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North American Support Group (NASG) Tidewater Det. Mission Statement
North American Support Group (NASG)Tidewater Det Mission Statement To support the UK Military Families in the Tidewater area by providing the highest level of customer service and consistent application of the ‘Duty of Care’ obligation during their arrival process, period of assignment and departure, whilst achieving the best value for money within the financial allocation.
Content of Briefing • NASG – Organisation & US footprint • General admin - websites (Destiny/BayBrits.us) • Pay and allowances • Accommodation and furniture • Healthcare • Children’s education • Legal & newcomer’s briefings • What’s next
North America Support Group (NASG) UK Footprint in USA • 700 Principal Visa Holders • 2000 incl spouses & dependants • Spread across 34 States • More than 75% outside Metro DCarea Tidewater Detachment • Outreach team of the Embassy • 2nd largest pool of UK personnel after Nevada • 120 Principal Visa Holders = 350 incl spouses and dependants • Spread across Tidewater area from Fort Eustis to Dam Neck Naval Base • SACT, NOPF, 2nd Fleet, Staff College, Marines on FJ Trg, Exchange Officers, etc
North America Support Group (NASG) Hd In-Country Support (Mil) - Maj Paul Eagle BDS Washington NASG Tidewater Det UK NLR Col Peter Germain NLR Assistant SSgt Kelly Scott Business Manager Mr Karl Meadows Chief Clerk WO Chris Lewis Housing Co-ordinator Mrs Maura Nankervis BFPO / Admin Mrs Frances Portaluri Responsible for providing support on: Accommodation/furnishings, healthcare & education, BFPO service, British community social events. JPA support, pay & allowances and personnel management for those parented by the Global Admin Unit
User = user Password = 65Angel38*
Driving in the USA • Drive on the right, but be aware of overtaking on both sides • Always come to a complete stop at STOP signs • All way STOPS – go in turn • You may turn right on red light as long as there is no sign saying “no turn on red”. Not in NY State. Beware of difference with “Stop on Red”. • Speed limits are strictly enforced • School buses, when they stop – don’t overtake • Drink driving – even being in possession of car keys after having a drink • If stopped by police - remain in car with hands visible on steering wheel. Ladies driving alone may drive to safe location before stopping. • Carry driving license/vehicle registration/insurance policy at all times • Be aware of differing State Laws – especially cell phones! • Consider joining AAA and purchasing a Sat Nav
Car Hire On Arrival • Do not take out insurance • Do not upgrade size • Insurance for spouse is not refundable
(Military personnel)Allowances • Local Overseas Allowance (LOA) - payable to all personnel and commences the day of arrival in the United States. As of 1 Dec 13, this includes dependant children, who are in full time tertiary education, up to the age of 23. • Living Out Supplemented Overseas Allowance(LOSLOA) - Payable to single or married unaccompanied personnel and commences from moving into Permanent Accommodation • Home To Duty (HTD) – Daily travelling expenses for those who live in excess of 3 miles away from their place of work • Get You Home(Overseas) (GYH(O)) – An allowance which assists towards the cost of an annual return flight to the UK for you and your family • Details of all Allowances are listed on Destiny • Do not make financial commitments based on the rate of LOA you are receiving 10
Temporary Duty Travel • Authorisation for SACT NATO travel needs to be requested through the UK NLR office, via SSgt Kelly Scott • Hotels must be booked through HRG (01144 203 668 2210). If hotel cost exceeds daily limit, authority is to be sought from NASG(TW) Business Manager, Mr Karl Meadows. • Military personnel should refer to Destiny for the current rate of Day Subsistence, or speak to the Chief Clerk • Whilst on Temp Duty, travelling outside USA, personnel will attract the appropriate amount of Temporary LOA for the country they are visiting • Longer Separation Allowance(LSA) – payable on temp duty travel of 7 consecutive days or more INVOLSEP at a location that precludes returning to the duty station • Please inform the Chief Clerk of all movements, usingthe Booking Out proforma, so your Move & Track record can be maintained on JPA and you continue to attract the appropriate allowances
Advance of Pay on Assignment Individuals can apply for up to a 4 month Advance of Net Pay prior to arrival in the United States through their previous unit. All Advances of Pay are recovered over a 12 month period. Proposal to increase the number of months individuals may have to pay back their Advance of Pay has been considered, but for the time being it is to remain over 12 months. The Embassy will exchange any Advance of pay at the Fixed Forces Rate and deposit the US$ into the Servicemen’s new US Bank account. This can be arranged through the Chief Clerk on arrival.
