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Winning the War. Waging Total War. Causalities and food shortages lead to Total War or channeling a nations entire resources into the war effort Conscription or the draft is used to recruit more young men into the military.
Waging Total War • Causalities and food shortages lead to Total War or channeling a nations entire resources into the war effort • Conscription or the draft is used to recruit more young men into the military. -governments raised taxes and borrow money large amounts of money to pay for the war.
Economic Warfare • Britain’s navy forms a blockade to keep ships from carrying supplies in and out of Germany -Blockades are only used to limit contraband (war supplies) and should allow food and clothing to pass through but Britain did not allow this • Germany used U-boats to create their blockade against Great Britain and sunk ships carrying supplies to Great Britain
1915, Germany warns all other countries that it will sink any ships delivering goods to Great Britain. • May 1915, U-boats sink the Lusitania killing 1,200 passengers. • This event leads the United States to join the Allied Powers.
Propaganda • Propaganda- the spreading of ideas to promote or cause damage to an opposing cause
Woman join the war effort Woman worked in factories, joined the armed forces, and grew food in victory gardens.
Russia • Russia withdraws from the war to focus on the revolution happening at home. • Germany responds by concentrating its forces on the Western Front.
Declaring War • April 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany. • Wilson declared that the United States must “make the world safe for democracy” • By 1918 2 million American troops had joined the Allied Army • Wilson issues the 14 Points – a list of terms for resolving WWI and future wars. He also favored self-determination.
The War Ends • Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down in Germany and flees to the Netherlands. • The German government signs an armistice or agreement to end the fight against the Allies on November 11th 1918 at 11am.
Making Peace • After the war had ended Wilson boarded a ship for France, Paris Peace Treaty • The Allies forced Germany to pay reparations for the damage in France and parts of Europe. • -European governments collapse in Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire
Paris Peace Treaty • Paris Peace Conference • The Treaty of Versailles- forced Germany to pay reparations
"The Big Four" made all the major decisions at the Paris Peace Conference (from left to right, David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.)
All Problems were not solved.. • Many countries sought territories that overlapped one another. • New countries are created: Yugoslavia • Wilson’s fourteen points became the basis of the peace program that would end the war and prevent future wars. The League of Nations was set up to fix any problems they crept up after the Paris Peace conference.
Treaty of Versailles • This treat required the Germans to pay France $30 billion dollars in war reparations • Germany would also be required to limit it’s military and to give up some of its acquired territory.
League of Nations • The League of Nations is formed to negotiate disputes instead of turning to war. • The United States never joins