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1.01 Remember structural organization

Explore the body's structural components and how they support movement. Learn about tissues like epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissue in detail. Discover the organization of major organ systems within the human body.

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1.01 Remember structural organization

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  1. 1.01 Remember structural organization

  2. 1.01 Remember the body’s structural organization Essential Questions • How is the human body organized? • What are the structural components of the body? • How does the body’s structural organization relate to its support and movement? 1.01 Remember structural organization

  3. Organization of the human body:Tissues Composed of: 1.01 Remember structural organization

  4. Organization of the human body:Tissues Types of tissues: • Epithelial tissue • Connective tissue • Muscle tissue • Nervous tissue 1.01 Remember structural organization

  5. Organization of the human body:Tissues Epithelial Tissue protects the body by covering internal and external surfaces, and produces secretions • Skin • covers the outside of the body • lines the inside of the body • Membrane • two thin layers of tissue that join together • cells may secrete a fluid 1.01 Remember structural organization

  6. Organization of the human body:Tissues Epithelial tissues SquamousCuboidal Columnar 1.01 Remember structural organization

  7. Organization of the human body:Tissues Connective tissue supports and connects organs and tissue • Adipose type of connective tissue that stores fat cells • Cartilage firm, flexible support of the embryonic skeleton and part of the adult skeleton • Tendons white bands of connective tissue attaching skeletal muscle to bone • Ligaments strong, flexible bands of connective tissue that hold bones firmly together at the joints 1.01 Remember structural organization

  8. Organization of the human body:Tissues Connective tissue Adipose Fibrocartilage Elastic cartilage 1.01 Remember structural organization

  9. Organization of the human body:Tissues Muscle tissue contracts and moves a body part • Cardiac • striated, involuntary • contracts the heart • Skeletal • striated, voluntary • attached to the skeleton • Smooth • nonstriated, involuntary • provides movement in various body systems 1.01 Remember structural organization

  10. Organization of the human body:Tissues Muscle tissue Cardiac Skeletal Smooth 1.01 Remember structural organization

  11. Organization of the human body:Tissues • Nervous tissue reacts to stimulation and conducts an impulse 1.01 Remember structural organization

  12. Organization of the human body:Tissues Nervous tissue Neuron 1.01 Remember structural organization

  13. Organ Systems 1.01 Remember structural organization

  14. Skeletal System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  15. Muscular System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  16. Circulatory System Click here to hear heartbeat 1.01 Remember structural organization

  17. Lymphatic System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  18. Respiratory System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  19. Digestive System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  20. Integumentary System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  21. Nervous System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  22. Sensory System The Skin The Tongue 1.01 Remember structural organization

  23. Urinary System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  24. Endocrine System 1.01 Remember structural organization

  25. Reproductive System • Male Female 1.01 Remember structural organization

  26. Structural organization units 1.01 Remember structural organization

  27. Structural organization units Anatomical position 1.01 Remember structural organization

  28. Structural organization units Anatomical position 1.01 Remember structural organization

  29. Structural organization units Directional terms 1.01 Remember structural organization

  30. Structural organization units Directional terms 1.01 Remember structural organization

  31. Structural organization units • Directional terms 1.01 Remember structural organization

  32. Structural organization units Body planes 1.01 Remember structural organization

  33. Structural organization units Body cavities 1.01 Remember structural organization

  34. Abdominal Quadrants 1.01 Remember structural organization

  35. Abdominal Regions 1.01 Remember structural organization

  36. 1.01 Remember structural organization Group Review

  37. 1.01 Remember structural organization

  38. Directions: Fill in the blank to indicate the relationship of the referenced body structures. • 1: The arm is __________ to the forearm. • 2: The brain is __________ to the skull. • 3: The ears are __________ to the eyes. • 4: The femur is __________ to the tibia. • 5: The hand is __________ to the shoulder. • 6: The head is __________ to the heart. • 7: The heart is __________ to the arms. • 8: The leg is __________ to the thigh. • 9: The skin is __________ to muscle. • 10: The abdomen is __________ to the chest. 1.01 Remember structural organization

  39. Directions: Circle the word that does not belong with the others in each list. Explain in the space provided, and in your own words, why the term does not fit with the other terms listed. • 1: Abdominal Cavity Stomach Eye Liver • 2: Front Dorsal Anterior Ventral • 3: Caudal Epigastric Umbilical Hypogastric • 4: Thoracic Abdominopelvic Cranial Superficial • 5: Coronal Sagittal Deep Tranverse • 6: Dorsal Cavity Thoracic Cavity Cranial Cavity Spinal Cavity • 7: Stomach Urinary Bladder Reproductive organs rectum • 8: Medial Proximal Lateral Sagittal • 9: Anterior back posterior dorsal • 10: Homeostasis anterior superior dorsal 1.01 Remember structural organization

  40. 1.01 Remember structural organization

  41. 1.01 Remember structural organization Essential Questions • How is the human body organized? • What are the structural components of the body? • How does the body’s structural organization relate to its support and movement? 1.01 Remember structural organization

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