Claims Processing Centre (CPC) You will register with the CPC as part of your arrivals process using your private e-mail address. Items that are claimed back through the CPC are: Utility Bills The only items that can be claimed online via Destiny Education Nursery/School Bills/Transportation to School Healthcare Medical & Dental Accommodation As authoritised by NASG(TW) Housing Co-Ord The CPC utilises automatic emails to inform customer of status of claims. • Photocopy all claims prior to submission to the CPC. • Military personnel must submit all travel expense claims through JPA.
Accommodation • Houses in the Tidewater area are issued on an ‘allocation’ basis. Where possible, a housing board will consider a number of properties, with the most suitable, based on the information provided on your Immediate Information Proforma, being finally selected for you and your family. • Constraints include market conditions, availability, rental allowance and maximum cm3, detailed in the BDSUS Housing Policy, based on JSP464 • Guard against comparing houses. We do have a few properties still in inventory secured prior to SDSR that may have a pool/FROG/etc, but most of these are being released at the end of the current term. • Work has been undertaken to standardise sub-leases, providing parity on claiming for items/services (air con filters, chimney sweep, gutter cleaning) • Should you have an issue with your property, please contact landlord/realtor in first instance, informing the NASG(TW) so we can track/chase problems • You are responsible for grounds maintenance and handing backproperty clean and damage free on march-out • Strongly recommend taking out Renter’s insurance. In some cases this is a requirement of the lease 15
(Military personnel) Deductions and Charges • Married Accompanied Personnel • Pay the appropriate Grade 2 fully furnished Service Families Accommodation charge • Plus, fuel and light, to cover gas, electricity and oil, so actual costs can be reimbursed through online CPC process via DESTINY • Garage charges as appropriate • Married Unaccompanied and Single personnel will pay Grade 2 Single Accommodation charges appropriate to their rank. • All personnel will pay the relevant Contribution in Lieu of Council Tax (CILOCT)
Furniture • Furniture is neutral in design and colours • Good quality • Normal wear and tear such as small water marks or scratches should be expected • Check inventory and sign on moving in and advise Housing Coordinator of any missing/damaged items • Signed inventory is to be returned to the Housing Coordinator within 14 days, we recommend taking photographs if damage is particularly noteworthy • White goods (washer, dryer, fridge, etc), ironing board, vacuum cleaner, step stool, lawn mower and gardening tools will either be supplied by landlord or MOD 19
Soft Furnishings/Small Electrical Items Grant • Soft Furnishings Grant • Payment to assist with the purchase of curtains, bedding, cushions, throws, etc. You will be provided with a list of permitted items. • Small Electrical Grant • $140 to assist with the purchase of small electrical items such as kettle, toaster, coffee maker, hairdryer, toothbrush, etc • Full details of permitted items can be found on Destiny • You may buy second hand items as long as a bill of sale is obtained • Retain receipts for 4 years, which can be requested for audit 20
Healthcare in the USA • No publicly-funded, national health service • Military – Tricare (and Meritain Health) • Carry ID card and know your Foreign Identification number Emergency cover • For Medical Emergencies go to an ER (A&E) or dial 911 (don’t be surprised if a fire engine arrives) • No authorisation is required • MOD funds emergencies throughout the 50 US States, including when you are on holiday • Locate the closest ER to your home • ‘in-network’ limitations do not apply in an emergency • For Emergency Services you will need to present your military ID & state your insurance is Tricare Standard • Minor illnesses also treated in an ER • Urgent Care Centers can now be used for emergencies 22
(For Military Families)Registering for Medical cover • Upon arrival you will need to register yourself and your family with the DEERS/personnel office, who will issue CAC/Dependants IDs and a Foreign Identification Number. Children under 10 will not receive a dependant ID. • Foreign Identification Number(FIN) - For the purposes of medical treatment, your FIN acts as a Social Security number. The DEERS clerk will issue you a FIN with your ID card, please make a note of it and do not lose it. • Once issued IDs, you must register all family members with Tricare at one of the Military Treatment Facilities (Boone clinic, Oceana, Sewells Point). No healthcare cover is provided until this has been done. • Flag officers and their families are treated at Sewells Point. POC is Annette Herrod on 757-953-8861 • Your Military ID serves as your Healthcare card, so please carry it at all times
Entitlement & Military Treatment Facilities • Entitled to clinically necessary care only, as you would expect under the NHS. Elective, preventative and wellness care is not funded without authorisation from Defence Medical Services(DMS) in the UK. • A Military Treatment Facility (MTF) is an ‘on-base’ clinic/hospital, which should be used as the primary source of all medical care, including prescriptions and optical care. • Whilst in a MTF, dependants are treated as Tricare Prime (same as Americans), but their level downgrades to Tricare Standard if referred off base. • MTF treatment is funded by the DoD, so no pre-authorisation is required, unless the MTF refers you ‘off-base’ to a civilian practitioner. • Dependants must contact the Healthcare Dept in the Embassy(slide 31)whenever they are referred off base for civilian care. Any treatment undertaken without prior authorisation from DMS will not be funded by the MOD.
