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Next European Dipole (NED) Joint Research Activity. presented by A. Devred (CEA/Saclay) with contributions from E. Bayhnam (RAL), M. Chorowski (Wroclaw University), P. Fabbricatore (INFN/Genova), D. Leroy (CERN),
Next European Dipole (NED)Joint Research Activity presented by A. Devred (CEA/Saclay) with contributions from E. Bayhnam (RAL), M. Chorowski (Wroclaw University), P. Fabbricatore (INFN/Genova), D. Leroy (CERN), A. den Ouden (Twente University), J.M. Rifflet (CEA/Saclay), and G. Volpini (INFN/Milano-LASA) Archamps 18 March 2003
Contents • FP6 Background • NED Proposal
Contents • FP6 Background • NED Proposal
6th Framework Program • At the Lisbon Summit in March 2000, EU governments called for a better use of European research efforts through the creation of an internal market for science and technology. • FP6 is the financial instrument to help make this market a reality. • The total budget of FP6 is 17 500 millions euros to be distributed across the various fields of science and technology.
Structuring the European Research Area • Within FP6, 2 600 millions euros are dedicated to structuring the European Research Area, with 655 millions euros to support Research Infrastructures. • Support for Research Infrastructures is itself divided up into five domains, including: Integrated Activities (IA) and Design Studies (DS). • IA are aimed at supporting the integrated provision of infrastructure-related services to the research community at a European level. • DS are aimed at contributing to studies related to future facilities of European or World-wide significance.
Calls for IA Proposals • The total budget for IA is 250 millions euros, to be distributed in two runs. • The deadline for the first call (190 millions euros) is April 15, 2003. • The second call (60 millions euros) will take place at the end of 2004.
Preparing FP6 Proposals • In october 2002, ECFA has set-up the European Steering Group for Accelerator R&D (ESGARD) with the mandate of preparing FP6 proposals (http://esgard.lal.in2p3.fr). • The membership of ESGARD is: R. Aleksan (chair, CEA/DSM/DAPNIA), A. Antonelli (LNF), G. Guignard (secretary, CERN), H. Haseroth (CERN), P. Norton (CCLRC), F. Richard (IN2P3/Orsay), D. Trines (DESY) and A. Wrulich (PSI).
CARE Proposal • For the last few months, ESGARD has been actively working on a proposal of Intregrated Activies, nicknamed CARE (for Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe) to be submitted in April. • Following EU guidelines, CARE is made up of • 4 Networking Activities (NA), • 6 Joint Research Activities (JRA).
CARE NA’s • The 4 CARE NA’s are • management (mandatory, Roy Aleksan, CEA) • linear colliders: ELAN (François Richard, IN2P3-Orsay), • neutrino beams: BENE (Vittorio Palladino, INFN-Napoli), • proton accelerators: HEHIHB (Oliver Bruning, CERN).
CARE JRA’s • The six CARE JRA’s are • Superconducting Cavity Technology: SRFCAV (Dieter Proch, DESY), • Superconducting RF Technology: SRFTECH (Terry Garvey, IN2P3), • Photo Injector: PI (Andrea Ghigo, LNF) • High Intensity Pulsed Proton Injector: HIPPI (Roland Garoby, CERN) • High Field Magnets R&D: NED (Arnaud Devred, CEA), • Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory: MVL (Ferdinand Willecke, DESY).
More on CARE • At present, 95 European institutes have agreed to collaborate or be associated to CARE. • The total budget will be in excess of 40 millions euros, while the requested EU funding will be between 25 and 30 millions euros.
Contents • FP6 Background • NED Proposal
NED Objective • To promote accelerator magnet technology in Europe for LHC upgrade and beyond, by designing, manufacturing and testing a large-aperture, high-field superconducting dipole magnet model relying on high-performance Nb3Sn conductors and a reliable insulation scheme.
