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Beam and detector testing facilities upgrade in Europe. AIDA 2 Expression Of Interests. 1. Expression of Interests. Creation of experimental facilities to study and develop novel high time resolution ionizing radiation detectors.
Beam and detector testing facilities upgrade in Europe AIDA 2 Expression Of Interests AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014 - G.Mazzitelli 1
Expression of Interests AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Creation of experimental facilities to study and develop novel high time resolution ionizing radiation detectors Background: EN radiation lossproduces several transient phenomena occurring in a time interval of about 10-12 sor shorter. In case of dielectric materials the relevant process is a transient absorption due to short-lived states such as free excitons and polarons. The transient phenomena can be studies in different materials using a tunable femto(pico)second laser with appropriate readout electronics and a high energy e- beam. Two photon absorption: an effective tool to detect ultrafast changes in the dielectric transparent media. Intra-band absorption and luminescence: a possible tool to detect ultrafast changes of the electron density in the dielectric transparent media. PWO of CMS The transient absorption kinetics of a CeF3 single crystal obtained at different wavelength of the probe pulse: a on the short ( -2 ÷ 200 ps) Two photon(2,97+3.16eV) absorption in 1 cm thick PWO. AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Creation of experimental facilities to study and develop novel high time resolution ionizing radiation detectors • Motivation: Experiments at future colliders High Luminosity LHC and ILC will require detectors with high time resolution. Scintillation or Cherenkov detectors have an intrinsic time resolution of about 100ps, insufficient for future experiments • Existence of transient absorption effects, by “pump-probe” femtosecond laser method, has been recently observed in CeF3 and PbWO4well known scintillation materials • Method is supposed to be an effective tool to determine interaction timing in different inorganic detection materials for electromagnetic and hadron calorimetry • Objectives:Study of new materials and new detection techniques to be used in high luminosity collider experiments • Support to achieve the objectives of the project: • Research facilities at CERN to studies the transient phenomena in different materials using a tuneable femto(pico)second laser (1 to 5 picosecond laser pulses with a wavelength of 400 nm at a frequency of about 100GHz), appropriate readout electronics and a high energy electron beam. E Auffray et al. AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Portable CO2 cooling unit for Si/pixel tests Motivation: CO2 cooling is the selected choice for the forthcoming Tracker and Vertex detectors of ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, but also for the PXD and SVD detectors of Belle-II at KEK, for the STS detector of CBM at FAIR, and for future detectors at XFEL. It is also under consideration for longer time scale developments, e.g the readout of the future TPC detectors at ILC. In this context, all laboratories interested in module development or detector integration will soon need to be equipped for tests at different scales. The availability of reliable, standardized CO2 test units ready for procurement and structured follow-up will be highly beneficial for a large community. • Objectives: • A small user-friendly plant, with cooling power in the order of few 100 W, ready for production and distribution in few dozens of units within the physics community, but probably with a real potential outside market. • A larger and more complex plant for validation and commissioning of integration of larger portion of detectors, with cooling power capable to attain the 1÷2 kW level and already integrating the control and protection interfaces typical of a final installation P. Petagna et al. AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Portable CO2 cooling unit for Si/pixel tests - “SMALL” UNIT • The starting point for the future general purpose “small size unit” is provided by the prototypes called “TRACI”, developed in the context of AIDA and in collaboration with the LHC experiments, and its larger version “TRACI-XL” presently under development within the European collaboration CRISP. • Based on a co-owned CERN-NIKEF patent, and capable of cooling power typically ranging from 100 W to 500 W at operation temperatures between -30 °C and +30 °C, this unit is extremely robust in its conception and simple in operation. • OBJECTIVES FOR AIDA-2: • Stable and reproducible design ready for small series production; • Cost reduction; • Pre-defined palette of available options; • Definition of the most effective model of outsourced production and maintenance: LICENCE? SPIN-OFF? • R&D REQUIRED IN AIDA-2: • Definition of reliable, compact and effective CO2 pumps; • Possibility of lower temperature for outside market (NO2 in place of CO2); • Fully “green” design (primary chiller based on CO2). AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Portable CO2 cooling unit for Si/pixel tests - THE “LARGE” UNIT • The starting point for the future “large size unit” is provided by the prototype called “MARCO”, developed in the context of the European collaboration CRISP and in collaboration with the ATLAS and BELLE-II experiments. • Capable of cooling power above 1kW at operation temperatures between -40 °C and +30 °C, this unit has advanced control, security and monitoring features based on an advanced SCADA system fully compatible with the CERN UNICOS standard. • OBJECTIVES FOR AIDA-2: • Design ready for outsourced production including predefined customization options; • Industrial agreement for production and maintenance. • R&D REQUIRED IN AIDA-2: • Dynamic simulation package available for early and safe pre-commissioning of important portions of detectors; • Possibility of lower temperature (NO2 in place of CO2). AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA–DESY and CERN Motivation: The access to the test beam facilities in Europe, mainly at CERN and DESY, is of a major importance to the detector concepts and all R&D groups in general. The “Transnational Access” scheme