Process for treatment outside a MTF • If you wish to be reimbursed by the MOD for off base civilian treatment you must have prior written authorisation from DMS. This is received via email from the Healthcare Dept in the Embassy. • If referred off base, civilian practitioners must be “in network” with Tricare. • After treatment, the medical provider will send their bill to Tricare for payment. Tricare will send you an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) detailing what has been paid under insurance cover and what your contribution is. • Reclaiming your costs can be made on a Form 200 – please include all supporting documentation (DMS authority, EOB & provider’s bill) • Remember: If you use a civilian practitioner without prior authorisation, all costs are a personal expense - this does NOT include ER visits.
(Military - Active Duty Only) Medical • Active Duty personnel must use the Military Treatment Facility for all medical, prescription, optical and dental care • Healthcare coverage off base for Emergency Services only or if the base issues a written authorisation for a civilian appointment • Treatment is covered 100% by the US government as long as you receive the care on base or through an authorisation. UK Active Duty are treated the same as US Active Duty on base. • If a bill is received after an ER visit or a base authorised civilian care appointment, please contact the Healthcare Dept in the Embassy
Medical • Healthcare is a business in the USA • If you do not want to use the base for personal reasons you can fund your own civilian healthcare through Tricare • It is your responsibility to check network status. The MOD will not pay for any out-of-network care. • Only use an ‘in network’ Urgent Care Center if referred by the MTF, or it is outside of normal MTF operating hours, or in an emergency. • If you do use an Urgent Care Center, you will need to notify the Healthcare dept in the Embassy as soon as possible ********************************************************************** • Tricare does not cover any inpatient costs with civilian providers off base for active duty or dependants. This includes major surgeries and births. Please contact the Healthcare Dept if you will need inpatient services off base, so they can arrange for additional medical insurance through a Meritain Health plan.
(Military and their families)Dental Active Duty personnel Must receive all dental care on-base at the dental clinic within the MTF. All treatment is funded by the DoD, so no authorisation is required. Dependants • No routine care can be undertaken within the first 3 and last 3 months of your tour. You should arrive dentally fit and upon departure all routine care can be carried out on your return to the UK. • Within 3 months of your arrival, you will receive a Meritain Health plan ‘Aetna’ card through the post. The card will be in the Servicemen’s name, but the coverage is for all entitled dependants. There will be telephone and website details on the card. • You must ensure the dental practice and dentist you choose is “in network” with . Don’t assume – check!The MOD will not fund any out of network care 28
Dental Treatment • Some appointments and treatments are automatically authorised, others require pre-approval. If you are unsure, check DESTINY or call the Healthcare Dept in the Embassy before undergoing any treatment. • Adults entitled to routine dental exam every 12 months and children every 6 months. Routine exam includes a clean/polish, x-rays and less than 3 fillings. • For any additional work, extensive fillings, deep cleanings, periodontal work, crowns, and bridges, your dentist must submit a Dental Treatment Plan to Meritain Health in order to seek authorisation for the work to be carried out. The Healthcare Dept in the Embassy will email you direct to let you know what treatment has/has not been authorised by the Defence Dental Services(DDS). • Any treatment that you begin without authorisation is at personal expense. • Dental in the US is a business and you must be aware what you are entitled to. The dental practice is not responsible for knowing your plan. 29
Dental • Be aware – Dentists assume you will personally pay for any work not covered by your plan, as Americans do, and will often recommend cosmetic rather than clinically necessary treatment. This is why all non-routine work must be authorised in writing prior to treatment being undertaken as the final cost can be thousands of dollars. • Check the Healthcare Section under Guidance on Destiny, for up to date information on all Dental procedures and covered entitlements • If you are in doubt about anything, please make sure you contact the Embassy Healthcare staff for further guidance • Healthcare & Education Co-Ordinators • Vanessa Fordjour – A-K • Jennifer Trotter – L-Z • BDSUS-NASG-HEALTHED-GROUP@mod.uk • For urgent enquiries, the healthcare team can be contacted on: • 1-202-588-7562 or 1-202-588-6577 30
NHS Contributions • All personnel who were required to pay NHS charges in the UK will be expected to pay equivalent contributions in USA • Contributions are payable on: • Dental Treatments • Eye Exams • Prescriptions – Military Families must get these free on base. For emergencies only present Military ID at civilian pharmacy. Active Duty have no Prescription coverage off base. Reimbursement for emergencies only. 31
Boarding School Children • UK Boarding School children (under 18) and children 18 and over in their first degree in the UK are eligible only for emergency medical services when visiting the US • All routine medical, dental and optical exams are to be done in the UK • It is strongly encouraged that you take out travel insurance for your child • Military children 18 or older with no intention of going into a first degree program have no healthcare cover in the US.
