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Learn about the imparfait (imperfect tense) in French, used to describe past habits, conditions, and ongoing actions. Includes conjugation rules and examples.
Le Passé Composé is used to describe completed actions of specific past events.
L’Imparfait is a past verb tense that is used to describe: • What people or things were like • Repeated or habitual actions in the past; what used to happen • General conditions in the past; to tell what was going on • Weather conditions
The imperfect can be translated as: …was/were ______(verb)______ ing or …used to ____(verb)___________
To form the imparfait: • Conjugate the verb in the present tense “nous” form. ex – regarder nous regardons 2. Drop the “-ons” to form the stem. regardons regard-
je -ais tu -ais il/elle/on -ait nous -ions vous -iez ils/elles -aient 3. Then, add the following endings:
Examples: écouter nous écoutons 2. stem écout
j’écoutais tu écoutais il écoutais nous écoutions vous écoutiez elles écoutaient 3. Add the following endings:
Examples: Où est-ce que tu habitais avant? J’habitais à Chicago. Qu’est-ce que vous faisiez à six heures? Nous finissions nos devoirs.
The imperfect can be translated as: Where did you live before? I lived (used to live) in Chicago. What were you doing at 6? We were finishing our homework.
Irregular Stems in the Imperfect: être ét- avoir av-
Examples: 1. Quand j’étais jeune, ma famille habitait à la campagne. 2. Quand nous avions huit ans, ma soeur et moi, nous faisions du roller en ligne. Can you translate these into English?