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LIFE THIRD COUNTRIES Development and Implementation of an Integrated System for the Control and Monitoring of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in Cyprus, COMWATER LIFE 02/TCY/CY/019 (01/09/2002 – 28/02/2005) Achilleas Papadopoulos Dr. Chemical Engineer.
LIFE THIRD COUNTRIES Development and Implementation of an Integrated System for the Control and Monitoring of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in Cyprus, COMWATER LIFE 02/TCY/CY/019 (01/09/2002 – 28/02/2005) Achilleas Papadopoulos Dr. Chemical Engineer Nicosia, 17th February 2005
IMPLEMENTING AUTHORITIES . Beneficiary: Water Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus Partner: Unit of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
TECHNICAL SECTION Project Synopsis(1/2) • General Project Objectives The development and establishment of an integrated system for the effective operation, control and monitoring of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (UWTPs) of Cyprus, sited at the 5 urban centers of the island, the aim being: • the harmonization of the Cypriot Legislation with the provisions and requirements of the European Legislation • the protection of the natural water recipients of Cyprus from the effects of untreated wastewater discharge • the prereservation of natural water resources • the promotion of reuse of the treated wastewater
TECHNICAL SECTION Project Synopsis (2/2) • Expected Results • The operators of the UWTPsobtained the know-how for the control and monitoring of the UWTP operation. They obtained appropriate tools, which enable them to collect and record data in an effective, common and consistent with the European environmental policy way, to assess the effectiveness of the existing operational systems, to determine actions for their improvement and to report representative data to the Water Development Department (WDD). • The WDD will have a continuous supervision of the operation of the UWTPs as well as a direct control of the UWTPs compliance with the requirements of the Cypriot and European legislation • TheWDDhas the ability to record all data and to providethe European Commission and Environmental Organizations with reliable and up-to-date data related to the UWTP operation and the urban wastewater management in Cyprus.
Tasks Implementation Task 1 TASK 1:Illustration of the existing situation regarding authorities involved in the management of UWTP and the procedures and practices that take place (01/09/2002 – 31/10/2002) • Analysis of the existing European and Cypriot legal framework, as well as the International Conventions concerning the urban wastewater management, the UWTP operation and the water management and policy • Determination of the quality limits for the reuse of the treated wastewater in agriculture, as they derive from International Practices • Complete illustration of all the authorities involved in the management of the UWTP in Cyprus(Water Development Department, Sewage Boards, UWTP operators, Industries discharging into the sewage network, etc.)
Tasks Implementation Task 1 • Analysis of the responsibilities and obligations of the authorities as they derive from the EC and Cypriot legislation and the International Conventions • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the authorities’ network and the procedures taking place - Recommendations for enhancement of the effectiveness of the procedures • Illustration of the wastewater treatment systems of Cyprus, i.e. the 5 Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants participated in the project, the treatment plants operating in the rural areas, in governmental and military settlements as well as the ones operating in private developments.
Objectives achieved Task 1 • Evaluation of the level of harmonization of the Cypriot Environmental policy and legislation regarding the operation of the UWTP and the management of the urban wastewater with the respective European Environmental policy and legislation • Compliance of the actors and authorities involved with the provisions and requirements of the European and Cypriot legislation • Complete picture of the existing situation regarding the generation and management of the wastewater generated in urban and rural areas of Cyprus
Objectives achieved Task 1 • Illustration of the existing situation concerning the network of actors and authorities involved in the management of the urban wastewater and the operation, control and monitoring of the UWTP as well as their responsibilities • Illustration of the procedures that are applied as well as the role of each actor and authority in the design, construction, permitting, operation, control and monitoring of the UWTP – Determination of deficiencies and overlapping of responsibilities – Suggestions for improving and increasing the efficiency and flexibility of these procedures • Illustration of the current situation regarding the operation of the UWTP in Cyprus (systems and technology, quality of the untreated and treated wastewater, techniques applied for the management of the treated wastewater, suitability of treated wastewater for reuse etc.)
Tasks Implementation Task 2 TASK 2: Development of guidelines for sampling, measurements and analyses (01/10/2002 – 31/11/2002) 2.1 Development of guidelines for sampling • Development of guidelines concerning the type and volume of samples as well as the way and frequency of sampling. Also, the type and capacity of the samplers and the personnel demands for the execution of samplings have been set • Description of the standard techniques referring to the transfer of the samples to the lab and their preservation • Development of a sampling form and protocol
Tasks Implementation Task 2 2.2 Development of guidelines for measurements and analyses • Determination of the quality parameters that need to be controlled and monitored • Development of guidelines for measurements and analyses, using common standard methods • Determination of the personnel demandsfor carrying out measurements and analyses • Development of measurements and analyses form and protocol for data recording
Tasks Implementation Task 2 2.3 Determination of the requirements for the safe and effective operation of UWTPs • Description and assessment of the existing requirements according to the Cypriot legislation for the discharge of the wastewater into the sewage network • Determination of the quality criteria and permissible limits for the safe disposal of the industrial wastewater into the sewage network
Objectives achieved Task 2 • Full compliance of the operators of the UWTPs with the provisions and requirements of the European legislation concerning the conduction of sampling, measurements and analyses • Adaptation of common standard methods and procedures for sampling, measurements and analyses • Control of the industrial wastewater discharged into the sewage network - Avoidance of possible problems that may be caused in the operation of the UWTPs • Personnel of the UWTP familiar with the conduction of sampling and measurements, applying standard procedures and methods • Adaptation of common procedures for the recording of data by the personnel of the UWTPs