Differences between US & UK schools • Schools in Virginia Beach are amongst the highest rated in the USA • No national curriculum/nation examinations – State/City decides • Schools years are numbered differently, but that does not mean the US schools are a year behind in terms of curriculum
US State-funded schools = UK Public schools • Free public schooling is available for grades 1-12 and in some areas free full time Kindergarten is available for 5 year olds. • Legally children in the USA must start school the Septemberafter their 6th birthday. (Cut off dates vary by state). • Public school enrollment spots are allocated based on your home address. To enroll, you will need a copy of your lease and proof of vaccinations. US Fee-paying schools = UK Private schools • There are no geographic restrictions for children enrolling private schools. • Chose and approach a school, then submit an Approval in Principle (Form 500) to the Embassy, to ensure that funding has been allocated, before your child starts school. You will also need to proof of vaccinations. • In order for the school to receive payment, a Form 510 for each child must be submitted to the Education Co-ordinator in the Embassy (slide 40). Do not sent any bills directly to the Embassy. • All eligible fees are paid out at your rate of entitlement: – reimbursement for Grade 1 through High School is 2/3rds.
Nursery Education • Entitlement for Nursery begins at the start of the term after your child’s 3rd birthday* • Nursery is administered by SCE in Andover, UK and claims must be submitted to the Embassy in arrears on a yearly, termly or monthly basis • Currently the entitlement is 15 hours per week at £708 per term. A $3000 ($1000 per term) top up is available from your local budget • You can claim for a total of 38 weeks only per school year. This is strictly enforced by CEAS. Once you have claimed 38 weeks of nursery the remaining time is at personal expense. If your Nursery requires more than the allotted hours per week for enrollment you are responsible for the difference. • An annual Registration fee may be claimed with the first tuition claim • You cannot claim any other costs for Nursery school children • Nursery is not mandatory schooling • Please see the nursery guidance on Destiny for more information *Term dates 1 Sep, 1 Jan, 1 Apr.
Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) - 4 year olds • The US currently has no free schooling option for children who are 4 as of the beginning of the current school year • Therefore, children who are 4 years old as of September 1 are entitled to 100% funding at a private school for just this year if they are enrolled in full time education • Children who are 5 (as of 1 Sep) are eligible for Kindergarten in US • If there is no full time free state Kindergarten in your area, you are entitled to 100% funding, but just for that year • If there is free full time Kindergarten in your catchment area and you choose to send your child to private school your entitlement is 2/3rd’s funding Kindergarten
Additional Questions Go to the Guidance – Children’s Education Section on Destiny for up to date information 24 hrs a day, including claimable expenses for both private and public schools. Healthcare & Education Co-Ordinators Vanessa Fordjour – A-K Jennifer Trotter – L-Z BDSUS-NASG-HEALTHED-GROUP@mod.uk
(Military personnel)Continuation of Education (CEA) • Applications for boarding school allowance (CEA) are to be submitted on JPA. Previous terms bills are to be sent to the NASG in the Embassy, so claims can be approved on JPA. • Ensure Eligibility certificate has been validated on assignment • Children under the age of 19 and in standard education are entitled to 3 return School Children Visits(SCV) trips per year or 6 single trips • As at 1 Dec 13, children under the age of 23 and in full time tertiary education are entitled to 1 return School Children Visits(SCV) trip per year • SCVs are to be registered through JPA, so that personal contributions of 100 miles each way are accurately deducted from the individual’s pay • SCVs are booked via the Travel Cell in the Embassy
Unaccompanied BaggageTrack Consignments on Line at the Agility Website Shipment Registration & Tracking Welcome Welcome to the GRMS web-based Internet-accessible system developed and operated for the Ministry of Defence (MOD) by a contracted service provider, Agility Logistics Limited (Agility). You will be requested to enter certain personal and other data such as Name, Rank, Staff/Service Number, Collection and Delivery addresses. These and other data are necessary for the system to evaluate your shipment entitlement and to enable the Unaccompanied Baggage Manager (UBM) and the moving company to carry out the required work to move your goods from your losing unit to your gaining unit. The collection of the data is in accordance with Joint Service Publications JSP 752 and 464 and falls within the purposes covered by the MOD registration under the Data Protection Act 1998 (registration number Z5343420). Please remember to read carefully, the DSCOM removal guide in the top left hand corner of this page. Please enter your service number and name to continue. Eric Sinn HHG Coordinator - Government Accounts Agility Logistics Washington DC, USA Tel +1 703 336 5329 | Fax +1 703 336 8601 | Mobile: +1 703 589 5699
SPECIMEN Get ID cards & register with Tricare Military (Foreign Military) Military dependants Register with 42
Key Tasks • Open Bank Account • Purchase a car • Organise insurance, renters & car • Arrange for cable connection (Cox/Verizon/other) • Mobile phones • Consider AAA cover • Return the 14 day ‘snag list’ to the Housing Co-ord • Remain calm and polite with all agencies Remember you’re don’t lose that - be proud of it!
Social Security Number (SSN) Servicemen • Principal NATO2 visa holders may apply for their SSN, through the local Social Security Office, on arrival at their new post. Dependants • Dependants may only apply for a SSN once they have obtained an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). • Dependant NATO2 visa holders EAD applications are processed through the NASG(TW) Chf Clk and the HQ SACT legal team. • Applications normally take 6-8 weeks. • On receipt of your EAD, you may apply for a SSN, through the local Social Security Office.
US Driving License • NATO2 visa holders strongly advised to apply for state driving license. • Many US insurance companies will not offer cover to people who do not have a US driving license
Personal Property Tax & Local Registration Fee • ONLY the principle visa holder is exempt personal property tax and local registration fee. If vehicles are registered with another person who is not on active duty then the tax exemption is lost. • Annually, you will be required to provide details of your vehicle registration to the NASG(TW). This information will be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Treasury, in Virginia Beach and should prevent you from receiving any Property Tax bills. • If you do receive a Personal Property Tax bill, please contact the NASG(TW) Chief Clerk, who will ensure your exemption status is registered with the Commissioner of the Treasury’s office Do not ignore a Property Tax Bill, as this will result in DMV placing a “freeze” (hold) on your vehicle’s registration
Joint Casualty and Compassionate Cell (JCCC) • All Military Personnel and their immediate family (parent, sibling, child) are covered in the USA • Form JPA P001 should be kept available to all family members • Categorisation will be by JCCC • Cat A – Travel as soon as possible • Cat B – Travel as soon as practicable • Consider adding additional UK NOK on JPA
Legal & Newcomers Briefs Kathy Bair & Emma Hart – Legal department for SACT Provide briefs for all newly arrived Service personnel and their spouses/partners, normally on 1st & 3rd Tues of each month. NATO also have a mandatory Newcomers briefing day, details of which are promulgated by email and on the SACT website.
Britlist • Once you have mobile phones and email set up, please complete Britlist data capture form, included in your housing pack and return to the NASG(TW)::
Arrivals Admin & Questionnaire • Please ensure that any paperwork relating to your pay is passed to the Chf Clk prior to the monthly pay run to avoid any delay in payment of allowances. • Complete and return your arrivals checklist. • Finally, when you have a free moment, please can we ask you to complete the arrivals questionnaire which can be found on the BayBrits.us website. It is anonomonus, but the findings will go a long way to helping us identify shortfalls in our processes as part of our Continuous Improvement programme.