What do we need to do? (1/2) • Given the present State of the Art and the magnet requirements foreseen for LHC upgrade and for IR’s of future linear colliders with large crossing angles (such as 2nd IR of TESLA, NLC, CLIC…), we need • to revisit magnetic and mechanical designs to achieve enhanced performances with coils made from brittle conductors, • to address coil cooling issue under high beam losses,
What do we need to do? (2/2) • to promote high-performance Nb3Sn wire development in Europe (in particular, to stay abreast of American manufacturers), • to improve mechanical robustness and assess radiation hardness of Nb3Sn conductor insulation, • to put into practice all of the above in a demonstrator magnet that pushes the technology well beyond LHC limits.
Proposed Deliverables • Studies on magnetic and mechanical designs of high performance, Nb3Sn accelerator magnets, including conceptual design of a compact quadrupole. • Mechanical, radiation-hardness and heat-transfer studies on Nb3Sn conductor insulation. • A number of unit lengths of high-performance Nb3Sn cables, aiming at a non-Cu JC of 1500 A/mm2 at 4.2 K and 15 T. • A dipole magnet model, aiming at 15 T in a large aperture.
Dipole Magnet Model (1/2) • Such magnet could be used as a model for the LHC IR upgrade scenario where the beam-separation dipole magnets are localized ahead of the inner-triplet quadrupole magnets. • Itcomplements the LHC IR quadrupole magnet upgrade program proposed in the USA. (Courtesy O. Bruning, CERN)
Dipole Magnet Model (2/2) • In addition, such magnet could be used to upgrade an existing superconducting cable test facility (such as the FRESCA facility at CERN, presently limited to 10 T). • Such facility could provide services to the entire applied superconductivity community. (Courtesy A. Verweij, CERN)
NED Program • The Program is articulated around six Work Packages addressing the aforementioned needs • Management and Communication (M&C) • Magnetic and Mechanical Design Optimization (MMDO) • Thermal Studies and Quench Protection (TSQP) • Conductor Development (CD) • Insulation Development and Implementation (CDI) • Model Magnet Fabrication and Test (MMF&T)
Contributors • 7 institutes have agreed to collaborate to NED • CCLRC (RAL), GB • CEA/DSM/DAPNIA (CEA), France • CERN, Int. • INFN/Milano-LASA (INFN-Mi), Italy • INFN/Genova (INFN-Ge), Italy • University of Twente (TEU), the Netherlands • University of Wroclaw (WUT), Poland.
Task Sharing (1/1) • CEA (Jean-Michel Rifflet) will coordinate the efforts on Magnetic and Mechanical Design Optimization (MMDO), with the involvement of CCLRC (conceptual design of compact quadrupole magnet). • INFN-Mi (Giovanni Volpini) will coordinate the efforts on Thermal Studies and Quench Protection (TSQP), with the involvement of CEA (heat transfer measurements) and WUT (coil cooling scheme optimization). • CERN (Daniel Leroy) will coordinate the efforts on Conductor Development (CD), while CEA, INFN-Ge, INFN-Mi and TEU will carry out needed wire and cable characterizations. • CCLRC (Elwyn Baynham) will coordinate the efforts on Insulation Development and Implementation (IDI), with the involvement of CEA (“innovative” insulation). • TEU (Andries den Ouden) will coordinate the efforts on Model Magnet Fabrication & Test (MMF&T) and will manufacture the coils, CEA will integrate the coils into the cold mass and the model magnet will be cold-tested at CERN.
Cost Estimate (1/2) • The main costs are • additional staff needed to carry out the various tasks, • wire and cable development, which will be subcontracted to a maximum of three European companies (potential subcontractors are: Alstom/MSA, Europa Metalli, Vac, Outokumpu and SMI), • tooling and components for model magnet, • travel.
Cost Estimate (2/2) • The total cost of the Program is estimated around 6.5 millions euros (including 44.5 FTE’s). • The requested EU finding is 3.8 millions euros.
Schedule • If approved, the Program will start on January 1st, 2004 and will run over a 5-year period. • The design studies are foreseen to run from 01/04 to 12/05. • The conductor development is foreseen to run from 07/04 to 12/06. • Coils will be manufactured at TEU in 2007, cold mass will be assembled at CEA in the first semester of 2008, and magnet will be cold tested at CERN in August 2008.