Tasks Implementation Task 3 Task 3: Development of a methodology and software for data recording and operational control of UWTPs (01/12/2002 – 31/05/2003) 3.1 Development of documents (printed material) for the illustration of the UWTP operation • Development of an operational protocol • Development of a datasheet for the statistical analysis and elaboration of the data • Development of an appropriate form for submitting reports to the WDD
Tasks Implementation Task 3 3.2 Development of specifications and design of the software for the UWTPs • Development of specifications for the software to be installed at the UWTPs- Design of the software interfaces 3.3 Development of specifications and design of the software for the WDD • Development of specifications for the software to be installed at the WDD and connected with the software developed at 3.2 - Design of the software interfaces • 3.4 Development of specifications and design of the GIS • software for the WDD • Development of specifications for the GIS to be installed at the WDD and connected on – line with the software developed at 3.3
Objectives achieved Task 3 • Improvement of the recording of operational data with the use of appropriate protocols, datasheets and software by the operators of the UWTP • Improvement of the control and monitoring procedure of the five UWTP by the WDD, using of an appropriate software connected with a GIS • Use of state –of – the – art technology for the recording and transmission of data
Tasks Implementation Task 4 Task 4: Existing situation concerning the wastewater generation - Conduction of sampling, measurements, analyses- Recording of data (01/03/2003 – 30/06/2004) 4.1 Assessment of existing situation regarding the wastewater generation in Cyprus – Determination of the needs for new units • Recording of data referring to the wastewater generation in urban and rural areas of Cyprus • Analysis of data concerning the existing sewage systems and treatment plants in urban centers and rural areas, private enterprises, military settlements etc. • Recording of data referring to the dams of Cyprus, (capacity, use of the water, site location, population in their catchment area etc.) • Estimation of the future trends of the wastewater generation
Tasks Implementation Task 4 • Determination of the number of the new UWTP required for the cover of the needs of Cyprus and the harmonization with the EC requirements 4.2 Collection and recording of data regarding the operation of the 5 UWTPs - Implementation of sampling, measurements and analyses • Collection of data referring to the operation of the 5 UWTP (systems and methods applied, points and frequency of sampling, parameters under examination etc). Recording of data concerning the industrial units discharging their wastewater into the sewage network of each UWTP.
Tasks Implementation Task 4 • Conduction of sampling, measurements and analyses according to the standard processes and methods developed in task 2.2 4.3 Input of the data collected at subtask 4.2 to the relevant forms and protocols • Data collected during task 4.2 were inserted into the forms and protocols
Objectives achieved Task 4 • Integrated view concerning the existing wastewater works in Cyprus • Determination of the possible pressures and impacts on the surface waters (dams) by discharging of untreated wastewater. • Determination of the demands regarding the construction of new treatment units in order to satisfy the needs of the country. • Complete and representative data concerning the quality of the untreated and treated wastewater • Integrated view related to the efficiency of the wastewater treatment systems – Prevention and/or confrontation of possible problems and deficiencies may be caused at the operation of the UWTPs
Tasks Implementation Task 5 Task 5:Implementation of the methodology and software for data recording by the UWTPs– Implementation of the software for the control and monitoring of the 5 UWTPsby the WDD(01/09/2003 – 31/12/2004) 5.1 Installation and use of the software by the UWTPs • Installation of the software at the UWTPs • Inputof the data collected and recorded from the forms into the software. Analysis and elaboration of data by the personnel of the UWTPs
Tasks Implementation Task 5 5.2 Installation and use of the software and GIS by the WDD • Installation of the software at the WDD premises – On line connection with the software installed at the UWTPs • Use of the software by the personnel of the WDD • Installation of a GIS - On line connection with the software installed at the WDD
Objectives achieved Task 5 • Continuous control and systematic monitoring of each UWTP operation • Continuous and direct supervision of the UWTP environmental performance by the WDD • Direct control of the UWTP compliance with the requirements of the national and European legislation • Direct and unobstructed provision of data to the WDD by the operators of the UWTP • Supporting of WDD to compose complete and representative reports to the European Commission and International Organizations • Personnel of the UWTPs and the WDD well trained on the using of state – of - the – art software tools as well as on the control and monitoring of the UWTPs
Tasks Implementation Task 6 TASK 6: Dissemination of the project results – Training activities (01/09/2002 – 28/02/2005) • Meetings of the working groups • Organization of a Seminar for the information of all actors involved about the project and for the training of the personnel of UWTPs on sampling, measurements and analyses of wastewater • Organization of a Seminar for the training of the personnel of UWTPs and the WDD on the use of the software tools • Information of representatives from Research Centers, Institutes, Universities,Technical Committees, Organizations, Eurostat, European Environmental Agency etc. about the project results • Development and updating of a website describing the project (content, partners, objectives, Tasks, results, deliverables etc.)
Tasks Implementation Task 6 • Preparation and distribution of informative printed material • Publication in national conference • Organization of workshops • Organization of an international Conference in Cyprus • Preparation and distribution of a leaflet describing the project • Preparation and distribution of the proceedings of the Conference
Objectives achieved Task 6 • High dissemination level and diffusion of information concerning the content, the results and the benefits gained from the implementation of the project
Tasks Implementation Task 7 Task 7:Management and reporting to the European Commission(01/09/2002 – 28/02/2005) 7.1 Effective management of the project and fulfillment of all the activities planned • Kick-off meeting of the project • Preparation of a list of the key staff needed for the implementation of the project- Determination of the role and responsibilities of each partner • Meetings in Cyprus and Greece 7.2 Preparation of reports to the European Commission • Two progress reports • One Interim report (interim technical report and cost statement) • Final report (final technical report and cost statement)
Objectives achieved Task 7 • Development of the project with no problems • Fulfilment of the obligations for reporting to the EC • All the targets set were achieved