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Limericks. Alison Griepentrog & Taran Warren ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2010 4 th Grade. Alison Griepentrog Prewriting/Drafting. GPS - Prewriting
Limericks Alison Griepentrog & Taran Warren ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2010 4th Grade
Alison Griepentrog Prewriting/Drafting GPS - Prewriting ELA4W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
GPS - Drafting ELA4W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.
PLO • The student will complete a graphic organizer for a Limerick poem. • Students will write a draft using their graphic organizer.
Form of Writing Limerick: • Funny poem • 5 lines • A A B B A rhyme scheme • da DUM da da DUM da da DUM rhythm pattern (lines 1, 2, and 5) • da DUM da da DUM (lines 3 and 4)
Stage of Writing Prewriting: • Graphic organizer Drafting: • Ideas complete thoughts
Graphic OrganizerCarr, J. (n.d.). Teaching with poetry- limerick. Retrieved on March 30, 2010 from http://mysite.verizon.net/vzep5r12//id13.html Limerick Graphic Organizer There once was a man/woman named ______________________ Who __________________________________________________ He/She ________________________________________________ Then __________________________________________________ Now __________________________________________________
There was an old man of PeruWho dreamt he was eating his shoeHe woke in the night With a terrible frightTo find it was perfectly true. -Edward Lear Limericks. (2003, November 1). Retrieved on March 30, 2010 from http://www.poetry-online.org/limericks.htm
Practice Activity • Fill in the blanks. There once was a boy named Creg Who accidentally fell on an __________ . He slipped on the _____________ , then he broke his neck And now he limps on one ___________ .
Assessment Activity • Limerick Graphic Organizer • Draft
Taran Warren: Revising & Editing GPS ELA4W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student b. Revises selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text. c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.
Taran Warren: Revising & Editing PLO • Students will revise and edit their Limerick draft.
Form of Writing Limerick: • Rhyme? • Rhythm?
Limerick: Revise: • Refine: Add, Delete, Rearrange, Replace Edit: • Correct: Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics • Stage of Writing
There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, 'It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!‘ -Edward Lear Limericks. (2003, November 1). Retrieved on March 30, 2010 from http://www.poetry-online.org/limericks.htm
Practice Activity Their was an old boy named bill He walke really slow up a hil When he down fell his face was a frawn And then he went pu to tha mill
Assessment Activity • Revised/Edited Limerick: • AABBA • Correct Rhythm • Refined ideas • Correct Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics