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History of American Civil Rights Movements

Explore the evolution of civil rights movements in America from Rosa Parks to the Black Panther Party, New Left to the Christian Right, and more. Learn about key events, ideologies, and groups that shaped the fight for equality and justice.

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History of American Civil Rights Movements

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  1. Department of Criminal Justice California State University - Bakersfield CRJU 477 Terrorism Dr. Abu-Lughod, Reem Ali The American Case

  2. Civil Rights Movement • Struggle for equality • Intrastate transportation • 1955 Birmingham, Alabama Rosa Parks • Martin Luther King • Collective nonviolence • Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Black Power • June 1966 civil rights activist James Meredith • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) led by Stokely Carmichael • Nation of Islam & Malcolm X • Advocating political independence • Black Panther Party for Self Defense

  4. New Left • “old left” orthodox Marxist ideologies, politics • New Left mid-1960s, anti war movement, civil rights mov’t, women’s rights, etc… • Students for a Democratic Society: direct action • Revolutionary Youth Mov’t: towards tailoring the orthodox ideologies

  5. New Left: challenge to American Mainstream • Became known as the “counterculture” • Left Wing T in America: (please be prepared to discuss some of the incidents) 1. Kent University in Ohio 2. Jackson State University in S.C.

  6. Leftist Radicals: Case in Point • The Black Panthers 1966 Oakland CA • Inspired by Malcolm X, Frantz Fanon and Mao Zedong • FBI Director Hoover: threat to domestic security • “disinformation” campaign

  7. Case in Point: • Weatherman group “weathermen” 1969 in Chicago • “crazies” • “Days of Rage” 4 days long • Bernardine Dohrn praised Charles Manson murders • Victims as “pigs” • Bombings: the Pentagon, Gulf Oil corporate headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA, Harvard war research center, U.S. Capitol, police stations, ROTC buildings, National Guard facilities

  8. The Symbionese Liberation Army • Mid 1970s, Donald DeFreeze • “Death to Fascist insect that preys upon the people” • 1974 Patricia Hearst kidnapped more than 50 days • Fugitive for more than a year • The Stockholm Syndrome

  9. Animal Liberation Front & Earth Liberation Front • ALF: protesting animal abuse • ELF: abandon criminal activities • Property damage and vandalism • Destruction of forest station in Oregon • Poisoning Mars candy bars

  10. The Christian Right: • Protestant fundamentalist • Conservative political environment of 1980s • President Ronald Reagan • Protests at abortion clinics

  11. Antigovernment Patriots: Please be prepared to discuss cases • Ruby Ridge, Idaho tragedy 1992 • Waco, TX tragedy 1993 • Create one-world government “New World Order” • The conspiracy theory

  12. The Christian Identity Creation Myth • Non-Whites: Mud People • Jews descended from Satan • Aryans the Chosen People

  13. White Aryan Resistance and The KKK (1800s) • White supremacy, racial tension • Neo-Nazi movement • Neo-Nazi T, Racial Holy War is Inevitable (RAHOWA)

  14. Army of God • Opposes abortion and homosexuality • Gay and lesbian targets • Abortion clinics Phineas Priesthood • Oppose abortion, homosexuality, interracial mixing, Whites who degrade White racial supremacy

  15. Concluding Remarks • The New T in The U.S. • Changing Face of T • Leftists and rightists ideologies • Historical underpinnings of T in America • Lynching, slavery and the Civil Rights

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