enables test beam campaigns for many groups. This scheme has been tremendously successful in AIDA and should be continued in a new proposal. CERN experience in AIDA (see M. Moll talk): “I don’t recall how we managed to run test beams before the TNA program, thanks to the travel support, we finally get institutes to send shifters for our testbeams” (ATLAS pixel runcoordinator) “The program has been crucial in getting more students (& staff) involved in the testbeam activities, which is very helpful for building the communities, before it was very run by a small group of experts who would then be completely worn out at the end of the run”(H. Wilkens) AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA Experience in AIDA at DESY Total DESY budget is 166.400 EUR: - 70.400 EUR personnel costs - 96.000 EUR travel costs F. Sefkow et al. Average DESY TNA project: ~ 5 (4 paid) users for ~ 2 TB week AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA Experience in AIDA at DESY AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
DESY-II Testbeam Facility as TNA in AIDA2 • DESY would like to continue the successful experience of AIDA • TNA procedures not foreseen to change • Strong Support from DESY Directorate • Pixel Telescopes a key piece of the success • Many AIDA users have been using this infrastructure • DESY will continue to provide telescope and support as infrastructure • Further items for AIDA2 • Cost model for operating costs to be discussed in AIDA • For further improvements of the TNA and the pixel telescopes need some additional support AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
High-field magnet testing facility Joint Research Activity F. Sefkow et al. Motivation: LC community and in general detectors R&D, interest in a high-field magnet testing facility: • Magnet facility with a borelarge enough to house detector components • several Tesla field,up to 5 T. (but given the time-scales available funds and resources) Objective: study the impact of power-pulsing in a 5 T field on HEP detectors. AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA – new candidates RudjerBoškovićInstitute Tandem Accelerator (MeV Ion beam) INFN FrascatiBeam Test Facility (e+/e- 25-700 MeV) AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA-RBI (RuđerBošković Institute) proposal – IBIC S. Fazinić et al. • Wide range of ions/energies IBIC probing different depths and thickness (1 to 500 μm) • Lateral beam resolution < 1 μm • Selective irradiation for radiation hardness test • TCT - Time resolved IBIC5 GHz at any detector position • In air microbeam for large detectors with trigger (diamond exit membrane detector) AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
IBIC for HEP - examples 3D diamond Efficiency and current transient structure in time with Alex Oh, Manchester HADES – radiation damage in start CVD diamond det. with J. Pietraszko, GSI CCE reduced to 0 due to polarization Interstrip region - DSSSD Investigation of reverse polarity pulses with INFN DOI – diamond on iridium & polarization Uni. Augsburg & GSIwith E. Berderman AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA within FP7 SPIRIT project (2011-13) 11 experiments (≈ 5% of all SPIRIT TNA) 3. Dual and single ion beam irradiation for materials modification 1. Analysis of nanostructures - TOF ERDA 2. Ion Beam Induced Current (IBIC) and time-resolved IBIC (TRIBIC) Channeling RBS map In 2012 28 international exp. (FP7 TNA; IAEA beam line Agreement; KAERI; JAEA, ....) AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
TNA-RBI scenario for 2015 related to AIDA2 … • Objectives: • Access to two beam lines for detector testing by IBIC/TRIBIC: • Microbeam in vacuum (small detectors 5x5x5 cm space) • Microbeam in air (larger detectors) • Detector testing station with beam collimated to 100 micrometres (can operate in vacuum and in air) • Assistance in experiment planning, running of experiments and data evaluation • beam time costs for RBI-AF - 192 Eur/hour (as it was for FP7 TNA) • Possible allocation of beam time for AIDA up to 240 hours/year (i.e. up to 6five days experiments - 6x5x8= 240 hours/year) • Availability of wide range of infrastructure as RBI is the largest institute for sciences in Croatia • Availability of dormitory at neighbouring Medical faculty of University (within walking distance) with modest expenses for users AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
Frascati Facility (BTF) • At least 20 teams/year • Average of 8 days/team • Average of 220 beam-days/year • 30% of foreigner users • Typically, two calls/year (November and May) • TNA funding in FP6 and FP7 (HadronPhysics) average funding: 150 man-days and 15-20 travels/year • About 40% of beam requests rejection in 2013 P. Valente et al AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
BTF kinds of users • Test of detectors or beam diagnostics • Any kind of detector: calorimeter,s scintillators, fibers, drift chambers, micro-pattern gas detectors (GEM, MSGC), RPC, diamond, silicon pixels, silicon micro-strips, fluorescence detectors, Cerenkov, RICH, … • HEP, nuclear and astro-particle communities mainly • 25% large or very large collaborations, e.g. sub-detector groups from ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb, … • > 50% from intermediate-size collaborations, e.g. NA62, KLOE, MEG, UA9, AGILE, Auger, JLAB, … • Remaining fraction smaller groups for detector/readout/diagnostics dedicated R&D programs • Real experimentsusing the electron or positron beam • Thermo-acoustic expansion of materials due to ionizing particles (RAP) • Absolute air and Nitrogen fluorescence yield (AIRFLY) • Microwave emission from e.m. showers (AMY) • Electron and positron channeling, parametric radiation AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014
AIDA2 BTF Objectives Joint Research Activity • Support to improvement of fast tracking beam detector • Support to energy beam upgrade up to 1 GeV • Support to the foreseen plans to increase the number of beam extraction lines, shielding an magnets/slits arrangement need to improve beam quality, facility duty cycle and reliability. Objectives: Transnational access support needs to maintain today supported users activities and open to HEP beam test collaboration can be estimated in 300 mans-days/year and 30 trips. AIDA H2020 Open Meeting 17 February 2014