pres. Act. Part., masc. sing., nom. w/ tertius [pes] a[b]………………..Prep. w/ abl. showing place from whence
tergo………………….2nd dec. N. neuter sing., abl. w/ a[b] ad……………………Prep. w/ acc. showing motion towards capita…………3rd dec. N. neuter pl., acc. object of prep. ad usque……………………………………Adv. w/ erectus erat erectus……………Perf. Pass. Part., nom. masc. sing. w/ erat erat……….V. 3rd sing. imperf. indic.; w/ erectus forms the pluperfect passive item………………………………………………………Adv tria…………Cardinal numeral, neuter pl., acc. w/ [habens] brachia…………2nd dec. N. neuter pl. acc. D.O. of [habens]
quorum……….Relative pronoun, neuter pl., gen. has brachia as anticedent tertium……..Ordinal numberal, neuter sing. nom. w/ [brachium] subject of [erectus erat] pariter……………………………………Adv. w/ [erectus erat] a[b]…………………………………………………………..ibid tergo…………………………………………………………ibid dependens…………………….Pres. Act. Part., neuter sing., nom. tamen…………………………………………………conjunction duplicem……………….3rd dec. adj. masc. sing., acc. w/ manum
manum ……..4th dec. N. masc. sing., acc. D.O. of exhibuit exhibuit………………………..V. 3rd sing. perf. act. indic. batizatum…………………..Perf. Pass. Part., neuter w/ fuit fuit……………………………………………………..ibid ab…………………………..Prep. taking abl. w/ obstetrice obstetrice………………..3rd dec. N. fem. sing., abl. w/ ab
in………………Prep. with abl.showing place on which ipso………….Intensive pronoun, masc. sing., abl. w/ in partu…..4th dec. N. masc. sing., abl. w/ in and meaning “birth” unum……….Cardinal number, neuter sing., nom. ex……………………………………………………ibid capitib[us]…………….3rd dec. N. neuter pl., abl. w/ ex protendens………………….Pres. Act. Part. neuter sing. quod…………………………………......……here, conj.
tamen………………………………………………………ibidtamen………………………………………………………ibid licet………………………………………………Impersonal V. post……………………………………………Prep. taking acc. partum………………….4th dec. N. masc. sing., acc. after post adhuc……………………………………………………….Adv vera…………1st and 2nd dec. adj. neuter pl., acc D.O. w/ signa vitae…………………..1st dec. N. fem. sing., gen w/ vera signa signa……………….2nd dec. N. neuter pl., acc. D.O. of dederit per………………………………………….Prep. taking the acc.
duo…….Cardinal numeral, neuter pl. acc w/ per and minuta minuta……………….2nd dec N. neuter sing., acc. after per dederit.…V. Irr. conj. 3rd sing. fut. perf. indic. act., from do mortuum……………..Perf. Pass. Part., neuter sing., w/ fuit fuit………………………………………………………ibid
Latin abbreviations are of six basic types Truncation Contraction Marks significant in themselves Marks significant in context Superscript letters Conventional signs
General signs indicate the word has been abbreviated Truncation signs indicate some letters are missing at the end of the word
Truncation Signs (cont.) Signs can cut across the final letter, or form a ligature with the final letter
Sigla are isolated letters that abbreviate an entire word J.C. Juris consultus D Dux or Dominus N.E.R Notarius Ecclesiae Romanae Double sigla usually indicate the plural: F.F.
Some sigla are triple letters (monumental): ggg tres germani Sigla can be written backwards, sideways or upside down when they refer to female names or titles N.B. not all medieval sigla are initial letters of the words the represent
In the Middle Ages, the sigla system was modified to include more than one letter am amen an ante dom domino INC Incipit
Abbreviation by Contraction occurs when one or more of the middle letters are missing contraction can be pure, i.e. when the first and last letters of the word are preserved; or mixed, when some of the middle letters are also preserved ds Deus ba beata pr pater mr mater dno domino dia dimidia epo episcopo oa omnia
Contractions can occur in the declined or in the indeclinable parts of words Usually the stem and the ending are both contracted, i.e. two contractions in one word elm elementum fls falsus sbe substantiae p. 9-13 list stems commonly truncated in Latin texts
Marks Significant in Themselves indicate which elements are missing, no matter what letter the symbol is place above or joined with
Signs of truncation Signs of contraction Marks significant in themselves Superscripts Conventional signs
Secundum Lucam festino = to hurry cognosco = to make know audio = to hear miro = to be amazed conservo = to keep, conserve confero = to bring to a certain place revertor = to return sicut = just as, thus