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SUBORDINATE CLAUSE OF TIME. The TIME CLAUSES in the English are such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, just as, while or time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc. NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE MEANING OF TIME CLAUSES.

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  2. The TIME CLAUSESin the English are such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, just as, whileor time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc. NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE MEANING OF TIME CLAUSES.

  3. Time clauses are used to indicate the time that an event in the main clause takes place. The main time conjunctions are: when, as soon as, before, after, by the time, by. NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE MEANING OF TIME CLAUSES.

  4. EXAMPLES As soon as you push this button the door will open. Don't stand up till (until) I tell you. Wheneveryou need my car you can take it. While we are cutting the grass you'll pick the apples.        NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE MEANING OF TIME CLAUSES WITH EXAMPLES.

  5. As soon as she was twenty five Elizabeth I became queen of England. While she was queen she organized Anglicanism. When she died, James I reigned over England and Scotland. NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE TIME CLAUSES WITH EXAMPLES.

  6. Son-When will I drive a car? Father-As soon as you are 16 Son-When will I have the right to vote? Father-When you are 18. NOTE: TEACH THE CHILD THE TIME CLAUSES WITH EXAMPLES.

  7. FILL IN THE BLANKS DIRECTIONS: FILL IN THE BLANKS USING AS SOON AS,JUST AS,WHEN,WHILE. a)…………….She was driving back home , it started raining. b)She thought:”……………..I arrive, I'll give Tom a call. c)……………he is free, we'll go to the cinema together. NOTE: HELP THE CHILD TO FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH APPROPRIATE WORDS.

  8. FILL IN THE BLANKS a)Exchanges were easier as soon as the euro(become)………….the official currency. b)When I(complete)………..my studies. I'll go to Germany. c)While I (look for)……….a job, a German businessman(offer)……………me one. NOTE: HELP THE CHILD TO FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH APPROPRIATE WORDS.

  9. TRANSLATE 1)Quandiletaitsur son ile, Robinson Crusoe n’avaitqu’unami. 2)Pendant Que Robinson chassait, Vendredi faisait la cuisine. 3) Robinson pensait: Quand un bateau arrivera,j’allumerai un grand feu. 4)Vendredipensait:Lorsque Robinson sera parti,qu’est-ce qui m’arrivera? NOTE: HELP THE CHILD TO TRANSLATE THE ABOVE SENTENCES.

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