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Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org. 2. Legislation Stresses. Programs of studyEducational pathways in high-skill, high-wage, high-demand fieldsDetailed accountability and mandatesAttention to special populationsYear 2 must continue successful Major Efforts and improve performance and dat
1. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 1 Nassau BOCES Perkins IVConsortium Meeting October 8, 2009:Implementation 2009-10 2009-10 (Year 2 of the Five Year Plan that goes to 2013)
Gene Silverman,
Executive Director CTE,
Nassau BOCES
2. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 2 Legislation Stresses Programs of study
Educational pathways in high-skill, high-wage, high-demand fields
Detailed accountability and mandates
Attention to special populations
Year 2 must continue successful Major Efforts and improve performance and data measures
3. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 3 Mandates of Perkins IV Programs of Study (NYS Approved Program model)
Special populations: special ed, non-traditional, ESL, teen parents, disadvantaged
Accountability: measures reported; unmet measures = sanctions
Career Preparation and Pathways
Professional Development
4. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 4 Consortia Activities “Funds allocated to a consortium…shall be used only for purposes and programs that are mutually beneficial to all members of the consortium…such funds may not be reallocated to individual members of the consortium for purposes or programs benefiting only one member of the consortium.”
5. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 5 Year 2 Strengthen and improve academic and technical skills
Special populations
Expand use of technology in CTE
Professional development
Use data to improve CTE
Improve, modernize and expand CTE programs: PoS
Link secondary to postsecondary and career path counseling
Ensure equitable access
Address labor market needs
6. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 6 Programs of Study PoS (NYS Approved Program model) Must have at least 3 in 2009-10
NYS Approvals: Technical assessment and/or credential, postsecondary articulation, work-based learning, certified teachers
Challenging academic and CTE content
Prepare for employment in high-skill, high-wage, high-demand jobs
Consultant available to assist:
Grace Donahue
7. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 7 Program of Study Process Self-study: curriculum and teacher quality
External Review: external and internal partners
Data and reports
Statement of Assurances: program data
Industry assessment
Work-based Learning + employability profiles
College articulations
Program Approval Follow-up Information Form
Re-approval every 5 years
8. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 8 Special populations English Language Learners: Regional activities + ESL CTE @ Barry Tech, Voc Assessments
Special Education: Transition consultant Debird Consulting & Assoc.+ sp ed teacher/ support @ Barry Tech, parents, WBL
Teen parent: Collaboration with TAP
Disadvantaged: Alt. HS and GED support
Non-traditional: Vanguard and recruitment/mentors
9. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 9 Accountability: Secondary Performance Indicators Academic attainment: ELA, Math
Technical Skills (assessment) (2008-09)
Diploma/GED (2008-09)
CTE achievement: 75% or better
Graduation rates
Placement (2008-09): where they are after HS – 6 months out
Nontraditional: participation, completion
State performance indicators negotiated with Federal government for evaluation
Perkins and CTEDS 1 and 2 being combined to one data set in SIRS
10. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 10 Professional Development Eportfolios with Sue Gubing
USA Today Dream Jobs
CTE and academic teachers
Guidance, Business Depts., Home and Careers, Administration, etc.
Include CTE for special populations
School climate/engaged schools (CHAMPS)
Financial Literacy
21st Century Skills
11. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 11 Major Efforts for 2008-10 Special Populations (includes vocational assessments) – see ELL additions
Career Planning/Pathways/21st Century skills
Postsecondary Pathways: articulations, preparation, transitions
Accountability/Continuous Program Improvement (Data collection, analysis, evaluation)
Educational Attainment: CTE, Technical Endorsements, Diploma, Graduation rates, technology, academics
Emerging CTE/Workforce
(Professional Development in all areas)
12. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 12 District/Regional Activities District level objectives
Regional professional development and activities
CTE LI Conference Dec 8
Special Interest Groups: SIGs
Senior Network: Joan and Matt
Career Pathways/21st Century Skills
Transition Planning
Career Academies: LI Works
VE: Iris and Ed
13. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 13 ELL’s: What would we do if we could? College partnerships – find those that want ad will outreach, develop and sustain programs – Latino College Prep group run by a school counselor: visits, apps, scholarships, etc. -Molly Hispanic College Fair
Host a conference on transition prep for HS ELL’s
Model ELL transitions after the Sp Ed Transition process and/or model and IEP
Share translation materials
Diversity activities at the school, multi-generational Serving the undocumented: getting them to employable: schools side (CTE/coursework, training) and work side (create a network of businesses/employers who would hire/mentor/help us)
Build a system of support for job shadowing and field experiences for ELL’s – model to use in each local community; build and industry mentor network – harness business networks
CTE programs for older ELL’s (17 – 20) at a variety of times, with employment options
14. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 14 Technology for 21st Century Skills Student learning
Workforce readiness
Instructional practices
Professional development
15. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 15 Overview of the Perkins Web Page Using technology to communicate, share knowledge and expertise, resources, content, products, outcomes, media
www.barrytech.org to go to www.nassaubocesperkins.org
16. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 16 Discussion
17. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 17 Important dates SIGS:
VE: Oct 22
Transition Forum: Oct 23
ePortfolio: Nov 12
Career Academies: Dec 3 USA Today: Nov 3
CHAMPs: Nov 3
New CTE Virtual Town Hall: Nov 5
Ford PAS (CA): Nov 9
LI CTE Conference: Dec 8
2010-11 Planning: April 29
Senior Network Student Showcase: May 20
18. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 18 Useful web resources http://www.careerclusters.org/index.php
19. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 19 Nassau BOCES Perkins Administration
Gene Silverman, Executive Director, CTE gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org
Mary Etzel, Assistant metzel@mail.nasboces.org
Ed Tronolone, Consultant etronolone@optonline.net
20. Perkins 2009-10 gsilverm@mail.nasboces.org 20 Consultant contacts Joe DeRiso, Debird Consulting & Assoc.
Grace Donahue, Dynamic Designs, Inc.
Susan Gubing, CareerSmarts
Joan McLachlan, Senior Network
Cheryl Davidson, LI Works Coalition