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1. 5 th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of Lisbon Electromechanical Motion Systems Marrakech. A Leão Rodrigues leao@uninova.pt. Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines. Layout Brief description of superconductor materials
1 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech A Leão Rodrigues leao@uninova.pt Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines • Layout • Brief description of superconductor materials • Calculation of magnetic levitation forces • Journal magnetic bearings design • Thrust magnetic bearings design • Levitation experiment • Conclusions 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
2 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Thermometer A V i T u 0,15 W Resistence 0,125 0,10 Hg Mercury 0,075 Liquid Helium 0,05 10-5W 0,025 Onnes Experiment 0,00 4o40 4o30 4o20 4o10 4o00 T (K) Onnes results • Discovery of Superconductivity Heike Kammerling Onnes in his Cryogenic Laboratory at Leiden University, Holland, 1911 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
3 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech H(T) Magnetic Field Hc (kA/m) Hc Normal State 36 Leather (Pb) Superconductor State 24 Mercury (Hg) 12 TcT 0 Selenium(Sn) Indium(In) Thallium (Tl) 0 2 4 6 8 T(K) Low Temperature Superconductors (LTS), or 1st generation discovered until 1970. • Magnetic Field Effect Thermometer A V i T u H Material Liquid Helium Onnes Experiment 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
4 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Current density, J Jc Superconductivity region Region of normal state Current density J(T) Jc Normal state Tc 0 Temperature, T Superconductor state Hc Magnetic field, H TcT 0 Critical Surface I S Superconductor Lost of Superconductivity • The superconductivity state of a material is destroyed if one of the following parameters are out of the critical surface: • Critical superconductivity (TC) • Critical magnetic field (HC) • Critical current density (JC) 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
5 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Magnet Magnet Walter Meissner Ferromagnetic Supercondutor Persistent current Supercondutor picoseconds • In 1933, Walter Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld observed that the magnetic flux was expelled from the interior of the superconductor. Metal t 0 A superconductor is a diamagneticmaterial Negative magnetic susceptibility • Meissner Effect 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
6 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech . Two free electrons when cooled down at temperature T<Tc are attracted forming a Cooper pair. Then, the pair travels through the crystalline structure without touching it and therefore finding no resistance. T < Tc Electron 2 Electron 1 F F Cooper pair • . In 1957 the scientists John Bardeen, Leon Cooper e John Schiffer, from Illinois University, presented a mathematical model that described the superconductivity phenomenon in the low temperature superconductors, called BCS theory. • BCS Theory Bardeen Cooper Schiffer 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
7 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Vortexes • Type IIsuperconductors start attaining transition for a given critical magnetic field Hc1. Vortexes are formed and for Hc2> Hc1 the superconductivity is totally lost. H increasing increasing - M Hc1 Hc2 0 H Type I superconductor Type II superconductor - M Hc 0 H • Type Isuperconductors attain abruptly the normal state for a given critical magnetic field Hc Supercondutor H
8 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Transition curves of La2CuO4 Tc = 20 K Crystalline structure of La2CuO4 • High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) Bednorz e Alex Muller, in IBM laboratories, near Zurique, in 1986. • In 1986, George Bednorz e Alex Müller, from IBM laboratories in Rüschliko (Switzerland), discovered a ceramic composite based in lanthanum, which was superconductor around the transition temperature of 20K. 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
2 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech YBa2Cu3O7 Ba O Cu Y YBCO ceramic blocks Paul Chu discovered YBCO in 1987 at the University of Huston. O Tc = 86 K Cu Ba O Crystalline structure of YBCO YBCO ceramic rings YBCO ceramic disc • YBCO Superconductor (Yttrium, barium and copper oxide) 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
10 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Liquid nitrogen 77 K • Superconductors evolution versus time 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
11 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech NdFeB Permanent Magnet Superconductor Superconductor Superconducting Levitation Force 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
12 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Superconductor materials applications Electronics Energy- bearings Transportation Industry Instrumentation Year 1995 2000 2010 2020 Evolution of the superconductors materials application Source: ISIS – International Superconductivity Industry Summit. 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
13 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Maxwell stress method Levitation force (mN) Levitation force (mN) 100 20 Computed Experimental YBCO BSCCO 15 BSCCO 10 YBCO 10 REM 1 z z = 5 mm REM 5 t HTS t HTS 0.1 0.1 z(mm) 10 0 2 4 6 8 t (mm) 25 0 5 10 15 20 x Measured levitation force between a HTS and a REM versus vertical distance z Thickness of bulk YBCO dependence onlevitation force F z y Permanent magnet z Bmagnet t HTS material Jinduced Levitation force LEVITATION FORCE CALCULATION x Liquid nitrogen 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
14 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
15 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Copper ring Superconducting ring NdFeB permanent magnet g Permanent magnet Shaft Permanent magnet Shaft Superconducting ring Copper ring Journal magnetic bearing layout HTS cylinder f = 9.7 N/cm2 Force density distribution surface alongside the magnetic bearing Commercial journal magnetic bearing Journal magnetic bearing design 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
16 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech NdFeB NdFeB NdFeB YBCO YBCO Liquid nitrogen Thrust magnetic bearing flux plot Thrust magnetic bearing Levitator Thrust magnetic bearing design Stabilization HTS blocks Liquid nitrogen a) Lower part (HTS) 300 NdFeB blocks Air gaps Layout of the thrust magnetic bearing b)Upper part (PM) 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
17 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Magnetic Levitation 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
18 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Maxwell stress method to evaluate levitation forces between a permanent magnet and a YBCO superconductor under zero field cooling was presented. Results for magnetic pressures are of the order of 10 N/cm2. The method was applied to the design of journal and thrust bearings. These devices are now commercially produced and the market expectation shows a broad and innovative potential of industrial application. Conclusions 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines
20 5th International Symposium on Advanced Nova University of LisbonElectromechanical Motion SystemsMarrakech Thank you 26-29 Nov. 2003 - Superconducting magnetic levitated bearings for rotary machines