1. Winning the War I. Victory at Yorktown
A. Cornwallis made a mistake by retreating to the Yorktown peninsula.
B. George Washington with Americans and French trapped Cornwallis by land.
C. Admiral de Grasse and the French Navy trapped Cornwallis by sea.
2. D. For weeks, American and French troops lay siege to Cornwallis’s army. They pounded the British with artillery.
E. On October 19, 1781, the British surrendered.
3. II. The Peace Treaty
A. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay of New York worked out the peace treaty.
4. B. Treaty of Paris 1783
1. Britain recognizes the United States as an independent nation
2. Borders from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River
3. Florida returned to Spain
5. III. Reasons for Americans’ Victory
A. Britain was 3,000 miles away, overextended
B. Americans knew local geography, best routes, and best places to fight
C. French military aid, including warships and soldiers
D. Spanish help
F. The leadership of George Washington