Bellringer Quickwrite Elements of Literature p. 188 Most arguments can be settled when people agree to talk or compromise, but some disagreements become so bitter that they last for many years. Indeed, some regions of the world have been locked in conflict for generations. Write down a few examples of feuds that have torn families or even countries apart. What keeps such bitter hatred alive?
Complete a vocabulary Preview Assignment Replace each synonym with the correct vocabulary word • I've waited over an hour she said in annoyance. • To seal our making up, we shook hands. • At the memorial service, we offered our sympathy. • The rescue worker’s comforting words provided relief to the terrified child. • A steep trail ran up the mountain. • “It’s you who arrived late,” he replied sharply. • Those gangs are terrorizing their neighbors. • After a bout of the flu, I was overcome with weakness. • The devoted monks prayed continuously. • Both teams agreed to the new rules of the game.
Take Notes on apostrophes Using Index Cards L.IV – 5 Demonstrate correct use of an apostrophe Contraction Are combinations of two words that leave out certain letters Ex. 1 It’s going to be a great day! (It is) Ex. 2. We’re going to Trussville are y’all coming? (We are) (You all)
Take Notes on apostrophes Using Index Cards L.IV – 5 Demonstrate correct use of an apostrophe Possessive Pronoun The words It is are contracted into it’s. However, if it Acts as a possessive pronoun, the word changes to its Ex. 1 Make sure the dog eats its food while were gone. Ex. 2 Its six o’clock and all’s well.
Discuss Morals Message about how we should live our lives Read “The Trapper Trapped” EL p. 195 Identify the moral of the story. In your notes, identify the moral of the story, “The Interlopers.”
Homework Grammar and Language Workbook Pages 277-278 Read “The Interlopers” Study vocabulary words And Apostrophe notes